Foreign Envoys

I am no longer assigned as an ambassador to TNP from any region, so I request the removal of my foreign envoy masking. Thanks!
Nation: Trixeland/Amicitica (puppet nation)
Region: Europe
I am the regional ambassador to TNP, which I do through my puppet nation of Amictica.
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Welcome to The North Pacific! Please use this thread to apply for "Foreign Envoy" masking.

Being masked as Foreign Envoy means that you have nearly the same viewing and posting privileges on our forums as citizens. Being a Foreign Envoy does not allow you to take part in the regional Government---if you are interested in that, you should apply for Citizenship.


To be granted Foreign Envoy masking, you must meet the following requirements:
  • You must have a nation in some NationStates region.
  • You must not have more than one account on this forum (Administrators may grant exemptions under special circumstances).
  • You must not use a proxy server.
These conditions are necessary, but not sufficient. Satisfying the above requirements does not guarantee that you will be granted Foreign Envoy masking.

The following are not required to be granted Foreign Envoy masking:
  • Be from a region that has an Embassy with The North Pacific.
  • Be here to apply for an Embassy for your region.
  • Be the designated Ambassador from your region.
  • Have a nation in The North Pacific.

To request Foreign Envoy masking, please fill in and post the following application:

Your application will be processed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and you will be informed of the result within a matter of days.

Other information

If you are here looking for your region's Embassy in The North Pacific, and assuming that such an Embassy does exist, it should be located in the Embassy Row.

If you are here to establish an Embassy for your region in The North Pacific, please follow these instructions.

If you are here to lobby for a World Assembly resolution, you can do so here for the General Assembly, or here for the Security Council.

If you are here to publish issues of your newspaper, you can do so in the Private Media forum.
Republic of Blaceris, Ambassador for the Free Nations Federation. Equiterra
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I haven't been a foreign envoy here for quite some time. Y'all can take away that masking if you'd like.
Nation: Weeklingz Federation
Region: Europeia

Quick question, do envoys also need a residential IP? It doesn't list it in the requirements but I thought I'd ask just in case.
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Nation: Weeklingz Federation
Region: Europeia

Quick question, do envoys also need a residential IP? It doesn't list it in the requirements but I thought I'd ask just in case.
Gonna give this a tiny little bump just in case