Closing Address: January 2025
I address the region for the last time as Minister of Foreign Affairs following a whirlwind term where we experienced major changes on the foreign front. Over the past four months, we have signed and ratified a treaty with the Augustin Alliance, re-normalized relations with Lone Wolves United, and dealt with the bizarre aggression of a small region with a huge grudge (sound familiar?). Internally, we cycled through three foreign ministers, with one departing in highly unfavourable circumstances.
No mention of this term would be complete without mentioning the creation of two new sinkers, The Outback and The Plains of Perdition. I am proud of the work the NPA has put in to help secure the government in The Outback, keeping it out of the hands of our enemies. Our preliminary discussions with the government of The Outback have been highly promising, and this is an opportunity for cooperation that that next administration cannot miss.
While I cannot claim credit for most of the changes undertaken by this administration, most of which were started under my predecessors, I hope I played a positive role in finishing them. It's a tired thing to say, but the world is in flux, and the next administration will need a sharp eye for the opportunities this presents. During the past month and a half-ish, my primary goal has been to restore order and stability in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and to see through the foreign policy projects initiated by my predecessors to their completion. I feel satisfied that these goals have been obtained.
The job of Minister of Foreign Affairs can be difficult and make you want to pull your hair out, but it is also a position like no other that provides valuable insights and experience into how the game works. I encourage everyone with an interest in foreign affairs to get involved by joining the NPA or the Foreign Ministry, following events abroad, and getting into contact with the foreign minister to learn more. We will always need a foreign minister, and I'm a little concerned at how few candidates for the job there seem to be right now.
Minister of Foreign Affairs