The Eternal Flame (Semi-open)

Yamantau Em

Prophet of da WAAAAGH
TNP Nation
Yamantau/The Black Cathedral
“Who's will do you serve?” the Warcaller shouted, pacing back and forth across the landing of the great staircase. The green armor clad titans before him stood shoulder to shoulder, rifles held tightly across their chestplates. They stood in their battle groups, forty wide, forty deep, with just enough space between the groups for a roaming priest to swing a thurible side to side, the smell of the clove-tinged incense filling the air.

“The Queen!” they answered in unison, the thunder of their voices rising to the high arches of the cathedral, adorned with Gnesi motifs.

“What is the Queen's will?!” asked the Warcaller, as he scanned over the seemingly endless sea of soldiers.

“To do our duty to those who saved us!” came the reply. The dim lights reflected off the polished surface of their armor, the pauldrons bearing the image of a Gnesi daemon on the left side, and an image of the holy flame of eternal war on the right.

“What is your duty?!” the Warcaller demanded.

“Defense of the defenseless! Slaughter of the unjust!” the multitude called back, stamping their feet in unison to punctuate their answer.

“Today will mark a momentous occasion, brothers! Today our Queen sends us out as emissaries to the just, and as a plague to those who wish to destroy our allies! You have earned your place among the ranks of the Ephrus Pyre! Earn it again with each new dawn! Earn it through wrathful justice! Bring glory to your name! Bring glory to your brothers! Bring glory to your banner!” the Warcaller cried out, throwing his arms into the air.

The cavernous space erupted with unified shouts of the motto of the Ephrus Pyre: “Unto the anvil of war!”

The Warcaller stoked their fervor, calling for the war cry again, as the gathered chosen responded in kind. The voices of sixteen-thousand echoing off the walls.

The Gnesi overseer looked on from the balcony overhead, clicking his mandibles together in approval. The Ephrus had come a long way. From scratching around in the dirt, to being the crowning achievement of Gnesi science and technology. Tarakus, the Banner-Master of the horde stood next to the overseer, a small prideful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Tarakus had been the first of the Ephrus to be elevated. His body still bore the scars of the many surgeries that had made him what he was. He flexed his hand, feeling the metal reinforcement around his joints shift below the surface of his dark green skin.

“Are they to your liking, my lord?” Tarakus asked.

“Yes. They are most impressive, Banner-Master. How are you adjusting your new station?” the overseer remarked, turning to ask Tarakus the question.

“You have bestowed a great deal of trust in me. I will not fail the Collective.” Tarakus answered, his gaze never breaking from the still fervent Warcaller.

“That is not what I asked.” the overseer stated, his tone betraying a deeper compassion.

Tarakus finally turned to look down at the insectoid overseer, whom he towered over. “You have given us such great gifts, more than we deserved, when you handed over the command of the Pyre to me, I could think of no greater honor, but I have fear in my heart. Not of what we are asked to do, but that I may falter in what is asked of us. We cannot repay what your people have done for us, but we can hope to uphold our end of things.” Tarakus answered, before again turning to face out over the sea of deep green armor, the servos of his armor softly whirring as he moved.

The overseer clicked his mandibles together once more, knowing better than to push further. He would soon send his report back the collective, he had but to ensure the battlegroups boarded their ships and disembarked from the cathedrelian super-structure. Half of the ships would patrol Gnesi space, the other half would go where they were needed, perhaps to aid the Aremites, perhaps to exact the justice of the Queen. Either way, the Gnesi intended them only to be a force for good.
>> Boot Adjutant
Booting …

Boot Complete.
<< Greetings Commander. Adjutant Letat at your service.

>> Decrypt Special Order 112

<<Of course, Commander. Confirm with your biomon key.
Biomon confirmed.
Decrypting File Special Order 112

Decryption Complete.

<< Order 112 is as states:
Unknown Xenos Force has been deployed.
Assessment required.
Full Strategic, Operational, Tactical freedom granted.
Loss permission granted.
Time allotted: N/A

>>Deploy the 44th

<<As you wish Commander.
“My sons. I come before you with a request.” The Angel said.

“And we shall answer father!” The host replied in unison.

The Cathedral at the Angels peak was one of the most ornate in the entire galaxy. Golden depictions of the Angel showed him casting down Xenos and Demons alike. Once colonists from the Terran region of Italy, the humans who remained in the Inaus sector became lost when communications from Terra ceased.

After a brief stint of expansion, La Serenissima was beaten at the battle of the nebula by the Yenova. La Serenissima was broken, the worlds not directly occupied by the filthy Xenos descended into infighting.

That all changed when the Angel arrived. The world of L'Arca di Dio had descended into civil war, warlords spent lives in the millions to try and wrest control of the planet from each other. The sky opened with an Angelic glow, thunder, lighting and an object fell onto the peaks of Dita di Dio. The impact brought champions from the various warlords to come and see what happened. What they found was perfection. His golden armor contrasted his jet black hair. Long Angelic wings flowed out of his back, and most striking of all was his blood red eyes.

These champions either challenged this Angel, or they bowed to him. From that point on the Angel would go to unify the world under his heavenly banner. La Serenissima would come to dominate their section of the galaxy once more.

“The Xenos are mobilizing. We can not allow them to muster enough strength to challenge us.” The Angel spoke with a gentle grace to his sons.

“We shall cut them down in your heavenly name.” The Angelic host replied.

“You are to go into Gensi space, you are to burn their hive worlds.” The Angel drew his sword.

The Angelic host started to bang their hand on their chest. The speed began to increase until the Angel pointed his sword directly in the direction he was looking. The armies fell out to their mustering points.

Their armor, adorned in Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. Banners flowing with symbols of blood, eagles, swords, and fists. Each Legion was headed by Angels sent to assist the great Angel. These brothers had elected the great Angel to be the Emperor of this new Human empire.

“Brothers, it is time to unleash our sons.” The Great Angel said.

“My brother Emperor. I wonder if we are rushing into war.” The Centurion said.

“Marcus I appreciate your concern, but the Xenos are moving and we can not be caught unprepared.” The Great Angel said.

“My defenses on the marches are prepared for war, my Brother Emperor.” The Pretorian said.

“Lucius, you are an asset. I thank you.” The Angel put his hand on his brother's shoulder.

“As always my forces are ready.” The Hunter said solemnly.

“You are unleashed brother.” The Angel said.

“The Huntsmen are to be the first wave. I will send a detachment of my Angelic guard with you. Burn these Xenos. Grab their armies by the throat, and do not let them go. Marcus will be sent to the border with the Yenova, My sons will remain in reserve. The Pretorians will remain on the defensive until such time as momentum is seized.” The Angel said.

“In your name my Emperor.” The Brothers replied.

Titans blared their war horns in the distance, war was coming, humanity would make its mark once more.