Confirmation of Just A Lore as Election Commissioner


Also known as Oriaga/Catshoar
TNP Nation
The Delegate:
Mr. Speaker,

Noting that his term expires on October 24th, I reappoint @Just a Lore to another term on the Election Commission.
@Just a Lore has been appointed Election Commissioner by Delegate @Picairn. I hereby open the floor for debate and discussion on this matter. I would welcome a statement from the Delegate in support of the nominee should they wish to do so.

Should this reach a vote, I intend the following motion to be put before the Regional Assembly:
The Regional Assembly, acting on the nomination from the Delegate, appoints Just a Lore to the Election Commission.
Just A Lore is an experienced member of the Election Commission and has reliably served the region in that position multiple times. I have full confidence that he will continue to perform well as Election Commissioner.
@Just a Lore just a question, I know you’ve had a lot on your plate in general, your availability isn’t going to be an issue if you do another term of EC? I assume it’s fine otherwise you wouldn’t have agreed to do this again, but hypothetically would you be up for being a supervisor in an upcoming election?
@Just a Lore just a question, I know you’ve had a lot on your plate in general, your availability isn’t going to be an issue if you do another term of EC? I assume it’s fine otherwise you wouldn’t have agreed to do this again, but hypothetically would you be up for being a supervisor in an upcoming election?
While I haven't been actively writing. I have still been around and available to supervise elections, just have not been asked to do so. I do not in the foreseeable future expect a change in this for the duration of the term.