Pan-Gotic Union

As the aides collected the cards, they quickly counted them at the clerks tables at the head of the room. One came to Årnad and leaned in to whisper something.

Årnad stood.

"We have reached quorum. Andrenne shall be reinstated once their representative has informed the Union of its signing of the required treatises."
Frida Teigland leaned forward just a bit to speak into her mic and address the PGU caucus.

"Assembled PGU delegates. My country has watched with concern as increasing political instability has gripped the Republic of Callise in southern Craviter. Within the last twenty-four hours a leftist coalition of parties has seized power of that country's legislator and have forced through a new constitution. While Callise's governance is an internal matter the Kingdom of Prydania remains concerned that this could represent the first step in attempt by Callisean socialists to impose their will beyond their borders. Already they have attempted to freeze capital flight, efforts that have resulted in foreign economic assets and property being placed under the control of the socialist-dominated Callisean government. Given the history of Callise's revolutionary regimes on Craviter and the dominant party of their ruling socialist coalition's own stated dislike of our government, the Royal Prydanian Armed Forces have risen the National Service alert level and have mobilization along defensive lines. It is because of this that I, His Majesty's government's representative to this body, am asking for PGU forces to join us in watching the Callisean situation and to consider deploying to Craviter in the event that the revolutionary regime in Callise attempts to impose its will beyond its borders or against citizens and property not its own."
John Largan made his way slowly into the chamber, looking at all of the delegates around him. He himself had resigned just a few years before the PGU was founded, and he certainly would have put entry on the top of his list were he still the Forethane... still, applying in the first place as a major step for Esthursia, even if it was a little later than John would have preferred. Reaching the microphone, and clearing his throat, he decided to put his mind back on track.

Putting that minor grievance aside, he rifled through his notes, and then began.

"Good evening. I am John Largan, the reeve for international co-operation from across the Consence* in Esthursia, here to make known the application of my government to the Pan-Gotic Union. The Union of Esthursia is fundamentally a culturally Gotic nation and has been for a millennium now, and both its history and its present are closely and irrevocably intertwined with fellow Gotic nations and culture. Esthursia shares the PGU's core values of stability, unity, protection of human rights and the preservation of the rule of democratic law, and it will work tirelessly in conjunction with your nations here to maintain and safeguard those principles, and it is a proud signatory to the Savattenstad and Saintes accords. I'd be happy to respond to and answer any queries that any of you all have on the Esthursian nation or its application; furthermore, and importantly therewith, Esthursia and its government look forward to hopefully co-operating with you all for many years to come. Thank you." Standing back slightly, putting his hands behind his back and signalling that he had finished his introduction by taking a singular backwards step, awaiting response.

Consence: referring to the Consence Ocean, the Esthurs' name for the central ocean west of Esthursia separating it (and Auroria) from the western world
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Frida Teigland leaned forward ever so slightly into her mic.
"My fellow PGU delegates, the Kingdom of Prydania would like to voice its support for Esþursia's admittance. Their Gotic heritage, through our own kinship, is a historical reality. My government also wishes to add that Esþursia, beyond the ethnic considerations, embodies the values we in the PGU share and have worked to propagate."
Helevjsse Vremjnett, the Kalivese foreign secretary, entered into the chamber, her aides in tow.

"Greetings, honorable PGU Delegates. Kaliva has had a long and storied history, rooted in Gotic culture and heritage. Some of the first cultures to ever inhabit modern-day Kaliva were Gotics who migrated up north from what is now Xentheridia many millennia ago. Furthermore, the Kalivese Republic has had strong cultural and political ties to Prydania, a member of the Pan-Gotic Union, ever since the Viking Age. In 2022, the Kalivese Republic signed on as a founding member of the Menningarsamfélag Prydanski, or Prydanian Cultural Community. This shared history, along with our desire to increase international cooperation and assist in the promotion of a safer Eras is why I, Foreign Secretary Vremjnett, am here to officially submit an application for membership in the Pan-Gotic Union. Thank you for allowing me to speak today, and we will be eagerly awaiting your response."
I'm going to move this along as a mod.

[b]Admit Esþursia as a member?:[/b] < Aye | Nay | Abstain >

[b]Admit Kalivia as a member?:[/b] < Aye | Nay | Abstain >
Nation: Gotmark
Admit Esþursia as a member?: < Nay >

Nation: Gotmark
Admit Kalivia as a member?: < Nay >
Nation: The United Clans of Essalanea
Admit Esþursia as a member?: < Aye >

Nation: The United Clans of Essalanea
Admit Kalivia as a member?: < Aye >
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Nation: The Imperial Goyanean Federation
Admit Esþursia as a member?: < Nay >

Nation: The Imperial Goyanean Federation
Admit Kalivia as a member?: < Abstain >
Six nations voted in the designated period. That sets a threshold for approval for four. Esþursia did not receive four Aye votes, coming in at 3. Kalivia did come in with four votes though, and so Kalivia will be admitted into the PGU.
Cosona, Xentherida.

Hugo Stöcker adjusted his thin wire frame glasses and quickly swiped his hand over his bald head as he walked down the aisle towards his seat, his aides trailing close behind him. A stern, neutral look, his signature, was the only thing that came through on his face. This would be his second assignment in the last two years, an unfortunate byproduct of the tragic stillbirth of the ECG*. And much to his surprise and his dismay, that disappointing outcome, did not lead to his permanent retirement but instead, reassignment.

After a terse call from the Foreign Office in Erlagen and a few back-and-forth emails to the Foreign Minister, he had finally been convinced to take the assignment albeit with a steep increase from his original salary and pension.

He was in Xentherida in a matter of hours and prepared thoroughly for the battle ahead, having spent weeks prior while in-country preparing for today.

Erika, his most trusted aide, passed Stöcker as he reached his seat, placing the diplomat's briefcase on the desk in front of him.

"Your documents and materials are all in there Herr Ambassador," She gestured towards the case. "Do you need anything else?"

Stöcker not moving his eyes, looked her up and down and cracked a small smile.

"No thank you, Erika, I'll be alright." He said softly, pulling out a collection of notes and other items from his case and arranging them in an orderly fashion on the desk in front of him.

