Sutherland National Worldbuilding

TNP Nation
Alsatian Island

The Commonwealth of Great Sutherland
Þe Menewealþ of Græt Suþerland | la Mancomunitat de la Terra del Sud | Cymanwlad Swddrlân

CAPITAL and largest city - Eamont (district population: 15,504,491)
Second city - Lluçanès (district population: 6,066,138)​
Population - 158,723,686 (Census 2020)
Population density (km²) - 230.83
Area - 687,617.96km² (265,405.56mi²)
Land area - 681,230.79km² (263,024.68mi²)
Official languages - Atlish, Rosalian and Beiran, Cumbric
Languages by L1 - Atlish (62%), Rosalian and/or Beiran (27%), Cumbric (7%), Other (4%)
Demonym - Sutheran, Sutherlander
Religion - No religion (66%), Messianism (31%, of which 16.5% Amendist, 14.5% Courantist), Other (3%)

Government type - Federal semi-presidential constitutional democratic republic
President - John Blake Sagan (Labour)
Prime Minister - Márcia Teixeira (VDA)
Legislature - Almoot
Upper house - Overhouse (House of Aldermen)​
Lower house - Underhouse (House of Spokesmen)​
Premiers - Various, 41
Judiciary - Highhall
Constitution - Constitution of the Commonwealth of Great Sutherland (CCGS)
- passed 31 January, 1925
- amended 37 times
Gross domestic product -
nominal - 9.04Xtrn IBU (2023)​
(per capita) - ~57,000.00 IBU (2023)​
PPP - 11.9XXtrn IBU (2023)​
(per capita) - ~75,000.00 IBU (2023)​
Gini - 0.27 (low)
HDI - 0.949 (very high)
Currency - Sutheran shilling (SSH, ʃ1 = 0.614 IBU as of 01/12/2024)
Motto - Various regionally, nationally: We will endure
Date format - DD/MM/YYYY
Drives on the - left
Time zone - East Eutavian Winter Time (EEWT, UTC+10) from fourth Sunday in April to fourth Sunday in September; East Eutavian Summer Time (EEST, UTC+11) from fourth Sunday in September to fourth Sunday in April
Internet .tld - .su

National symbols & emblems:
Animal -
penguin, seahorse
Tree - silver fern
Flower - ceibo
Personification - Lady Cambria
Sports - curling, Viessian skiing, badminton, rallying
Colours - yellow, white and blue
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A publication on the geography, climate and demographics of Sutherland

Unthank - Sutherland's Wintriest City


The burgh of Unthank, the provincial capital of Aikshaw, in winter (left) and summer (right)

With 57% of Sutherans claiming that they have visited the Winter City and a tourist population upwards of 2.5 million (this is equivalent to over half of the entire population of Aikshaw province, for reference) each year, Unthank has a certain pull that few Sutheran cities have managed to pull off quite so spectacularly. As the capital of the expansive southernmost province of Aikshaw, known for its distinctive, warm dialect and distinctive, not very warm climate that brushes the landscape white for four months of the year, it has forged its own identity.

Unthank is situated within Auk's Bay, three-quarters of the way down the eastern coastline of Aikshaw, which itself is by quite some way Sutherland's largest province by area. Its skyline is known for its distinctive steeples - which many speculate is the origin of Unthank having a sister city in Vigan (the "City of a Thousand Steeples", fittingly), the second-largest city of Andrenne - and equally distinctive clock tower, as well as the Crown Mile of thoroughfare through the heart of Unthank.

(left) A part of the Crown Mile, with a line of local co-operatives, hotels and retail outlets

The city itself punches above its weight in a number of ways. It ranks consistently as one of the world's most liveable cities, including placing as the (admittedly Sutheran-based) newspaper The Eamont Times' number 1 choice place to live for five years running from 2020 to 2024, thanks to its stellar public transport, relative affordability, friendly populace and good quality education and public services. Unthank is also home to the Loreshall of Unthank, a world-class loreshall which consistently ranks in the top-5 Sutherland-wide, despite Unthank itself only having around 430,000 inhabitants. In particular, the Loreshall of Unthank excels in medicine, law and administration, and philosophy, as well as engineering; and it's one of four loreshalls in total!

