Midterm Update
I am pleased with the progress our team has made so far in developing the FA Digest. We're covering a lot of ground, covering essentially a year of events to keep the region informed, and set the stage for periodic future releases of this kind. The practice we put into this now will pay off long-term. It's happening slower than I thought it would, or had hoped it would, but I think taking our time with it will make the project very special and effective, and accomplish our goals better.
We are pursuing stronger relations with multiple regions, whether they are long-time allies or new friends. We have largely been intertwined with the many military operations we have launched this term in support of our allies and friends, currently most notably The Wellspring. This has allowed us to work closely with our partners in the PPO and the MGC. We are also working with our Culture team to emphasize the peaceful, fun activities that are not war-related, and hope to have something to show not only with our ally The Wellspring (note an important anniversary coming up with them), but with our PPO partners, which obviously now includes our new ally Augustin Alliance, thanks to our successful update to our PPO agreement. I understand a lot of this is vague and non-committal, but there's always a lot of plans in various stages and sometimes they do not pan out. Exhibit A would probably be recent events in The Outback, where we put on ice pending treaty talks and withdrew from our involvement there. We made no statement on this because at the end of the day, there was no scandal, there were no bad guys. We continue to be friendly and support our friends, as we always have, but from a distance. Sometimes people disagree and cannot continue on the same path, and how you interact and continue to execute your plans changes as a result. So I do not ever want to say something along these lines is definitely going to happen, and I do not want to presuppose success where it may be unlikely.
As far as taking a look at the world around us, we are watching some developments take place. Some of them are very encouraging, like flourishing new regions adopting greater freedom and democracy, in some cases shaking off shackles that kept them suspect with most of the game. Others are potentially concerning, portending heartbreak and strife that can threaten to tear communities apart, as their people decide how to continue to move forward in the game world as other regions adapt and respond to their decisions, or they look forward to internal changes that could fundamentally change how they see themselves and what their place is in NS. This is an interesting time of flux, and at the moment it is happening very slowly and deliberately, as the dust settles in the new sinkers and everyone looks to the next big event that will become everyone's focus. Our ties and relations position us well to adapt to the next big surprising event, and this administration is building on the opportunities that have formed within the last couple of terms. Much of the bigger picture you will see with our eventual FA Digest release. Others we will make clearer and speak on our own views as they become more relevant and fully unfold.
I look forward to a day in the near future where we can more frequently update you on major world events of all kinds, and then keep abreast of less important ones, so that you see the moving pieces and the variety of this game the same way we do, so that you never have to wonder what is going on, or what should catch your eye. Communication from this ministry is a rare and inconsistent thing, and I hope we are laying the groundwork that will change that. But I do want to invite you to approach this government, if ever there is an event or development that inspires or concerns you, to see what we have to say about it, or how it fits into our plans. It may be the case you pick up on something we do not. We're happy to talk about these events even as they are happening, but without such input and engagement, you may not hear us talk about them until there is some resolution, or there is some development that forces us to speak out. In the meantime, I hope we have some welcome and pleasant developments to bring to you soon!