She gave a him quick smile back, her face blushing just enough to be noticeable, before quickly turning around to organize the rest of the aides.

After getting himself organized, Stöcker found his desk's microphone and pulled it towards himself, eyeing the other expectant-looking delegates of the alliance. His face had resumed its usual sternness.

He tapped the "ON-Button" of the microphone and tapped on the tip three times, testing the audio before he spoke.

"Delegates of the most excellent Pan-Gotic Union, the Kingdom of Waltalriche applauds this body for the peace and stability it has brought to the Gotic community and must give its infinite gratitude for allowing myself as a representative to speak here on the Kingdom's behalf today. I am Hugo Stöcker, the former Ambassador of Waltalriche to Goyanes, and Commission President of the Economic Community of Gothis.

Today, I am seated before you all to request the admittance of the Kingdom of Waltalriche to the PGU, post-haste. Waltalriche is historically, culturally, and politically deeply connected to its Gotic identity as well as its Gotic friends and allies. So, to further our unity as a Gotic people with the other great Gotic states, we seek to join this great organization which stands as the greatest monument to that unity. Bringing to the table not only a vibrant and thriving culture built on traditional Gotic values but a booming economy built on strong trade between our Gotic brothers and a strong military that seeks to protect this continent from any threat to its peace and stability.

Brotherhood and Unity, above all are so important to us as we enter the latter half of this decade and for that reason, the Kingdom of Waltalriche seeks to secure the bonds between Gotic states and secure the future of its people for a more peaceful and prosperous age of inter-gotic cooperation. For those reasons, I humbly submit to you this request for admission and will answer any questions you have for me."
Archibald Løfgren coughed himself awake, noting a not so insignificant amount of dust gathered around his glasses. He blew on them before putting them on. He leaned in to speak into his mic, his spine cracking as he did, "A rather interesting proposition after years of isolation. Is there good reason why Waltariche has chosen now of all times to join?"
Stöcker smiled and quickly nodded toward the old man, returning his gaze to the center. "The Kingdom of Waltalriche feels as though with the conclusion of the conflict in Dučrijeka and with the increasingly connected nature of the Gotic world, it would be in the best interest of the Kingdom to join the Union now.

Seeing as we seek to further the cause of peace and unity on Gothis, and bridge the gap between the two ends of the continent (that being the east and west) which Waltalriche currently separates. In a sense, we believe that we can be a bridge to a more connected Gothis and by extension a more connected Gotic community."
Sitting at the council chamber was a middle-aged, brown-haired woman, Breochtife Æscfoord, the diplomat that was chosen to represent the Eiyglish government in the PGU. She sits with a calm demeanour, but within is a cold, disturbed shiver through her spine as she listens to Stöcker’s words. This wasn’t anything Æscfoord had expected in her five years as the realm’s representative in the Union. But then again, no one else expected this either, for as far as the government, from the High Chancellery and the Foreign Office, to ambassadors and consuls knew, Waltalriche was a theocratic authoritarian regime. Standards of living were adequate, according to public knowledge and intelligence reports from the Staatsfeiligheidsdiynst*, but this was outweighed by the country’s government structure, the lack of many rights and freedoms, and the appalling human rights record. All of this meant that Waltalriche wasn’t merely under authoritarian rule, or that it posed a potential threat to PGU allies like Andrenne, its government was antithetical to what are sometimes described as Eiyglish values; the West Gotic country in Auroria is a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy, a nation that is largely secular, mostly tolerant, meritocratic, and a welfare state. The manner in which the Waltalricher monarch and the clergy maintained their control and the many values espoused by the regime were and are opposite to what many, though not all, in Eiygland believe.

Æscfoord would listen in until Stöcker gave out the ostensible reason for Waltalriche’s application. She had intended to wait for more representatives to speak out for or against it. Hearing this, she would abide no longer and turned to the microphone to speak.

“We in Eiygland are not convinced that Walteriche has the interests of the Gotic community at heart,” she bespoke in her accented, but clear Mercanti. “Hieer Stöcker says that his country seeks to foster peace and unity within Gothis, that they seeks a ‘more peaceful and prosperous age’ of ‘cooperation’ between member-states of this Union. Yet, the reality falls short of such aspirational goals. Honourable members, this is a nation that is deemed hostile to Andrenne, a fellow member-state. Why is this? It is because Waltalriche is governed under an authoritarian regime, a state which is controlled by its King and its Courantist clergy, which together curtail its citizen’s freedoms and cruelly suppresses human rights.”

She continues: “It aligns itself with states that likewise authoritarian, some of which the most repressive and tyrannical in this world,” she takes care not to refer to any such country by name. “Waltalriche’s actions in the past and present are contrary to the purpose of establish peace and unity with any nation, let alone with other Gotic nations. It’s the opinion of Her Majesty’s Government that the presence of Waltalriche in the Union would be to the detriment of the Union, and by extension, the interests of the Gotic community as a whole. Therefore, we in Eiygland are strongly opposed to the Waltalricher application.”

Æscfoord would take a sip of water as she finishes speaking, awaiting a response from other representatives in the council chamber.

*Staatsfeiligheiddlsdiynst (State Security Service): Eiygland's foreign and domestic intelligence agency.
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The bald diplomat smiled once again, remaining unphased by the accusations. "The Kingdom of Waltalriche's unique system of government is in line with the traditional values of its society, which perhaps to outsiders may seem 'illiberal' or 'authoritarian' when in reality they are simply another way of organizing the checks and balances of our society in the same vein as other nations in this body (Maloria and the Vestrugat), though I will spare you a lesson on our democracy and its facets, as even our legal scholars have difficulty at times understanding it (Unless you'd like me to explain it)." Stöcker glanced at one of the papers on his desk, which had pictured on the front a winding graphical image of the Waltalricher system, sensical nonsense of sorts that stood out in a room full of rather plain constitutional monarchies, he had anticipated the confusion.

"However, the accusations of curtailing freedoms and the suppression of human rights, once again I will say are inaccurate. Freedoms in Waltalriche such as the freedom to speak and assemble are protected, opposition parties play an active role in our politics on both ends of the spectrum and you are free to live your life so long as you follow the laws of the Kingdom. I will not say our society and culture are for everyone, and it takes a particular kind of person who has lived their whole life in Waltalriche to fully understand what I mean by that.