Continuing the trend of punching above its weight, Unthank has possibly one of the largest civic investment sectors in Sutherland independent of the Sound - the bustling metropolitan area around the bay of the same name with the capital of Eamont and around forty million people - as well as by far the largest financial sector of any city even roughly close to its own size, being home to one of the Oak 10 (O10) pension funds (Aikshaw Land Upshotstock / ALUS) and a number of banking institutions that seek to be based outside of the metropolis. Thanks to the varied and well-focussed jobs across the Burgh heavily outpace every city in the South Viesses.

Speaking of the South Viesses, Unthank is known for its close proximity to the skiing resorts and alpine towns of the Viesses. Aikshaw is famous for its prowess in Viessan skiing, a type of skiing featuring fixed-heel bindings instead of free-heel bindings as in much of the world, and Unthankshire's wide variance of routes (and reliably cold, snowy weather!) gives it a natural advantage. A number of world-class athletes are known to be born in, or have since moved to, Unthank and the surrounding Auk's Bay region for its unparalleled access to quality skiing routes - though, a common stereotype amongst middle-class Sutherlanders remains that they have "gone to Unthank" every winter to go skiing, somewhat stigmatising it outside Aikshaw. It is also very clear that there is a relatively sheer divide between Unthank and the remainder of Aikshaw; while Aikshaw is growing faster than the nation on average and is far from the least well-off province, the effects of declining shipbuilding and coal mining have had deep effects on the province's fortunes in a way that Unthank's diversity and fortune have allowed it to avoid.

(right) Unthankshaven, the port and town it encompasses close to Aikshaw's provincial capital, has a long history of pioneering in technology, and is still a key destination for cruise ships and shipbuilding, as well as the nation's Leodsfleet

Finally, Aikshaw's maritime history is embedded deep into the city's culture. Home to Unthankshaven, one of the country's largest ports thanks to its connections to the Leodsfleet (and nuclear deterrent, to a more limited degree) as well as one of the most popular destinations for cruise ships in Eutavia, Unthank's connections to the Sutheran Ocean are absolute. The defence industry and sector in Sutherland has a serious foothold in Unthankshaven, employing tens of thousands of people. These histories gave it a pivotal role during the upheaval of the 1920s - alongside most of Aikshaw, Unthank provided a sanctuary away from the heart of the Richeist regime, and was one of the first places to seize back democraic control, as well as being home to a number of major trades unions and opposition groups, and even a President (Everett John Steel / EJS, Labour, 1941-1949). Unthank and its downstream counterpart Unthankshaven boast a major fishing industry, as well as proximity to a major share of Sutherland's oil and natural gas drills, though these of course have proven controversial in recent times with the environmental cost of their extraction and use - though it resoundingly is not Sutherland's "oil capital," a crown claimed by the Eskland city of Brunstock to the direct north-west of Aikshaw.

To conclude, Unthank is a city of wonders that not only provides a microcosm of the Commonwealth of Great Sutherland and Province of Aikshaw at large, but also has quite decisively cemented itself as having an independent identity in its own right, with world-class education, its position as one of the world's most liveable cities and its maritime connections to the rest of the world as well as to the continental security of Eutavia itself. Its residents may be proud - but they have a lot to be proud of.
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A publication on the geography, climate and demographics of Sutherland

