The Cethelian species was found as a Pre-FTL species at the early space stage of their evolution in the ‘Pembroke’ system on July 27th, 2196. As the first Pre-FTL the Collective discovered, the Collective’s Parliament immediately held a vote to decide what to do if the Collective was to encounter a Pre-FTL civilization from then on, which led to the Pre-FTL Assistance Act passing, and leading to the War of 2196 due to the succession of the xenophobic Commonwealth of Independent Systems from the Collective of Socialist Planets in response to the passing of said Act.
In 2201 after the War of 2196, the Collective revealed themselves to the Cethelian civilization. Their enlightenment would be easy due to their advancements that had already been made, and in 2202 the Cethelian civilization were given FTL technologies, allowing them to join the Collective. Since then, they and their species are the 2nd most populous in the Collective at 6.1 Billion Cethelians —2.2 Billion behind the dominant species in the Collective since its beginning—Humans.
As it stands, the Collective has had to intervene 3 times in their affairs.
Pembroke III is an ocean world at a diameter of 9567 Kilometers with a gravity of 0.85 G’s, an average temperature of 16° Celsius and a moderate—Earth like atmosphere. A day is 28 Hours. The planet is home to 3.2 Billion Cethelians and 567 Million Humans.