We do not seek and have never sought to spread our form or our understanding of the world, as we understand that in truth form of government is for us and us alone. Yet, we also understand that in this world of connection, our people need to stand by our Gotic brothers, no matter their way of viewing the world, to ensure the safe continuation of continental peace.

I will too remind the representative from Eiygland, that the Kingdom of Waltalriche was one of the strongest non-PGU opponents of the mass slaughter that occurred in Dučrijeka, them being our direct neighbors. That and our commitment to the advocacy against those atrocities raised the ire of the other member state you discussed having concerns. We being a state committed to the humanitarian causes of the Courantist Church, have done all we can to support our brothers and avoid conflict at all costs, something I will once again remind you coincides with the fact that our armies have not seen military conflict since the Fascist Wars.

We understand that Western Gotics, in many ways have different values and understandings of the world. However, this body is for all Gotics not simply those who fit a very specific lens that already doesn't cover existing members of this honorable organization. For that reason, I humbly submit that you reconsider your opposition."

Stöcker looked around the desk for a water bottle of some kind, and after a quick search having found nothing, he flagged down Erika who quickly went to retrieve him a drink before the next question came.
Jurgen Maylander was the latest in a long succession of ambassadors to the PGU, the alliances combustible nature made regular substitutions a prudent decision. Jurgen had been chosen for, among other things, his ability to be diplomatic in ways that few of his kinsfolk were capable of. He was no stranger to authoring compromises between warring clans, but the PGU represented a challenge far above cattle wars and blood feuds, the nations here made the clan disputes seem cordial.

“Always remember, the clans will war and quarrel but always in the open, the men and women in the PGU will smile to your face and stab you in the back” Jurgens predecessor had cautioned

He didn’t know how accurate that statement was, the Prydanians and Gotmarkers all seemed pleasant enough, but then there was Andrenne and Waltalriche. The latter had proven a dishonorable nation, one whose genocidal act at Kosada had shocked the world, the other was an isolationist hermit with bouts of zealotry and authoritarianism an all-too-common sight. It would have been hard to find more disagreeable colleagues.

The directives from the grand moot and the high king had been blunt “maintain balance and don’t give either side any guarantees” the reasoning was obvious; the clans had no interest in being pulled into a protracted dispute. They would present the facts as they saw them and then let the other members decide. With that in mind the ambassador stroked his moustache thoughtfully and then rose to speak.

“Honored representatives of the PGU, the representatives of the kingdom of Waltalriche have come before us expressing a desire to deepen ties of brotherhood and solidarity. As my esteemed colleagues have pointed out Waltalriche has a complex political makeup, one often deemed authoritarian by their critics, I am not asking you to like them, but I do wonder if we are being hasty in our condemnations, do we not also have several empires in our ranks, my own land is ruled by a series of chieftains that many would instead call warlords, and then there is Andrenne. We welcomed the Andrennians back to this alliance, despite their crimes during the ducrijeckan war and while they were still under the rule of a military junta, I am not here to discuss whether this was right or wrong, I will however simply say that if a member state with such an egregious record of militarism and atrocities is allowed a seat at this table, by what logical right do we bar membership to a nation that has not engaged in an active conflict since the 1950s? I’m not saying roll out the rug without conditions, I am saying give them a fair hearing” with his speech concluded Jurgen returned to his seat

He sighed and wished he had a pipe at hand, he fully expected that the room would soon explode into one of the shouting matches that were all too common for the PGU. He hoped it wouldn’t be his speech, but he knew it would come all too soon regardless.
It had been a couple years since he had been assigned to this post. Sometimes, Field Marshal Samuel Karlberg missed his regular duties at the Army, but considering he had helped negotiate an end to Andrenne's suspension within the PGU, the reinstated civilian government had found it prudent to maintain his position here. He cleared his throat and leaned into his microphone.

"Fellow delegates of the Union, I cannot state in clearer terms that the admission of Waltalriche would be the greatest mistake ever committed by the Pan-Gotic Union. I will speak more on this in a moment, but the delegation from Essalanea has brought up something that I wish to speak on first... We deeply appreciated the end of our suspension, and we are well aware of the atrocities committed under the previous regime, but we are not still a nation run by a tyrant king. We prosecuted those responsible, and we continue to prosecute those who were involved... It has been some years since I attended church service, but my local bishop once said, "the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father". The sins of our fathers are not ours, this was the case in the 50s, after the Fascist War, and that is the case now. With that being said I must now move on to my next topic,"

He let that sit for a moment, then continued.

"The delegation from Waltalriche is not here with good intent. They are not here in the name of cultural cooperation. They are here in an effort to spite the nations that spurn their blatantly fascist regime, to worm their way into the Pan-Gotic Union, and to force the outside world to cooperate with them. They can shrug off the term "fascist" as much as they'd like, they can claim they're democratic and simply care for tradition, but actions speak louder than words. Waltalriche is run by a near-theocratic fascist regime that regularly indoctrinates it's own citizens into believing that not having civil rights is good for them. The PGU did not tolerate Andrenne when it was taken over by a megalomaniac with desires of fascism, and it should not tolerate Waltalriche, who has maintained their authoritarian, blatantly anti-democratic regime for decades upon decades. The annexation of Aarbeke, a blatant violation of national sovereignty done under false pretenses through a rigged referendum should, on it's own, be enough to disqualify their entrance into this union. Thank you."

Sam leaned back in his seat and looked down at his notes... He always had the nuclear option if this didn't convince his colleagues.
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Stöcker took a deep breath and turned to the Esslan delegate first, his face was serious and neutral.

"I would first like to thank the Essalanean delegation for their open-mindedness and willingness to acknowledge the reality of the situation. Waltalriche is a nation that seeks peace and understanding despite some minor cultural and political differences that in fact aren't truly unique or new to the Union. Waltalrichers, like Essalaneans, understand the importance of obligation and value these sorts of connections above all and for that reason to further fulfill our responsibilities and duties to our Gotic brothers we are seeking to join this honorable body."