Map of Sutheran Provinces


Province CodeNameCommunityCapitalPopulationAreaDensity 2020
BAABaía AltaRosalian626,5404533.25138.21
BAXBaía BaixaRosalian5,034,23915059.00334.30
RIORio SagradoRosalian1,984,62215129.00131.18
NOVNova RessòniaBeiran1,686,5863426.50492.22
NTYNorth TyrCumbrish (Tyrrsh)5,239,66541715.75125.60
MAUMaulds MeaburnAtlish821,72815122.7554.34
STYSouth TyrAtlish5,133,04021458.50239.21
MORMorgan IslandsAtlish56,3591606.5035.08
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Saga of the Sutherlands - Entry 16 (Ælfwyn, 1083)

appendices written separately by A.C. Wilstock in 2017

1071 - Here King Osrӕd II*, son of Osrӕd I, second son of Freþreik, son of Þiudareik the Old King, son of the First King Aþaulf the True, continues to rule by strength under His one dominion. Now of three-and-thirty years, His Stourness* the King has demonstrably been altered by the heinous murders of his good wife, and two firstborn children.
1072 - Here Lywell and Luwell slew a Suthran Earl of Oxenrigg, whose name was Lethen, marking the start of the War in the East.
1072 - Here Veldred ascended to the Earldom of Oxenrigg, marking the start of his rule of forty-five winters over the midland fiefdom. At his ascension, he held a moot of knights, bannermen and meansfolk*, and at this gathering slew the Lords of Littlepickring, Walsbrock and Runston for loyalty to the Cumbrians. Their bodies were hung at the gates of Ostead for over a week, charred from fire set by angry meansfolk by the end.
1073 - Here His Stourness the King rightfully put three-hundred and two-and-twenty to torch* for practising the cursed religion of Druidism. These included the Earl of Eamont, Elðwin son of Elðred son of Ragner.
1074 - Here His Stourness the King was married to Reyne, daughter of Ulfryk, of Arngill. All the realm attended* this ceremony to celebrate the union of the lives of Reyne and His Stourness, and here loyalty was assured in the South Marches*.
1075 - Here the Earl Sigrun of Ulmere died after committing great slaughter*, and was succeeded by his better son, Sigurþ.
1076 - Here the King Mother, Ælswyyh, did die, two days after reaching seventy-eight.
1076 - Here the Earl Veldred did fight Lywell and Luwell, and did hold off against the Cumbrians, to great personal cost. The victory of the Sutherans over the Cumbrians was assured from this point.*
1079 - Here, after many years of fighting, Lywell and Luwell seized the shire of Franklin* following the fall of Dalry. Lywell did die.
1079 - Here the Earl of Ævon, Wilber, son of Rykken, son of Rangar, son of Rulf, did die at three-and-fifty. His son, Edred, did ascend to the title.
1080 - Here was a great battle at the gates of Dalry, in which ten-thousand Sutherans valiantly gave their lives to the Crown's cause.* Among those who died was the true, right and only Earl of Franklin, Aswinn.
1080 - Here the Cumbrians did prevent the good King's army from breaching beyond Mold Mebwr* again.
1081 - Here, after long deliberation, his Stourness the King pronounced that his fourth child and eldest living son, Siward*, must ascend. Upon her refusal to give fealty to the true Crown Æþling* Siward, the King's third child and eldest living daughter Ældwyn did flee to Westmorland, where the traitorous Earl Þeodric, son of Þorbarn, son of Wulfryk, proclaimed her the (Pretender) Queen.
1083 - Here King Osrӕd II did smite Luwell at Rӕddsbrycg* himself*, ending the War in the East and granting its final victory to the Sutherlanders.
1083 - Here the Earl of Westmorland did rout the Camwallers at Hwystensgӕt*.

