"Heimurinn er vampíra."
That was an old phrase Anders Osbernsen's mother had told him whenever things got hard. Any setback, however minor, was a reminder that the world extracted a toll as a consequence of existing in it.
Then the Syndicalists came. The War came. And if
heimurinn er vampíra then the Nosferatu was gorging on Prydanian blood.
Anders had been one of the more pragmatic members of William Aubyn's inner circle and, later, provisional government.
Most people thought pragmatism was devoid of sentimentality, but that wasn't true. As Anders saw it, it was just reserved for those that had earned it.
Goyanes had earned it. Xentherida had earned it. Maloria had earned it.
Andrenne had earned it.
He glanced over at the Andrennian delegation. That blue banner with the white saltire.
When he was pinned down in a half collapsing building after his FRE unit had been hammered by Syndicalist artillery... it was an arm with that flag patch that had pulled him out. It was trucks with the Andrennian roundel that had helped provide food, water, and blankets to his home town in rural Eiderwig.
The nations that had formed the nucleus of the PGU had earned Anders' sentimentality. They had helped the FRE drive the stake through the vampire's heart.
What a journey that has precipitated. He'd gone from a dumb kid trying to defend his family and home to someone leading armed insurgents to a trusted member of William Aubyn's inner circle to Minister of the Interior after the War.
He'd lost his seat as a þingmaður* in 2021, a victim of the surging Peace not Blood "pink wave." Still, his Conservatives ended up in coalition with the upstart party, and the Peace not Blood PM, Kjell Svane, was given Osbernsen's name on a list of potential people to consider when Prydania found itself needing a new PGU Ambassador.
So here he was.
And despite the best efforts of many nations in this room, the vampire killed in the summer of 2017 just begat another one. Or was it the same one?
Heimurinn er vampíra
There was always a toll. Always something to feed on, to drain.
Waltalriche wanted in? They wanted to dredge up their feud with Andrenne and plop it in all of their laps?
Where was Waltalriche when the Syndicalists rose, after all? For all of the friendship shown between Anders III and Maximillian I, did Waltalriche send soldiers, guns, tanks, and aid? Did they help the FRE liberate the country? No.
Andrenne had though.
He remembered seeing that Andrennian flag patch through the rubble as he grabbed that arm...
Still, Waltalriche's delegation wasn't the only one getting on his nerves. There were people here he agreed with, but he just had no time for pretensions. He really was a bad diplomat. Kristur*, why'd they choose him for this job? Still... it's not like the Eiyglish had helped during the War either...
He double checked his notes, to make doubly sure he knew what his government would want him to say.
He did sigh a sigh of relief when Steinbjorn Olæsson had mentioned the inherent moral issues with admitting a dictatorship into a union born out of his own country's struggles with... well... dictatorship. It meant he didn't have to be the one to bring it up.
"The people of Prydania fought too long and too hard to forge our own destiny to have any pretence towards another people's right to self determination," he said. His Mercanti accent wasn't as strong as a typical Prydanian from Austurland's would be. It betrayed his more cosmopolitan higher education in Býkonsviði. He adjusted his brown-framed glasses.
"We have no desire to interject ourselves into diplomatic dispute between Andrenne and Waltalriche, or even to dictate to the
people of Waltalriche how their government should function. But we have a vested interest in this union, its continued mission, and its continued vitality. Waltalriche's membership would compromise that. We would caution against."
At the end of the day the government had done the math. If Waltalriche joined the PGU then Andrenne could very well abandon it.
And while Prydania was not as adverse to working with Waltalriche as Andrenne was, it wouldn't sacrifice Andrennian PGU membership for it. No. That's not how you treated kin that was there for you.
Maybe Anders III would have made that trade, but a different Anders was calling the shots from Prydania's desk here.
*þingmaður- MP
*Kristur- Christ
The World is a Vampire by Violet Orlandi, 4:57