He smiled, turning his head toward the Andrennian delegate next, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he was almost giddy with excitement for what he was about to say.

If Waltalrichian culture is indoctrination to the Andrennians, I don't know what to say other than that we hope that one day the Andrennian delegation adopts a less xenophobic and hostile attitude to people who are living under their own rules and laws in the same way the rest of their allies do. This comes from someone who personally finds the militarism of Andrenne to be jarring, but I would never presume to tell their citizens how they should want their country to be operated, especially one with a free democratic system. (Unless it harmed those outside of itself) A free system that Waltalriche has as well, which can be testified to both by those living with Waltalriche and those from outside as well and while it's not perfect, no system is, so of course, there will be issues. However, the Kingdom has always tried to work to ensure a fair and balanced society for all Waltalrichers.

It's a great tragedy that you use Aarbeke to somehow disqualify us when in reality they just like our people chose this system through referendum and the democratic process. When the Republic of Aarbeke was on death's door we assisted them, and by bringing them into the fold we protected them from total economic and societal collapse in the wake of the Gottian conflict which no other party including the ones that had technically created the state were able to provide for it. So out of our obligation to our Courantist and Alemanic brothers, we allowed them into our Kingdom took up their cross for them, and gave them the ability to refine and strengthen their democratic systems within Waltalriche. Something which was done through our Kingdom's insistence on destroying any remnant of fascist presence in the region which could have still lingered there to this day if not for our involvement.

In essence, Waltalriche assisted in destroying the final remnants of Fascism on Gothis, and in doing so saved a nation on the edge of oblivion. We saved them and now somehow we're supposed to be their great oppressors? What a load of malarkey."
There was very little time between Stöcker's last words and Karlberg's next words. His voice rose. It wasn't quite yelling but the conversation, if one could call it that, was clearly getting heated.

"Mr. Stöcker, you are manipulating my words. This is not matter of some supposed form of xenophobia, you are blatantly attempting to manipulate the delegates of the Pan-Gotic Union with pre-rehearsed shlock and I simply won't have it. Aarbeke was never on death's door-- it was snatched from it's cradle before it had a chance to grow into a prosperous nation. Andrenne knows of no prominent fascist movement that existed within Aarbeke following the Gotmark War. This is something that Waltalriche would have known were it actually involved in the war that put an end to the Himdach regime in Gottia. Waltalriche was never a savior, it was a bully looking for an easy target."

He paused, frowning.

"I have to ask, Mr. Stöcker, do you have anything to back up any of your statements except your own word? Anything from a neutral third party? Can you prove without a doubt that the people of Aarbeke genuinely and legitimately wanted to join Waltalriche? Or that the people of Waltalriche enjoy the civil rights that so many others do? As far as I can tell, every word that has exited your mouth since you entered these chambers has been a bold-faced lie and- and frankly it disgusts me. Let me be entirely transparent here: Andrenne would rather dissolve this union then ever let Waltalriche join and there is not a single thing in the world you could say to change our inevitable vote against Waltalriche's entry. I'm sure that when I am finished speaking you'll break out into some horrible spiel about how everything I said is wrong and you'll reprise the same script about how Waltalriche is entirely innocent and free, but the truth of the matter is that Waltalriche is a blatantly malicious actor on the world stage and so long as their current regime is still in power that will never change. Waltalriche will continue to manipulate every nation and person it can, and my advice for the rest of the delegates gathered here today is simple-- don't fall for it."
Steinbjorn Olæsson was the new Goyanean representative to the PGU. Årnad, the storied several-time PGU chancellor, resigned in order to pick up the leadership role at the National Union Party, and later the imperial chancellery, Steinbjorn had to take the ropes at the PGU. A shrewd and capable negotiator, he rose through the ranks of the diplomatic service until landing a job as one of the delegation leads at the PGU for the past few years. This was his first major deliberation since becoming Goyanes’ representative, and fortune had given him a contentious one.

Sitting in the room, listening to the Essalaneans question Stöcker and then the back and forth with his colleague Karlberg from Andrenne, he calculated his response. He glanced at the points written on the yellow notepad in front of him. And then off to the wobbly-looking cube he drew next to it while Stöcker went in circles defending a lost cause. However, in all of this debate, Steinbjorn noted that nobody had brought up one crucial matter. “Who would want to defend these fools?” he thought to himself.

Karlberg wrapped up his statement, letting Steinbjorn finally chime in.

“While I welcome the desire to join this union by Waltalriche, I am afraid that Goyanes is of the position that they should not be part of this union. This venerable union rose out of the alliance that eradicated Syndicalist tyranny in Prydania. One that would be greatly dishonored by admitting a despot dictatorship, one that represents some of the worst the international Gotic community has to offer. I agree with the points brought forward by Mr. Karlberg. The Aarbeke annexation was one not driven by any moral obligation to charity, but rather for a land-hungry desire to control naval access to the Naesser Sea. Additionally, it has been known by the Goyanean intelligence community that the referendum was fraudulent in several ways, with inconsistencies and irregularities in the counting and certification process.”

He glanced back at his notes before continuing.

“Next, I want to address the injustice of hiding behind Courantist religious obligations to advance Waltalriche’s political agenda. I may not speak for all Messianists, but using the word of the Lord to systematically strip citizens of their civic and personal rights is deeply disturbing. Especially in the context of large Courantist nations such as Ceretis and my own Goyanes, that while Courantist, have advanced democracy and rights around the world. But more, I feel for those in Waltalriche who live in constant fear of repression and government crackdowns, while freedom rings only mere miles away in the rest of Gothis.”

“Finally, I raise this question, not only for ourselves, but for every delegation in this room. Membership in the PGU entails a degree of military cooperation and mutual defense in certain scenarios. And I fear that Waltalriche is a nation that frankly, Goyanes could never muster up troops to defend, at least with its current situation. Other nations in this room would not pose the same dilemma for us. We have to be honest with ourselves here. I second Mr. Karlberg’s words here. See through this obvious attempt to manipulate this union with fictitious information.”

“I yield.”
"Heimurinn er vampíra."

That was an old phrase Anders Osbernsen's mother had told him whenever things got hard. Any setback, however minor, was a reminder that the world extracted a toll as a consequence of existing in it.