King Osrӕd II - Osrӕd II, known often as "the Merciful" as a reference both to his tendency to shy away from using force on those he captured, beat or sentenced as King due to a disdain for carrying out violence and death, but since used sarcastically following the harshening of his rule, arisal of paranoia and tendency to kill those who he felt "wronged" him after his wife and two eldest sons were assassinated in 1071. He descends into abuse of food and drink, and eventually dies in 1088, following a long illness brought on by his attempt to build up tolerance to poison. He is sometimes known as "the Heretic" for his deep rejection of religion, after having originally been pious in his early reign.
His Stourness - Literally "His Greatness", but more practically equivalent to "His Majesty"
Meansfolk - Commoners.
Put to torch - Burnt (likely at the stake.)
All the realm attended (the Wedding of Arngill) - The most notable omission of this Entry, it is estimated that a significant number of senior Earls refused to attend, particularly from the East.
South Marches - The name most commonly used to describe the peninsula in the first three centuries of Sutheran history. Arngill is situated towards the northern edge of the peninsula, and at this time the historic kingdom of Camwall (now used as the name of a province in the far-south) was situated further south, therefore the loyalty and obeisance of the Marcher lords was critical to the Crown.
Here the Earl Sigrun of Ulmere died after committing great slaughter - Earl Sigrun of Ulmere was assassinated, likely on the King's orders, after the noteworthy supporter of Cumbrian Kings Lywell and Luwell routed a major uprising orchestrated by their opponents. He is said to have beheaded over one-hundred rebels personally in a single afternoon, though how real this is remains unknown. The earldom passed onto his third son Sigurþ, after his first son was at sea at the time, and his second son - the supposed heir - had been taken prisoner, later dying in captivity, and quickly aligned with King Osrӕd II.
The victory of the Sutherans over the Cumbrians was assured from this point.* - While the victory of the outnumbered Oxenrigg Sutheran armies over Lywell and Luwell was unexpected and removed the possibility of an attack on the metropole, it also neither assured the safety of the realm as a whole nor won the war decisively. However, had Oxenrigg fallen, the capital (Eamont) would have been on the doorstep of the Cumbrian armies; it would thus be far more accurate to say that the Sutherans
Franklin - Franklin is one of Sutherland's largest provinces, sat in the mid-east of the country, and its temporary fall during the last decade of Luwell's life marked a nadir in the power of the Sutheran Crown. This likely drove Osrӕd's paranoia further, particularly as it fuelled challenges to his power internally.
The (Second) Battle at Dalry - Possibly the largest battle of the War of the East, the 2nd Battle at Dalry more or less confirmed Cumbrian supremacy over the eastern half of the peninsula, and made the western half deeply unstable as the Earls of Westmorland and Ævon feared for their own safety. While these gains were temporary, they likely confirmed the split of the Sutheran Kingdom north-south in the 12th century as the Sound and peninsula drew further apart politically. The failure of the Crown to ensure its security of borders was also likely the spark that led to the succession crisis in the latter years of Osrӕd's rule, which are already beginning to fall into place by the time that this chronicle entry is written.
Siward* - Siward (or Seward) the Broken
Crown Æþling - Heir to the throne, "crown prince" elsewhere
Rӕddsbrycg* - Rӕdstead, western Franklin
Mold Mebwr - Maulds Meaburn, mid-west Sutherland
Himself - Unlikely. It is unknown how Luwell was killed, but it is known that at this point the King was too ill to have been at the forefront of any battle in any fighting capacity.
Hwystensgӕt - Whystensgӕt, note the negation of who the earlier "Traitorous" earl was when talking about military victories.
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Stætsalne OS/S

What is Stætsalne?

Stætsalne is a state-owned multinational energy production, investment and extraction company based in Eamont (EAM), the capital of Sutherland. Listed on the Eamont Stock Exchange (ESE, pictured on right), Stætsalne is a merger of some of the largest energy companies of the time, including state-owned oil company Stætsele, partly-privatised gas company Yorðergas and hydroelectric company WæternSÞR in 1977.

The Labour government of Rickard Barraclough determined that this new behemoth of an energy company should be partly owned by the provinces and by its workers; as a result, it retained 59.9% of the stocks (a share revised down to 55.9% in 2010) and sold the rest to the provinces of Sutherland, as well as a number of co-operatives, pension funds (many of which are now known as the Oak10, internationally renowned for their size and investment projects) and civic banks.

