Neptune for Vice Delegate


TNP Nation
Neptunian Military Administration
Neptune for Vice Delegate

Howdy folks my name is Neptune and I'm running for the Vice Delegate position. Given as I have zero experience in sort this of field, I was hoping that I would gain some useful experience regardless of the end result. I do think I have basic knowledge of the functions that the VD does, as it seems quite straightforward. From what I've gathered from past VD campaigns, they all seem pretty much the same to me. With promises for more endorsements, more activity, card giveaways, and so much more. Honestly with me, I'm more of a "go with the flow" sort of guy. Go with whatever the current trend is.

Kinda wanted this is to be short and sweet so this type of thing isn't exactly my cup of tea. So if you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them to the best of my abilities!

Thanks, Neptune.
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Your TNP nation currently has 9 endorsements. How do you plan to reach 600+ endorsements?
Endotarting and hopefully good luck
Comfed took 2 months of endotarting + telegramming to reach around 520. I'm afraid simple endotarting isn't going to be enough, you need to have a plan to get 600+ endorsements quickly before the term ends in January.
It's always good to see someone else enter the 'fray'. :lol:

As has already been mentioned, you really do need to make a concerted effort on your endorsements.

Obviously, firstly endorsing everybody in the region and then keeping track of those nations that don't endorse you in return, then a telegram asking for their endorsement should be sent.

This will help build up your endorsement numbers, but this takes time, so good luck with all that.

As all this is new to you regarding the Vice-delagacy, are you aware and happy with the duties of the Vice-delegate role?
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Neptune, can you give us a basic idea of your experience in NS and TNP so far? Has any of that given you skills or experience you can apply to the basic duties of the Vice Delegate?

I appreciate this was a last minute plunge you decided to take, and that you didn’t have the endorsements ready because of your military background. As many more charitable than me have said, we can’t make having no endorsements or few endorsements disqualifying because players like yourself would never have these opportunities. I’m sensitive to that fact even as I do worry a bit by how far you have to climb. There are ways to work on this but it’s going to be a long transition if you win. Did your study of previous campaigns give you an idea of how some candidates and eventual winners handled their endorsement deficit? Any lessons you think could be applied to your situation?

I’m also curious which aspect of the job, after you took a closer look at it for this race, surprised you the most?

I just want to say, there’s a reason that this is an elected position and not an extension of security council membership. Do not assume you don’t belong here by default. Just paint us a picture of why you might be able to tackle this job with all its challenges and show us that you understand it’s nuances and even if it’s not this cycle, you could give this a serious shot.
Thank you for the feedback!

Like I mentioned before, I only entered the election for the experience, a "start" if you will. I never intended to win, gosh how could I lol. I already knew my lack of endorsements was going to be a key issue, as my WA was literally in Vibonia last night. My honest thoughts about the position is quite uncertain, as I haven't really paid much thought into it, but I will be completely honest, it looks really easy.

Going back on the endorsement dealo, I was planning on trying to gather so much as I can before the election, but I was planning on gaining them afterwards as well. I do plan on running next election regardless of the end result.

Hope that helps!
I can somewhat vouch for Neptune here, though I'm not 100% sure this will matter. He served a term at the beginning of Vibonia's existence as Vice President in- I think 22' [before joining the NPA] and has served in various other capacities. He's been an election commissioner [again, ever since Vibonia began], an Outreach Officer (our equivalent of TNP's Gameside Advocates) [at one point, as the Chief OO], Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs under my Ministership circa 2023 [his service as DM has been continued until today], and is currently on the Vibonian Security Council [though since he's moved his WA to TNP, I'm sure he'll be resigning soon]

Good luck Neptune :3 (You'll need it lmao)
Neptune for Vice Delegate

Howdy folks my name is Neptune and I'm running for the Vice Delegate position. Given as I have zero experience in sort this of field, I was hoping that I would gain some useful experience regardless of the end result. I do think I have basic knowledge of the functions that the VD does, as it seems quite straightforward. From what I've gathered from past VD campaigns, they all seem pretty much the same to me. With promises for more endorsements, more activity, card giveaways, and so much more. Honestly with me, I'm more of a "go with the flow" sort of guy. Go with whatever the current trend is.

Kinda wanted this is to be short and sweet so this type of thing isn't exactly my cup of tea. So if you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them to the best of my abilities!

Thanks, Neptune.
Ah hell yeah pimp

Full support to be honest, you've been on NS for a while now, and I think you can do it! You were also the former Vice President of Vibonia, the first to be specific. You're still doing great stuff in the Vibonian government, so I'm confident you're capable in doing this (along with handling it well if you win).