Then the Syndicalists came. The War came. And if heimurinn er vampíra then the Nosferatu was gorging on Prydanian blood.

Anders had been one of the more pragmatic members of William Aubyn's inner circle and, later, provisional government.
Most people thought pragmatism was devoid of sentimentality, but that wasn't true. As Anders saw it, it was just reserved for those that had earned it.

Goyanes had earned it. Xentherida had earned it. Maloria had earned it.

Andrenne had earned it.

He glanced over at the Andrennian delegation. That blue banner with the white saltire.

When he was pinned down in a half collapsing building after his FRE unit had been hammered by Syndicalist artillery... it was an arm with that flag patch that had pulled him out. It was trucks with the Andrennian roundel that had helped provide food, water, and blankets to his home town in rural Eiderwig.

The nations that had formed the nucleus of the PGU had earned Anders' sentimentality. They had helped the FRE drive the stake through the vampire's heart.

What a journey that has precipitated. He'd gone from a dumb kid trying to defend his family and home to someone leading armed insurgents to a trusted member of William Aubyn's inner circle to Minister of the Interior after the War.

He'd lost his seat as a þingmaður* in 2021, a victim of the surging Peace not Blood "pink wave." Still, his Conservatives ended up in coalition with the upstart party, and the Peace not Blood PM, Kjell Svane, was given Osbernsen's name on a list of potential people to consider when Prydania found itself needing a new PGU Ambassador.

So here he was.

And despite the best efforts of many nations in this room, the vampire killed in the summer of 2017 just begat another one. Or was it the same one?

Heimurinn er vampíra

There was always a toll. Always something to feed on, to drain.

Waltalriche wanted in? They wanted to dredge up their feud with Andrenne and plop it in all of their laps?

Where was Waltalriche when the Syndicalists rose, after all? For all of the friendship shown between Anders III and Maximillian I, did Waltalriche send soldiers, guns, tanks, and aid? Did they help the FRE liberate the country? No.

Andrenne had though.

He remembered seeing that Andrennian flag patch through the rubble as he grabbed that arm...

Still, Waltalriche's delegation wasn't the only one getting on his nerves. There were people here he agreed with, but he just had no time for pretensions. He really was a bad diplomat. Kristur*, why'd they choose him for this job? Still... it's not like the Eiyglish had helped during the War either...

He double checked his notes, to make doubly sure he knew what his government would want him to say.

He did sigh a sigh of relief when Steinbjorn Olæsson had mentioned the inherent moral issues with admitting a dictatorship into a union born out of his own country's struggles with... well... dictatorship. It meant he didn't have to be the one to bring it up.

"The people of Prydania fought too long and too hard to forge our own destiny to have any pretence towards another people's right to self determination," he said. His Mercanti accent wasn't as strong as a typical Prydanian from Austurland's would be. It betrayed his more cosmopolitan higher education in Býkonsviði. He adjusted his brown-framed glasses.

"We have no desire to interject ourselves into diplomatic dispute between Andrenne and Waltalriche, or even to dictate to the
people of Waltalriche how their government should function. But we have a vested interest in this union, its continued mission, and its continued vitality. Waltalriche's membership would compromise that. We would caution against."

At the end of the day the government had done the math. If Waltalriche joined the PGU then Andrenne could very well abandon it.

And while Prydania was not as adverse to working with Waltalriche as Andrenne was, it wouldn't sacrifice Andrennian PGU membership for it. No. That's not how you treated kin that was there for you.

Maybe Anders III would have made that trade, but a different Anders was calling the shots from Prydania's desk here.

*þingmaður- MP
*Kristur- Christ

The World is a Vampire by Violet Orlandi, 4:57
Stöcker remained calm, shifted through his notes, and pulled out a picture from his suitcase. It was a somewhat large, folded graphic of Waltalriche's recent score on the Democracy Index, a 7.4 (A flawed democracy). Holding up the graph before the whole body.

"We have plenty of outsider testimony as to the democratic nature of our system as you can see here we have recently been rated as a "flawed democracy" by Sulvener something notable as that organization is Sutherlandish and from a worldview outside the Waltalrichian one and puts us in line with plenty of the other democracies in this room. I could if you want, fill the seats of this chamber tomorrow with dozens of people from my country who can attest to the nation's principles and its freedoms. I in addition could have people from Aarbeke, where I worked and was stationed previously at the headquarters of the ECG who were there during the events of that December in 1993. However, I know that for some unfortunate reason, these polarizers continue to baselessly scandalize and accuse my nation when it has done nothing wrong and has done a net good for the continent in quashing fascism and taking in our brother in their hours of need.

I will not be lectured on malicious actorship either, by individuals who were suspended from this body not for the sins of their fathers but for the crimes of their brothers a la 'Am I my brother's keeper?'. However, I digress.

This as the Goyanian delegation said is an organization devoted to all Gotics and the advancement and prosperity of our collective peoples. Yet I find myself being judged by two forces today that seemingly in a unilateral fashion have decided the outcome, and remain decided no matter the evidence put to the contrary. Which would be fine, in any other alliance, but the Pan-Gotic-Union? It truly is a sad display, to see such a round rejection of brotherhood for no reason other than a political grudge forged from a valid and justified condemnation of genocide.

Which is in essence being obfuscated, by members of the Pact via accusations of tyranny and fascism that are nothing more than thinly veiled xenophobia, and anti-waltalrichian prejudice on one end. Compounded even deeper by the stab in the ribs by a fellow Courantist state, which has seemingly forgotten that we serve that same God and Church, which we follow and abide by closely, and instead of any kind of understanding as a neighbor or as a brother in Christ has sold us down the river for a non-existent display of righteousness."

Stöcker projected a little louder, not shouting but simply annunciating clearly and boldly.

"Andrenne does not control this body and neither does Goyanes. Yet, the fact that both seemingly consider their presence to be a deal-breaking part of this body stinks of arrogance, when this organization is more than just those two, and in reality, I will say for the umpteenth time is for all Gotic peoples. So even if we lose out on being confirmed that, I believe shows something more tragic about this body that it would be in effect nothing more than a sphere divided in two by these powers rather than something truly multilateral and independent which it can be if the rest of the delegates here allow for it to be.

