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- he/him
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- epico_98
Thread for all Weekly Reports in Vibonia.
• We are once again in the midst of one of our deepest periods of inactivity, shared also in the upper level of regional government. Nontheless, two news about last week:
• epico has been reappointed as Ambassador to The Wellspring
• The newest Constitutional Overhaul has been implemented into the Regional document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zeDe8CgcM0vaoq5ulidQMYeLChxbXe6KDM2JMLxBIiw/edit?usp=sharing
• The Third Vibonian Hunger Games have ended: https://fast.nationstates.net/page=rmb/postid=57937145
• Map Version 15 now out! Check out the regional RolePlay dispatch: https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1915863 and its archive: https://www.nationstates.net/nation=lionsroar_ii/detail=factbook/id=2528028
Regional Section
RP Section
- The Vibonian Regional Message Board has reached 400 pages! That's exactly 10.000 posts! The most likes given on these 400 pages are Neptunian with 3812, Laf with 1521, and our former President Sauron with 1017. The most likes received is our current President Maurny with 1882, followed by Neptunian and Ulmer. And once again, the most posts with 795, almost 800!, is Maurny followed by Neptunian and Ulmer.
- The Voting on the January Vibonian Elections has started!
OOC Updates
IC Updates
- Lionsroar: https://iiwiki.us/wiki/King's_Team
- Former High Priest escapes before execution day, whereabouts unknown (Pentagrad)Xyvallo Patr'tan, the former right hand of Her Eminence, was reported to be missing at dawn from his solitary confinement in Aakvar'an. An investigation is currently underway to determine the accomplices who aided him in his escape, a few possible suspects, wardens of the prison, already detained. The hierophant militia, as well as local authorities are on alert and scouting for his location, though no remarkable clues have been found. Xyvallo was detained 2 weeks ago under accusations of heresy and organizing and funding an underground insurgency group; the international press has contested the allegations and is suggesting an elimination of a possible political opponent. The Aakvar'anian state promises to reward anyone that is able to provide information regarding this incident.
Weekly Report
- Ulmer has been elected as President, Epico as Speaker and Neptune as Vice President. Congratulations!
- Nutmeg has been once again appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Consul of the Vibonian Defense Forces. Epico has been appointed as Minister of Internal Affairs and the President will take on the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs. Epico, Cloud and Maurnindaia have been appointed as Advisors to the President. Ulmer's opening address can be found here: presidents-desk
- Ulmer, Auri and Cloud are being appointed as Deputy Speakers.
- Restructuring Internal Affairs, all departments are being lead by two "heads". The Department of Broadcast got renamed to Press and has an expanded portfolio, now including the work on The Vibing Herald News. Its led by Noodles, who also leads Infrastructure. For Culture we have Not Senitca and Dedano, Cards is Radogeo, the CEOO is Dedano and the Head Mentor will be epico.
- The President has reached 50 endorsements, never in history before. It has now decreased again, mainly because of a new VDF Operation.
- The Medal of Merit was nominated and is at vote for Lionsroar, Epico and Maurnindaia
- Appointment of Neptune as Ambassador to Carcassonne
- Gameside Embassy open with The Plains of Perdition
- The Medal of Merit has been awarded to Lionsroar, Epico and Maurnindaia for their service in Foreign Affairs.
- We have reached 700 nations gameside and are well on our way to 800 nations. Sign of glorious activity gameside which results in a higher magnetism score for us, fundamental for more spawns! We have reached 800 nations only a few days later, wonderful!
- FOCUS is working on a new Amendment which is heavily in discussion right now. With 4 different variations now, it seems to take a while to finalize and agree on one to continue properly with Assembly procedures. The final amendment is compiled and will be at vote soon.
- We have established a Forum Embassy with The Plains of Perdition, one of two new Sinker regions. After applying for one on the 29th of January, it got quickly accepted and created! A new step in Foreign Affairs, sign of awesome productivity.
Radogeo and Ratmadillo were appointed as Deputy Speaker, bringing new enthusiasm into the office. The Speakers Office is a great way to gain first and easy experience for your future steps in the Vibonian government!
A Consulate has been opened with Europeia: https://forums.europeians.com/index.php?forums/vibonia.6001237/. The new Ambassador is Prov.
An Embassy Thread has been opened with Perdition and Crimson Spire, appointing Neptune and Senitca as Ambassadors.
Senitca is currently on a Leave of Absence.
The gameside embassy with TNP has been opened, expanding our regional message board beyond its current borders into the grand mass that is TNP.
A discussion about a potential endorsement cap is onging, including citizens as well as the government.
Because of recent lack of activity, Dedano was dismissed as Chief Outreach Officer. Neptune will follow in their steps, in their third period as CEOO.
Activity still is a key factor of the this term and replacements are being made to further it.
And of course the reminder: TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS!
- A new initiative to recruit more World Assembly member nations into the region has been launched. Weekly, all non WAs in the region will receive a telegram urging them to join.
- We have opened gameside embassies with Blue Ridge. Our Ambassador is Picairn!
- Prov has been appointed as Deputy Speaker.
- Dedano has been dismissed as Deputy Minister and in his position as Junior Head of Culture due to a lack of activity.
- Picairn was appointed as Head of Press.
- Prov was appointed as Head of Culture.
- Five Assembly votes about confirming the new Election Commission Cloud, Nutmeg, Noodles, epico and Lionsroar are currently ongoing.
- All participating soldiers of the Vibonian Defense Forces in the operation to occupy the fascist stronghold Hellhole Reborn are being awarded with the Crimson Cross Military Ribbon. A report on it can be read in the newest Vibing Herald.
- Vibonia has created its own N-Day Faction called Viboomia, though its not official and is not being maintained by the government since a lot of members are not participating themselves. Let the nukes fly, vibooms go boom!
- Joint Statement on new updates of FOCUS: https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=2627255 or https://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?p=42501102#p42501102
- Lionsroar, epico, Noodles and Nutmeg have been confirmed by the assembly as Election Comission following a presidential nomination.
- The President Lionsroar has hit 60 endorsements for the first time in history
- The First Edition of the Vibing Herald, March 2025 was published. Have a read through it and consider an upvote! https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=2626631
- Neptune, following his decision, has been removed as Chief Executive Outreach Officer
- epico takes a Leave of Absence until the 24th of March. Their replacement, Cloud, resigned from the WA and lost citizenship, thus making the Speakers position currently vacant, until the constitutional mechanism grips. epico decided against the LoA and instead returned back again after a single day.
- Cloud was reappointed to the Election Comission, as well as newly Prov. Cloud shortly after that withdrew again.