[GA—AT VOTE—AGAINST] Mining Safety Accord

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Professional Gnome Wrangler
TNP Nation
Mackinac Island

Mining Safety Accord
Category: Regulation | Area of Effect: Safety
Proposed by: Millenhaal, Co-authored by: Seanat, Kractero, 9006 | Onsite Topic

This General Assembly,

Understanding that the extraction of ores and minerals is vital to many economies and the manufacture of goods across the multiverse,

Decrying the countless nations that allow the safety of those who extract said ores and minerals fall by the wayside to increase profits, and

Determined to prevent as many fatalities and injuries within the mining industry as possible,

  1. Mandates that every underground mining operation must have a dedicated safety specialist onsite, who must identify flaws that pose any safety risk with a chance to harm workers, and advise operation owners on how to thoroughly mitigate their effect in the most effective and time-efficient manner reasonably possible, so as to prevent any possible accidents,
  2. Requires that all mines still being used to extract resources must follow the following guidelines:
    • All mining operations must have a working and stable system of communication between those in the mines and those outside, with the communication system allowing those inside the mines to signify any possible danger to those outside for expedient relief efforts, and that immediate action should be taken if these dangers are present.
    • All mining operations must install working ventilation systems to alleviate toxic dust buildup and prevent overheating.
    • All mining operations must install working monitoring apparatuses for carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and any other toxic substance that poses a clear danger to the safety of mine workers, provided that there is any risk of that substance existing in that particular environment.
    • All mining operations must have workers' compensation insurance from an insurer regulated by a competent regulatory authority.
    • All mining operations must schedule and employ regular evacuation drills and ensure that workers are prepared to respond to any common danger that could occur in that mining operation.
  3. Creates the World Assembly Workplace Safety Committee (WAWSC) which shall:
    • Take disciplinary action and continue the inspection process itself if any appropriate regulatory authority fails to engage in the inspection process in a method acceptable by the WAWSC.
    • Enforce, if any violations are found, that any mine which fails to comply satisfactorily with WA legislation is shut down. A condemned mining operation which would comply with these standards once open can be permitted to resume operations if seen fit.
    • Make sure local workspace regulatory authorities penalize those in charge of a condemned mining operation to an appropriate degree. All levied punishments in regards to this resolution may be appealed to said body, and if this is rejected, the WAWSC, with a final appeal to the WA Judiciary Committee being available to give a final ruling.
  4. Demands that all mining operations are inspected regularly by workplace regulatory authorities using inspectors that have been thoroughly vetted by the WAWSC.

Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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Mining Safety Accord seeks to standardize basic safety protocols in mining. This includes ensuring communication channels are open between a mine and the outside, requiring ventilation, and requiring toxic substance testing, worker's compensation insurance, and evacuation drills in mining operations. This would be enforced through the World Assembly Workplace Safety Committee (WAWSC)

While there is a World Assembly interest in regulating mining safety, this is not the way to go about it. In clause 2, there are absurd requirements which would, among other things, require open air pit mines to have ventilation, that testing be installed throughout the mine for bleach so long as it's in the bathrooms of the mines, and training for mine workers on how to avoid papercuts while filing paperwork.

Additionally, clause 3a would make this resolution enforceable under penalty of invasion to any dissident states who may find themselves in non-compliance. This is not an acceptable way to enforce safety protocols.

For these reasons, we recommend a vote AGAINST Mining Safety Accord.

This IFV Recommendation was written by Vapid in collaboration with the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs.
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Against. (2)(D) is a technical error (an insurer cannot legally broker a policy to a third party, at least under common law or US state regulations) and many of the rules are only applicable to underground mines, not open pit mines. How the hell are open pit mines supposed to have ventilation?

Also the forum link and author details are wrong
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Against. What if ventillation is not an option as safety measure? One could say oxygen masks, but the resolution insists on proper ventillation.


I can’t support this given the blatant bribery that was involved. Co-authorship sold for cards. I know standards have dramatically dropped in the WA, but wow this is low. Shame on Millenhaal, who I once considered a serious author in good esteem worthy of respect. But you’re in good company, this is how the WA operates today.
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Fuck it, was holding off on commenting on this one seeing as the vote was so close and I don't really have strong feelings about it.

I would vote Against.

My concern is potential overreach. Some issues:
All mining operations must install working ventilation systems to alleviate toxic dust buildup and prevent overheating.
All mining operations? What about surface mining, where the ventilation is the atmosphere? Elsewhere the resolution specifies "underground mining operations" so clearly they recognize the difference.
All mining operations must install working monitoring apparatuses for carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and any other toxic substance that poses a clear danger to the safety of mine workers, provided that there is any risk of that substance existing in that particular environment.
This would include common cleaning supplies in a bathroom in a mine, most likely. Seems excessive.
All mining operations must schedule and employ regular evacuation drills and ensure that workers are prepared to respond to any common danger that could occur in that mining operation.
Any common danger? Papercuts while filing paperwork? Fainting when sitting up too quickly? Talking shit and getting hit? Meh. These don't need training.

Take disciplinary action and continue the inspection process itself if any appropriate regulatory authority fails to engage in the inspection process in a method acceptable by the WAWSC.
Also I just plain don't like this. The WA should not respond to non-compliance with invasions.
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Against, mandating ventilation for surface mining is an absurd requirement. Also, keep your WA armies off my precious mines.

What do they mean by "outside communication"? This seems way too vague. And most of these measures are not indeed cost effective in regard to saving lives. There are better ways of going about this.
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I can’t support this given the blatant bribery that was involved. Co-authorship sold for cards. I know standards have dramatically dropped in the WA, but wow this is low. Shame on Millenhaal, who I once considered a serious author in good esteem worthy of respect. But you’re in good company, this is how the WA operates today.
Quoting myself to bring attention to the post.
"Mining Safety Accord" was defeated 7,153 votes to 4,425.

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