We are blood, and to betray blood in this way is to open a wound that does not close."
Heavar Staufenberg remembered what the late Emperor Sherwin had told him when he was appointed as representative to the PGU. “Every alliance built on shared identity, be that cultural or political or ideological will eventually collapse under its own weight. The more members they allow in, the more by necessity they will have to compromise their principles, and the more their shared identity becomes less shared among its members.”

He had been surprised when the late emperor had said that. Heavar had never met the man before that day, though had served in his mother’s government for a long time. “Then why is the Imperial Federation joining?” he’d asked bluntly, forgetting decorum for a moment in his shock.

“It serves our purpose,” Sherwin had answered. “For the time being, anyways.”

And thus began his nearly eight years long service in the PGU halls, a posting that at times seemed superfluous to the Vestrugat’s foreign policy. He knew Sherwin had felt their membership in the union important, though he didn’t know what the current emperor’s opinion on the matter was. When Irwin had ascended the throne Heavar had received a royal directive to continue as before. The only communication he’d received directly from the new administration. All new instructions he’d received since had come from the High Chancellor or the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

His frustration with what so far had been a pointless appointment had grown over the years, and this current bout of bickering worsened his irritation. What purpose did he serve as a delegate to a union that the vast majority of Vestrugatters neither knew they were in nor cared? But he was a loyal servant to the Esplandian monarch and he would do his job.

Heavar cleared his throat and spoke.

“Mr. Stöcker, the Vestrugat is a far distance from the rest of the PGU nations most of which are here on Gothis, or on Craviter, Collandris, and Northern Meterra and thus we don't always understand the local politics. Yet your submission for membership seems to have stirred up concerns among other members of this body. Thus, self serving as it may sound, the question must be asked, what benefit would the admission of your nation have that would outweigh the concerns of other members? Another way to ask, what would the admission of Waltalriche do for the Vestrugat at risk of alienating our current allies?

“I don’t believe your nation decided to submit an application without knowing there would be blowback. Without retreading too much over ground covered by others here, I would like to know in more detail what your government's primary reasons for joining the PGU are? How does Waltalriche believe membership will benefit its national interests? And if, as you have shown, your nation is turning over a new democratic leaf, could you tell us how the people of your nation feel about joining? And how membership would benefit the average Waltalricher?”

Heavar laced his fingers together and awaited the response.
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Æscfoord would sit as delegates rose to speak out for or against the Waltalricher application, with Stöcker attempting to fire back at the criticism directed at his country. She was consulting with her aides as they continued. When it was over, she leaned into the microphone and chimed in.

“Miynhieer* Stöcker, you speak of the Sulvener survey as evidence of your nation’s democracy. The Sulverner Democracy Index is indeed a decent measure for evaluating the quality of a country’s democracy; however, it is far from perfect. It has been criticized in Sutherland for having a right-wing or even far-right bias. Its critics also point out that the Sulvener’s evaluation of Waltalriche doesn’t reflect reality on the ground. The theocratic elements that control the government, the suppression of civil liberties, and the human rights abuses, such as what occurred in the Passau neighbourhood and other places since, are all too blatant and galling for anyone to ignore. Good sir, you cannot say that your nation is a functioning democracy when its actions demostrate the opposite. Even if this chamber were to take Waltalriche at its word, there is a reason why it is classified as a ‘flawed’ democracy; such a term implies that there is room for improvement, yet your government has done little to rectify the ‘flaws’ of its government system.”

The imperturbable Eiygle, unfazed by Stöcker’s remarks, then turned her attention to the rest of the delegates, saying: “Honourable members, the head of the Waltalricher delegation speaks of us being of the same blood, that rejecting their application is a betrayal of that blood, as if we were a single family. To that I say that there are moments when one should support their family, to work out whatever disputes and misunderstandings exist between them, and to make amends and apologies towards one another, mending the bonds they have as a family. However, these efforts must made from a genuine place. Everyone in the family must be willing to admit their mistakes and to take responsibility for their wrongdoings, whatever they may be. And sometimes, they must accept that not all are ready to accept their apology, for forgiveness is earned, through genuine acts of redemption.

I cannot presume that every delegate here has dealt with this in their own families or their private lives. I can say that there are some instances where a family is simply unable to work out its differences, or that becomes so embroiled in familial drama, it becomes unhealthy to remain in that dynamic. There are instances where a member or members of a family become toxic or even unsafe and even dangerous to be around. In such moments, the only recourse left for a person is to cut them off. This is not so easily done, when you known relatives for long portions of your life, and grew up with them…” She took a pause for a moment before returning to her remarks.

“It is done not out of hatred for their family, but for their own sakes and sometimes their safety. It is an unfortunate fact of life that families can break apart, but it happens all the same. I stated previously that Waltalricher membership would be contrary to the purpose of this Union. Hieer* Karlberg has stated they’d sooner see the dissolution of the Union than admit Waltalriche as a member. And Hieer Olæsson has stated that its admission would bring dishonour to the Union’s origins, which, by extension, would mean tainting its legacy. If the government of Waltalriche were to truly commit itself to democratic reform and to reorient itself to being a government of, and made by and for its people, Eiygland would most certainly be more willing to accept its entry into this Union as a fellow Gotic nation. However, as it stands, nothing that Hieer Stöcker has said has convinced me, the rest of the Eiyglish delegation, or Her Majesty’s Government. Rather, everything that has been said about why this Union should deny their application only reaffirms our opposition to Waltalriche’s proposed membership. I echo the sentiments uttered here and urge those of us who meet in this chamber to consider the drawbacks of voting in favour of Waltalriche’s entry.”

With that, Æscfoord would yield the floor and let other delegates speak.

*Hieer: Eiyglish style of address meaning “Mister” or “Lord”
*Miynhieer: Means “sir,” “mister,” or “my lord.”
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Roman settled into his leather chair, surrounded by his aides, as the debate over Waltalriche's admission to the Pan-Gotic Union unfolded. The translations filtered through his earbuds, and his stern façade gradually dissolved as more delegates took the floor. When representatives from Andrenne, Goyannes, and Eiyygland spoke, he couldn't contain himself—releasing a symphony of deep sighs and exaggerated breathing into his microphone, punctuated by childlike giggles and chuckles. This peculiar performance was occasionally interrupted by audible gulps as he drank his water.

