A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

Blue Wolf II

A Wolf Most Blue
TNP Nation

Why hello there friend! Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Blue Wolf II, a former Delegate of The North Pacific, Former Vice Delegate, Former Security Council Member, Former Justice, and Founder of the current iteration of the North Pacific Army. I have been playing NationStates since 2005 and first became a citizen of TNP that same year, after participating in the resistance that defeated the PixieDance coup. Otherwise, I am also known as the Second Founder of Lone Wolves United, Evil Wolf, for which I am Commended under Security Council Resolution #169, and as the eight-time former Lazarus Delegate known as Killer Kitty.

As you can see, I have been around NationStates and TNP for longer than some of our players have been alive. My experience speaks for itself and it is because of that experience that I have decided to run for Delegate of The North Pacific once again. Over the past year, we have seen important developments emerge within TNP, some good, some bad, but all interesting. I have taken a discerning eye to the many issues and concerns that the average TNP citizen have recently expressed, and I would like to address a few of them here, starting with perhaps the most divisive:


One year ago, on the 27th of August 2023, our region was attacked by the combined forces of the Brotherhood of Malice and The Communist Block. I feel deeply about this assault on our democracy, as I was personally the first NPA officer to notice, report, and act against the invaders. Days later, our region declared war. Since that time, however, little progress has been made. While we have won the occasional victory, we have not been aggressively pursuing our enemies. Too many times have they been able operate openly without challenge by the NPA. Too many times have we not been able to bring the fight to their doorstep.

As delegate, I vow to make prosecuting the war one of my highest priorities. I am under no illusion that the war will be long and difficult, and that NS wars often do not have satisfying conclusions, but we were attacked, and as the largest and most powerful region in NationStates, we shall show our strength to ensure that our region, and our allies, are safe from aggressors. However, in order to do this, we will need a powerful Army, which means...


It's no secret that the Summer lull is upon us and has hit the North Pacific Army particularly hard. Operations have dropped down to just a handful of tags and de-tags per month. The Officer Corp has become so inactive that the Minister of Defense and his Deputy were forced to take drastic actions and restructured the NPA's rank structure. While I agree that rank reform and simplification is needed, it does not solve the general activity problem. Recently we had a pre-planned training operation with our allies in Euro and only three NPA members showed up. This wouldn't be a good showing for a peacetime military, but for a region that's at war, this is catastrophic. Immediate focus must be given towards NPA recruitment, training, and activity. Overall, our officer corps is experienced, but that has not translated into activity and training.

Therefore, I vow to increase NPA cooperation with our allies, double down on recruitment efforts, increase the amount of operations the NPA is performing, and untether the NPA as much as legally possible so that we might start fighting the war we were forced into. We have many allies that rely on us for protection, and we need a strong military to make sure we don't let them down. Of course, in order to get NPA's number up, we're going to have to do a lot of recruiting, and who is better suited for this task than...


Our Home Affairs department has recently distinguished itself when @Petronellania earned the Delegate's Service Award for recruitment. This sort of effort is the gold standard for a department which has, sadly, often lapsed into inactivity over the years. Recruiting is no easy feat, even in a feeder. It is an often thankless and unsung job that requires constant dedication with often hard to quantify results. However, it needs to become a backbone for our region to grow in this post-Frontier world. As such, I vow to organize the Home Affairs office along a more rewards based program, similar to the NPA rank and decoration system we already have. We must show our members that their efforts are appreciated and seen so we may grow as a community and become the strongest version of The North Pacific possible.


Due to the on-going war, inter-regional alliances are of the utmost importance. The more friends we have, the stronger we are and the weaker our enemies. We must reach out to any and all who oppose TCB and BoM, be they defender, independent, or raider. Our cooperation with our allies has always been our greatest strength and we must seek new and innovative friends if we are to win this conflict. I have offered this position to several people, all of whom have expressed interest, so while it remains to be seen who our new MoFA will be, I am confident that we have an experienced team waiting in the wings, ready to face new challenges.

And that, dear friends, is my vision for The North Pacific. I hope you enjoyed the read and are as excited as I am for a new direction and a stronger TNP. Please ask any questions you might have, as I will be here to answer them, and most importantly...

Do you have any specific plans for Communications and Culture?
Who are we not attached to are who are opposed to BoM and TCB you would like to form a relationship with?
What type of additional actions do you think the NPA should be taking in regards to the war and what type of actions would you take to "untether" the NPA?
Hello there, :D

Are you intending to start an endorsement campaign soon?

You currently have 84 endorsements.
Who are we not attached to are who are opposed to BoM and TCB you would like to form a relationship with?

We have already taken steps to court the Augustin Alliance and I would love to see us continue on that trend. I feel like they would be a fantastic ally, even outside of the context of the current war. This is the sort of ally I would love to court more of. Additionally, if we can drive a wedge between people that BoM and TCB affiliate with, this will go a long way in helping to weaken both regions. I don't think traditional relations will apply in those cases, but even if we only establish a NAP with those regions, it will send a strong message that TNP is not an acceptable target and undercut BoM and TCB influence. Remember, we don't always need to make regions our friends in order to advance our position, sometimes just being viewed as not an enemy is good enough.

What type of additional actions do you think the NPA should be taking in regards to the war and what type of actions would you take to "untether" the NPA?

Actually showing up to confront BoM and TCB operations would be nice, for a start.

