Greitbart: Election Commission Reopens Nominations Amid Massive Fraud



MAGICALITY CITY - Pandemonium broke out today as the electoral commission REFUSED to certify the election of regionalist and raider candidate Blue Wolf II to the delegacy. The electoral commission announced that over 80% of voters had voted to reopen nominations and restart the election.


Blue Wolf Supports react outside the regional assembly chambers as official announce the reopening of nominations

"There is absolutely just no way that Blue Wolf can be announced as the winner unopposed without a free and fair competition," Mad Jack is quoted as saying. Picairn, leader of the Stop BW Movement, called BW and his supporters "toxic." Still characters like Plembobria insist nothing is wrong. "The election ran how it is. I don't see why any of us should be voting in lazy defenderists who did not bother to toss their hat in the ring in time to run against brave patriotic Blue Wolf." The former delegate vowed to file challanges to these results, and to see it to it that BW is rightfully installed. "We cannot allow the deep state to steal a win for a tried-and-true regionalist," said @Halsoni , campaign advisor to Blue Wolf and Greitbart contribitor, "This is democracy manifest."

Still, many candidates are now jumping to take their place of former challenger comfed (who gave up the campaign upon getting just a glimpse of Blue Wolf's alpha wolf energy.) Most notable among them, Ghost, 7 time delegate of the north pacific and court justice.


Pallaith chides Plembobria for his untoward comments about the electoral commission
Still, the EC is plowing ahead, hearing no objections to the validity of the reopening of nominations. Voting is expected to commence again in the coming days. Meanwhile, a private Greitbart investigative report found dozens of irregularities in voting process. "Millions of private ballots are being posted at 4 AM," @Rom is quoted as saying. "They all say abstain and reopen nominations." Running highly complex statistical modeling on the ID's of these ballots, we found there is a 74.34% chance some of them are fraudulent. "This is huge, the biggest heist of a TNP election in history, maybe ever. A lot of people are saying this is terrible. These are very bad people. Very bad. Unbelievable folks. Somebody's gotta do something about it," Blue Wolf said to his supporters at a campaign rally.

So far Dreadton, Ghost, Picairn, and Blue Wolf will be competing once again. We can only have faith that the voting both is in trusted and patriotic hands this time arround.
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The northern deep state is a monstrosity that must be defeated. I’ve been fighting this fight since 1989 and I invite my comrades to do the same. Only together can we stop the raider “Independent” menace!
Who voted for these INSTALLED candidates??? What is going on at this moment is very concerning, and I think it has to do with Blue Wolf's proud flemingovian beliefs? Extremely sad to see such a fair and honestly great election be ruined by people wanting to re open nominations since apparently being PATRIOTIC doesn't represent the region anymore.