Confirmation of Nutmeg The Squirrel as Bar Commissioner


Can’t be left unsupervised
TNP Nation
New Matzeratia
The Court has appointed @Nutmeg The Squirrel to be subject to a confirmation vote by the Regional Assembly to serve as Bar Commissioner.
The Court has nominated @Nutmeg The Squirrel to the Bar Commission. I now open the floor for debate and discussion on the nomination. I would welcome a statement in support of the nomination from @Vivanco or from any member of the Court.

If and when this comes to vote, I intend to put the following motion before the Regional Assembly:
The Regional Assembly, acting on the nomination of the Court, appoints Nutmeg The Squirrel to the Bar Commission.
Nutmeg has served in the Court and would make a perfect fit amidst the Bar Commissioner as a member of the legal life of our region.
I believe this is agreed amidst the majority of the populace, by reminding their results in the previous Special Court Elections, that Nutmeg does hold support over their knowledge of the law to be part of the Bench again, it only make ssense that she's also fitting to be part of the Bar Commission.

Having this in mind, I motion to a vote.
I don't remember if these motions require a second or not, but if they do, I second Vivanco's motion for a vote.
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They do. Motion and Second acknowledged. A vote is scheduled to begin at (time=1740160800).