Stætsalne OS/S's first Director, Ævynd Halstock, decided that the "Sutherlander Way" would be as follows:
  • the aim would be for around 40-50% of Sutherland exports to be gas and oil
  • the Landsgild would be set up as the national pension fund, primarily for taking in a major portion of revenue from the Sutherland gas and oil industry to avoid the over-centralisation of gas and oil and loss of other sectors
  • the Landsgild, and other revenue too, would be used in part to offset other deindustrialisation-associated losses, e.g. to shipbuilding, by funding education, as well as targeted industries like engineering, construction and manufacturing to ensure that workers in sunsetting sectors can stay out of structural unemployment (mitigating entrenched poverty)
  • Stætsalne would aim to involve itself in international energy production through shares, investment, acquisitions and direct funding, as much as possible for the common interests of the Sutherland public/taxpayer, the governments provincially and federally, and those involved in each project abroad

Stats on Stætsalne
Founded: 31 January, 1977; 48 years ago
Company type: State-owned
Trades as: STLN (ESE, Eamont Stock Exchange)
- Petroleum industry
- Hydroelectric and tidal power industry
- Natural gas industry
- Geothermal industry
- Wind and solar power industry
- Investment
- Research and development
- Petrochemicals
- Electrical power
Headquarters: Eamont, Sutherland
Revenue (eoy 2023):
ʃ658.55bn (424.11bn IBU)
Operating income:
ʃ275.48bn (190.29bn IBU)
Net income:
ʃ121.20bn (90.93bn IBU)
Total assets:
ʃ1,089.77bn (701.82bn IBU)
Total equity:
ʃ411.55bn (265.04bn IBU)
- 55.9% Government of Sutherland
- 15.0% provincial governments of Sutherland
- 9.1% pension funds
- 8.1% co-operatives
- 2.9% civic banks
Number of workers:

Current Almoot composition (March 2025)

Sutherland has a unicameral parliament, known as the Almoot (lit. "all-meeting"/"meeting place for all"), which presides over the federal government.

As of 1 March, 2025, the Liberals lead a 4-party coalition of the Liberals, VDA, FRP and CDP.

GOVERNMENT (447) - majority of 82
Liberal (centre to centre-left), led by Allister Ramsay (Chancellor) - 177
VDA (centre-right), led by Márcia Téixeira (Underchancellor) - 156
FRP (right-liberal), led by Rory Bell (Keeper of the Gavilgild) - 68
CDP (left-conservative Courantist), led by Mary Þelma Cooper (Home Reeve) - 46

Speakership (3) - status-quo neutrality
Speaker of the Moot - TBC
Underspeakers of the Moot - TBC x2

Labour (centre-left to left-wing), led by John Blake Sagan - 215
Greens (centre-left, environmentalist), led by Catrin Talbot - 53
Unite (left-wing to far-left populism), led by Hamish Burton - 49
Progress Party (right-wing to far-right, national conservative), vacant leadership - 22
Republican-Left of Beira (left-wing to far-left, Beiran nationalist), led by Rosamaría Espina - 8
Aikshaw Democratic Party (left-wing, Aikshaw nationalist), led by Askill Caþalsson - 8
Ceartas (centre-left, radical Rosalian separatism), led by Tàmhas Lìosach (extra-parliamentary leader) - 4
Rosalian National Party (centre to centre-right, Rosalian regionalism), led by Afonso Santos - 2
Gwlad (centre-right, Tyrrish nationalist), led by Ieuan Jones - 2
More for Westmorland (centre-left, Westmorland regionalism), led by Isolda Æykbourn - 2
Ar Fearann (centre to centre-right, gradualist Tyrrish separatism), led by Maol-Chaluim MacLeòid - 1
Coalition of Daegne (centre, Daegnian regionalism), led by Antône Nicolayî - 1
Independent - 2


Electoral system:
- Constituencies (330) - winner-takes-all
- Overhang (520) - party-list vote, 4% threshold to receive as-near-to-proportionate share of total 850 seats including constituencies gained

Term ends: 17 October, 2025 (last weekday before 6 weeks before last lawful polldate)
Latest poll date: 30 November, 2025
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