AraFuttio for Speaker 3: Improvement, Step by Step


Also known as Oriaga/Catshoar
TNP Nation
Hello, everyone! I’m AraFuttio, and I’m running to be Speaker of the Regional Assembly. I had previously served in this role from January to May 2024, after serving as a Deputy from September 2023 to January 2024. Therefore I am well-versed with the procedures that are involved with this job.

Firstly, I want to thank Cloud and the team of Deps this term. There has been a considerable amount of legislative activity this term and they have dealt with it well. As I haven’t had a role in the Office this term, I will discuss with Cloud issues in the Office that need to be addressed should I be elected.

However, I do have some targets of my own. The outstanding one is to finally complete the Speaker’s Guides. Cloud did manage to complete one at the beginning of this term, but they need to be completed once and for all. That is my biggest priority besides running the legislative business of the RA.

As well as this, I would consider beginning a process to annotate legal documents to make them simpler for newer nations. This could be done with diagrams as well as words. The way I would plan to do this is ‘organised chaos.’ Deputies would be encouraged to submit annotations sporadically to a particular section of a legal document. However, this process would require consultation with Deputies and the wider region to determine if it is the best use of resources.

I would plan to recruit the same amount of Deputies that we have now. There’s no reason to have any more as the Office seems to be running smoothly.

Finally, I want to address some concerns that you may have. I have struggled with inactivity in the past few months, but I’ve realised that all I needed was a break from executive activities. I can assure you I will approach this position with enthusiasm. As I am no longer an Executive Staffer, I will be able to focus all my attention on the Speakership.

Thank you, and any questions are greatly appreciated and encouraged! Watch this space as there may be announcements on new manifesto pledges!
As you addressed in your campaign, you've struggled with activity. Now that you've taken a well-deserved break, what has changed?
As you addressed in your campaign, you've struggled with activity. Now that you've taken a well-deserved break, what has changed?
Thanks Ruben. I think I had just exhausted my enthusiasm for the game and I needed a revitalisation. I’m now much more eager to work for this region, as I’ve recharged and approached this with a new attitude. I’m confident I will be able to run a productive Speaker’s Office.