Frontier Affairs - February 2025 FA Update


99% Pure Oxygen and 1% Pure Chaos
he/him, State of Matter: Gas
TNP Nation


☆ Introduction by Minister of Foreign Affairs Ervald
Hello friends! Welcome to the February 2025 Europeia Foreign Update! This update discusses several interesting topics relevant to Europeia's elections, notable figures of last year, legislative developments, diplomatic relations, media developments, and World Assembly activity! Read on to discover all of that and more!

Below are some short extracts from this month's update. For the full version see the dispatch version!

Regional News by various
Population: 1,662 | Delegate Endorsements: 276

President Grea Kriopia | Speaker Lloenflys | Chief Justice Decacon

Repeal of Treaty of Libertia and Pie, and Passing of the Luminous Accords by JayDee II

Where one door closes, another one opens. After the Union of Democratic States (UDS) announced the closure of their In-Character (IC) Government, UDS and Europeia agreed to the termination of the Treaty of Libertia and Pie, which acknowledged the mutual friendship of both regions. The representatives from UDS and Europeia expressed that the termination of relations was on amicable grounds, but the decision to close relations was based on UDS’s inability to fulfill some of its obligations due to the lack of a government. However, both regions remain in good standing with one another.

Shortly before that, President Grea Kriopia presented The Luminous Accords between the Plains of Perdition (tPoP) and Europeia, confirming the budding relations between the new GCR and the old UCR. The treaty confirms what many suspected would be inevitable, since Europeia’s Navy played a crucial role in Rhaza’s (AKA Quebecshire) rise to the Delegacy. The President issued a joint statement expressing excitement on the new treaty. “We are thrilled to formalize this cooperation in a new treaty and look forward to our regions' continued support of one another well into the future.”

Establishing the Order of the Muses by United Vietussia

The Europeian Senate recently passed the Medals Amendment, expanding the Awards and Honors Act by introducing a new medal: the Order of the Muses. First proposed by Gem in the People’s Assembly, the Order of the Muses is intended to honor “individuals who have provided outstanding service to Europeia through the creation of high-quality graphics, banners, and other artistic endeavors”. In introducing the amendment, Gem also noted the contributions of President Grea Kriopia in crafting the new award.

During deliberation over the amendment, Grea Kriopia emphasized that “the ways in which Europeians contribute to the region continue to evolve and graphic/artistic contributions are a unique skill set well worth recognizing”. After passing through the People’s Assembly a 10-1 vote, the Senate passed the amendment in a unanimous 7-0 vote. The amendment also introduced a new design for the Order of Dedication, awarded to “individuals who have been seen to go above and beyond the normal calls of service in the Government”.

Presidential Election! by Amalteia

Europeia wakes once more to a new day, in a new term, as the February/March 2025 Europeian Presidential Elections conclude. The result is clear: the dynamic duo of Grea Kriopia and Sincluda is here to stay. Having earned the trust and confidence of 87.7 % of the votes, re-opening elections (ROE) was deemed unnecessary by a crushing majority of the voter base.

The total number of votes cast in this election was fifty-eight, sixteen less votes than in the previous December 2024 Europeian Presidential Elections. The election itself was uncontested, with Grea Kriopia and Sincluda running unopposed. While this assured their victory, this was potentially a direct cause to the lower voter turnout compared to the previous election. Without competition, some voters may have felt less urgency to cast their ballots, leading to a smaller, but nonetheless decisive, result.

The duo’s campaign was constructed around a bold, fair and novel vision, at least for the region: embracing Europeia’s identity as the largest Frontier in NationStates. Their platform took inspiration from the Hunger Games, and aimed to both prove and improve Europeia’s position as the dominant and model Frontier on the site. Similarly to how tributes in the games must adapt, forge alliances, and leverage their unique strengths to survive, so too will Europeia innovate and set the standard for this new era of “Frontierism”. In this spirit, their Frontier-focussed policies were designed to ensure Europeia doesn’t merely survive but thrives. For example, one of their flagship initiatives, FrontierFest, aims to unite Frontiers in a grand interregional gathering to encourage Frontiers to act together, united. The ADAPT Protocol, another pillar of their platform, represents a long-term tech project which aims to revolutionise integration and culture within the region.

Meanwhile, GK and Sin’s foreign affairs approach seeks to solidify Europeia’s alliances, establish it as a leading voice among Frontiers, and keep the region ahead of the game in this regard. In terms of culture, our navy, and outreach, much of their vision is to rekindle activity and motivation around operations, recruitment, and events of all sorts.

The People is Busy in the People’s Assembly by Lunar Remnants

The People's Assembly of Europeia was busy last month. As a place for any Europeian citizen to get involved in legislation, the Assembly passed a bill, partook in a number of discussions, and elected a new Chair.

Newly elected People's Assembly Chair Lunar Remnants (m88youngling) oversaw the completion of a vote to pass the Medals Amendment, which added a new award to celebrate individuals who have made significant artistic contributions to Europeia. The pre-legislation was passed by the Senate and the bill has been brought before the President for consideration.

The People's Assembly soon expects to deliberate on a few in-process drafts written by its new Chair. One resolution regards web accessibility standards, while another would condemn abuses of voter privacy.

... and much more!

Culture Highlight: Let the Games Begin

In February, Euro revived a long-beloved game series called the Hunger Games which has made rounds around NationStates as a popular culture event. The event uses a website simulator to run a hypothetical Hunger Games event complete with two tributes from each of the 12 districts. Participants can choose their name, appearance, and district before fighting to the death with often comical endings and witty commentary along the way. Euro has deeply enjoyed the Hunger Games series since 2015 so the region was delighted to see first-time Minister of Culture Spuzz City revive the event after the topic resurfaced in casual conversation. Imagine the region's surprise when the first Hunger Games event was won by none other than Spuzz herself, triggering instant calls for a dramatic rematch! Expect to see more Hunger Games in Euro's future and feel free to come play yourself.

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