For years—long, excruciating years—Roman had endured these chamber sessions, forced to listen as delegates bickered, argued, debated, and squabbled endlessly. Five times he had attempted to resign, and five times the Emperor had refused him. "Consider this your final service to your country," the Emperor had told him. "Your decades as a public servant concluding with an easy diplomatic tour before retiring in comfort."

To hell with comfort, Roman thought. He missed the intrigue of Malorian politics, the backstabbing and cutthroat maneuvering. Anything would be better than listening to these weaklings whine before he was relegated to slurping Jello in some geriatric housing ward. At eighty, he still had fire in his veins, and these fools were about to feel its heat.

When the Eiyygland representative finally finished, Roman ceased his giggling and rose from his seat to address the assembly. With a cunning smile that displayed his immaculate teeth, he began.

"My fellow delegates, I must express my alarm at today's discourse. Maloria respects the internal processes and sovereignty of your nations, a courtesy we hope is reciprocated. Yet as I've listened, I find myself dismayed by the accusations leveled against our Gotic brethren regarding their democratic practices."

"Allow me to offer my esteemed colleagues a fundamental understanding of democracy." He paused deliberately, ensuring his words hung in the air. "Democracy, in its most elementary form, is a system where power rests with citizens who participate in their governance. The core principle is that ordinary people have a meaningful voice in political decisions—this distinguishes democracy from autocratic or totalitarian systems where citizens have no genuine input."

"While I claim no expertise in every global electoral system, I know this with certainty: democracy varies because there is no singular approach." He emphasized his point with a decisive downward gesture. "Democracy in Andrenne differs from that in Eiyygland, Goyannes, Prydania, the Vestrugat, and Maloria. It strikes me as profoundly arrogant to presume your method is the only valid one, especially when current members already implement democracy differently."

Roman's flow was interrupted by a dry, rattling cough into his microphone, followed by the unmistakable sounds of water being desperately gulped down.

"Democracy," he continued, "exists within each nation's cultural context. It is pretentious to declare democracy can only function one way when each nation has unique laws embedded in their distinctive societal fabric. Waltalriche meets the fundamental criteria of democracy—perhaps not in a form this body universally approves, but a democracy nonetheless. I reiterate: several members here practice vastly different democratic models, yet we do not question their democratic legitimacy."

"Furthermore," Roman continued, aware he might be rambling but too outraged by the dishonesty to stop, "I must ask this distinguished body: where in our Constitution does it specify democracy as a membership requirement? If it does, what specific democratic principles must a state embody? Must they use proportional representation? A parliamentary system rather than a presidential one? I'm genuinely curious about these requirements, as I fear some current members might fail to meet them. Shall we examine the text together?"

He glanced around the chamber with a supportive nod and retrieved the Pan-Gotic Union Constitution from his desk. Reaching for his reading glasses, his hand grasped at empty air. He shot his female aide a betrayed look. "Glasses," he hissed. She apologized profusely, scrambling to locate them before finally placing them in his hand. He thanked her curtly before perching the spectacles precariously at the end of his nose.

"Forgive the delay, comrades," he said, holding the document at arm's length. "Here we have it—'Article 5. Regarding the Eligibility of Membership to the PGU.' Please follow along: 'A nation is eligible to apply to the PGU as a full member on the basis that at least two-thirds of their population is of Gotic descent or originally had a Gotic-based culture.'"

He let the words linger, deliberately extending the silence before continuing. "Notice: no democratic requirement mentioned. Not only is there no such requirement, but there are no specifications about what a democracy should look like. Remarkable, isn't it? The only criterion is a population that is two-thirds of Gotic descent or originally had a Gotic-based culture. And how remarkable—Waltalriche meets this requirement!" His tone conveyed genuine surprise, though it barely masked his sarcasm.

"Having established that Waltalriche is indeed democratic and unquestionably Gotic—the sole membership requirement—why deny their admission? This union exists to unite Gotic peoples worldwide, bound by shared history, culture, and bloodlines. The blood of our ancestors flows through all our veins."

"I find it deeply troubling that some member states care so little for their Gotic brethren that they would abandon treaty obligations simply because they disapprove of different democratic interpretations. I reject moral lectures from those who would so readily discard the mutual defense pact we have all sworn to uphold. You reject a fellow Gotic nation not on constitutional grounds, but because you disapprove of their internal governance. Such conditional honor reveals commitments that are merely convenient promises, discarded when they no longer align with political interests."

"The irony is palpable: some claim Waltalriche lacks commitment to peace while ignoring their voluntary pursuit of membership in our alliance—long a beacon of stability. Consider this carefully: by rejecting their application, we may undermine the very peace we champion. Would true stability advocates close the door on diplomatic engagement when the alternative risks greater tension?" He paused, coughing briefly before delivering his final point.

"Would admitting Waltalriche not defuse tensions with Andrenne by removing conflict as a potential course of action through mutual treaty obligations? It speaks volumes that those opposing Waltalriche's membership are the same ones threatening to dishonor treaty obligations and withdraw rather than remove warfare as a tool of statecraft."

With that, Roman sank back into his seat, removing his glasses and looking out at the general body, nodding confidently to himself.
Stöcker sat for a moment in silent appreciation of the Roman's speech, "He understands, I won't have to say much more on that now." the diplomat thought before quickly looking to address the matter of Andrenne and Eigyland's concerns.

"I would also like to state something on the matter between the Kingdoms of Waltalriche and Andrenne, this issue has been a long and contentious one. However, we do truly want to by joining this body let bygones be bygones and enter into a new age of peace despite their past issues and crimes. We would not be in this chamber today otherwise if we thought we could not resolve this in good faith and in peace. Hell, the Kingdom of Waltalriche is even ready to cooperate with the Andrennian and Goyanean militaries to better build trust and break down any remaining misgivings between our nations and open up the opportunity for joint exercises and mutual intelligence cooperation to assist in resolving any lingering trust issues."

