Results: Reopened September 2024 Delegate Election

Results: Reopened September 2024 Delegate Election

The Election Commission has counted the votes in this general election and now publishes these results, attesting they are true and correct.
Summary: @Picairn is elected as Delegate of The North Pacific.​

TNP Reopened September 2024 Delegate Election ~ Official Vote Count                                                 
This document reflects the official tally of all public and private votes cast in the General Election by legal voters.

Delegate (Round 1)        | Valid Ballots: 93
Candidate             Vote Count     Percentage     Elected?

Picairn                 43             47.25%        No
Blue Wolf II            3              3.30%         No
Dreadton                3              3.30%         No
Pallaith                42             46.15%        No

Abstain                 2
Delegate (Round 2)        | Valid Ballots: 93
Candidate             Vote Count     Percentage     Elected?

Picairn                  47             51.65%          Yes
Pallaith                 44             48.35%          No

Abstain                  2
Bro Bruh's (post 70) was discarded due to a court resctriction.
Mixton6's (post 84) was discarded due to loss of citizenship.

A detailed breakdown of votes and results can be found in this spreadsheet.

Election Commissioners: @Lord Dominator and @Chipoli