He turned to the delegate from the Vestrugat, and proceeded to address their delegate's question.

"As to what we can add to this alliance, the Kingdom of Waltalriche's entrance into the Union would completely connect the alliance's borders, as at present Waltalriche separates the eastern and western portions of Gothis which in a time of crisis could prove extremely dangerous as Union supply lines are split on both ends and depending on whichever side would come under threat transport of military materiel across the continent would be much more difficult and more vulnerable as you would have to depend on sea and air transportation. This benefits Waltalriche as we know from experience that any threat to a Gotic nation's peace is in many ways a threat to all Gotic nations and those threats must meet a united and cohesive front no matter who they may be.

Waltalriche also seeks to continue to expand our relations with our neighbors and partners in the Union who we feel would be better served with an ally in central Gothis rather than a neutral state. This means that with these partnerships being expanded new opportunities for lucrative trade deals and diplomatic relationships could arise from a more solid integration into the Gotic community via the PGU.
Something which would benefit Waltalriche as it would allow for our economy to be more open when it comes to those trade relationships and so when the time for investment comes we're investing in allies who we can rely on rather than "strangers."

The people of Waltalriche by and large love their Gotic brethren, and find it a pity in many ways that the government had not sought to enter the organization sooner. However, now that the government has finally come to an agreement with the people on this issue and since then the support for entrance into the Union has become even more vocal, especially in light of the possible cooling of tensions between Waltalriche and Andrenne which have plagued the minds of many Waltalrichers for decades.

As for how it would benefit them other than giving them peace of mind, the deepened trade connections would improve every Waltalricher's condition giving us access to better and more exclusive deals that would not be had among allies. Something which I know those who work in the private sector of Waltalriche would absolutely benefit from especially with so many new markets to work with."
Ambassador Hans Kruber had been posted to the PGU for the better part of a year now, in that time he'd learned too things, to enjoy the lulls and to duck when the shouting started. It was a far cry from his days as a corporate raider "Im an exceptional thief" he used to jokingly quip, in many ways the PGU wasnt too different from a boardroom, the bickering was just louder and far less polite. He was only half listening to the current round of verbal sparring, he occupied himself with a publication from the FEU, a niche magazine with a red cover and big white lettering that read "EON" in mercanti. The magazine was mostly the usual doom and gloom, volatile stocks, cost of living crises and all the usual generational spats that defined life on Eras, there was also the article on the ten rings, a fun bit of escapism from his current task.

PM Marie Linz and King Hugo still wanted to cling to their doomed project of uniting the continent, NGEC had proven the only gem in that mired project, Gotics might have hated one another but they all agreed that money was good. The quiet times were evidently over, Waltalriche was making a case for membership and the PGU was playing out its role with predictable results, it was business as usual as far as Kruber could see. Prydania was being a good little cousin and supporting Andrenne (conveniently ignoring the fact that said cousin was a budding psychopath that dropped the mask of civility the moment it grew inconvenient), Andrenne was defending itself against an old rival with all the usual arguments of "that wasnt us" and "this time its different and then there was Goyanes.

Kruber was one of the "neues Jahrzehnt" a child of the fresh generation, Hans had grown up during the economic boom of the early 2000s, where his resentful fathers and older brothers had suffered privation and misery, he had only known the modern, progressive and economically developed Hessunland. As such he had none of the inbuilt hatred toward Goyanes that the older generation harboured, matter fact he quite like Goyanes, they had excellent business acumen and great taste in suits (he had two in his own personal collection). It wasnt terribly surprising that Goyanes wasnt keen to admit Waltalriche, they were protecting their brand and Kruber could understand that, plus there was the whole democracy debate, Goyanes' stand was noble, admirable, terribly short sighted.

Admitting Waltalriche would mean access to a market that hadnt been ripe for the taking for over half a century, if membership passed the market would be flooded with cheap goods from that overblown sardine republic and they would be able to set up all manner of lucrative enterprises in the now open nation. That of course meant convincing the union that its approach was wrong, the malorians had made some good points and Hans saw an opportunity to add his own to that list.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have gathered here to decide whether Waltalriche should be admitted to the family of Gotic nations, we have already heard many well considered arguments both for an against membership. I shall begin by adressing the elephant in the room, Waltalriche has a flawed democracy which some might even consider authoritarian, as our Malorian colleague astutely explained however, the only requirement for joining this organisation is a Gotic population of sufficient size and significance.

Now, dont get me wrong, i am not saying authoritarian regimes should be approved of, but surely it behooves us to consider the ramifications of denying Waltalriche entry into the Union. If we push Waltalriche away when they are reaching out for connection, we risk reinforcing the very powers that keep them isolated. what will the delegation of Waltalriche tell their people if they return empty handed? they will most likely double down on the argument that the PGU is arrogant and out of touch with the world, we would hand the autocratic elements a perfect talking point and in doing so in fact reinforce their power.

Ladies and Gentlemen throughout human history there are only two defining impulses at play, force and entrepaneurial acts, if we agree to allow Waltalriche membership and a seat at the table we would begin a process that could heal the deep rifts on this continent. New jobs, new ideas, new opportunities, these are the very things that cause a state to move away from force toward entrepaneurial acts. If we push Waltalriche away we condemn its people to another century of stagnation and misery, if we open our door and offer a better alternative, in the spirit of brotherhood and redemption we could ensure better lives for millions, is that not worth the risk?"

Speech concluded Kruber sat down, he regretted being unable to smoke in the council chamber, the schmalze from his bleeding heart speech had left him positively nauseous.
"The Kingdom of Waltalriche thanks the representative from Hessunland for its support. The possibilities of expanded inter-gotic cooperation and relations improvement on this scale would be a massive boon for all of our nations, and to deny that would be to deny this body the opportunity of a century for growth and development. All for a dispute over governance techniques, which isn't even supposed to be part of this process."

The ambassador tapped his chest, pointing to himself.

We in Waltalriche hope to see that growth, and even more so hope to be united with our Gotic brothers rather than continue being split from them on a whim and without reason." Stöcker sighed, rubbing his forehead, and continued to sip on his water, trying to take deep breaths.