We haven't done any real operations against BoM for pretty much this entire war and the only large operation we participated in against TCB was Solidarity, which wasn't our show. We're one of the largest regions in the game, we should be at least dropping the sort of numbers that our allies in TWP are able to and, again, they're not even at war. There is no reason why BoM operations, especially, go unchallenged by the NPA. We need to send a clear message that if you are raiding with BoM at the update, you're going to get a special visit from the NPA just because BoM is with you. Make the BoM a pariah within their own circles. Make people not want to invite them to operations, because they know if they do, they're going to get the People's Elbow from TNP.

Are you intending to start an endorsement campaign soon?

I'm a little late, but I've started the efforts. We shouldn't be overly concerned.

Do you have any specific plans for Communications and Culture?

Yes, in fact I believe they're an important part of our power projection efforts. I would like their staffs be experimental in their operations. More articles with less censorship, more festivals, more of TNP getting itself out there and it's influence seen and heard. Unfortunately, one of the steps I'm also going to have to make is to reincorporate the Ministry of Radio back into the Ministry of Communications. I think Simone's plans for Radio were too ambitious for the activity levels we had. In the future, if Radio is able to produce good quality products with dedication, they might be separated, but for now, back under Comms. Keep in mind, Radio is hard and very different from writing articles, and I think the current staff for their efforts. So while I am open to recreating the Ministry of Radio its going to be folded back into Comms for the time being.
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Why don't we merge Culture and WAA while we're at it? They require totally different skillsets, so I'm sure there will be a lot of staff overlap. /s
Why don't we merge Culture and WAA while we're at it? They require totally different skillsets, so I'm sure there will be a lot of staff overlap. /s

I would love for Radio be active enough to stand on it's own, don't get me wrong. I fully understand that radio is it's own beast, but I think, for this moment, the best thing we can do is keep them under Comms and feed them support. Once they've proven to be stable, I will shred them out to their own Ministry. I would love MiniRadio to be active, but I don't want it to flounder just because.
Additionally, if we can drive a wedge between people that BoM and TCB affiliate with, this will go a long way in helping to weaken both regions. I don't think traditional relations will apply in those cases, but even if we only establish a NAP with those regions
Given that you founded it, would it be safe to say that one of these regions would be Lone Wolves United?
Given that you founded it, would it be safe to say that one of these regions would be Lone Wolves United?

I won't say that, no. I know certain people are extremely obsessed with my LWU connections, but I have been delegate before and never have I pushed TNP towards LWU relations.

Do I think it's a bad idea for us to reach out to LWU? No, not really. LWU has had an on again/off again relationship with TNP, and TNP hasn't always been happy with LWU, but LWU is very famously not a big fan of BoM or TCB. So, while they're certainly a region to reach out to and consider, it's not my top priority.
I won't say that, no. I know certain people are extremely obsessed with my LWU connections, but I have been delegate before and never have I pushed TNP towards LWU relations.

Do I think it's a bad idea for us to reach out to LWU? No, not really. LWU has had an on again/off again relationship with TNP, and TNP hasn't always been happy with LWU, but LWU is very famously not a big fan of BoM or TCB. So, while they're certainly a region to reach out to and consider, it's not my top priority.
TNP not being happy with LWU currently constitutes a long-standing position that we do not work with any organization that cooperates with our enemies, the people who attacked us. LWU participates in operations with BoM, which is why we do not work with LWU. Given you think working with them is not a bad idea, and given your position in the past on this principle, would you hold to this principle as Delegate, and continue to require LWU cease working with BoM in order for us to consider cooperation with them? Or would you be satisfied with LWU claiming they do not like BoM, do not officially partner with them or attend ops hosted by them?

As a side note, it is greatly concerning, contrary to what you said, that you have less than 100 endorsements as the election begins. These transitions have taken a long time multiple terms now and that's with candidates starting endotarting well over a month in advance. Many of us know that you were planning this run for a while, so why weren't you working on this?
Actually showing up to confront BoM and TCB operations would be nice, for a start.
What about the relatively active nature of our cooperation with libcord? Considering that most days libcord is actively chasing suspicious and that is where a lot of our lower rank soliders (including me) get their training, is it necessary to encourage the NPA to chase on its own?
TNP not being happy with LWU currently constitutes a long-standing position that we do not work with any organization that cooperates with our enemies, the people who attacked us. LWU participates in operations with BoM, which is why we do not work with LWU. Given you think working with them is not a bad idea, and given your position in the past on this principle, would you hold to this principle as Delegate, and continue to require LWU cease working with BoM in order for us to consider cooperation with them? Or would you be satisfied with LWU claiming they do not like BoM, do not officially partner with them or attend ops hosted by them?

The operation you refer to happened six months ago and was hosted by TBH and it wasn't related to any region of TNP interest. Yes, BoM was there, yes LWU also participated. This caused the MoFA at the time to become extremely upset and end what were informal talks with LWU. Since that time, LWU has not been a part of a single BoM operation.

Let me repeat that. You have a raider group who hasn't worked any operations where BoM contributed even so much as a piler because they knew it would upset TNP.

I don't need to require LWU to cease working with BoM, they haven't worked any of their hosted raids in years and haven't participated in any raids were BoM contributed even a single WA in over six months. You'd know that if you just asked. My question to you, Pallaith, is why we shouldn't at least like a raider group that 1) clearly cares what TNP thinks 2) we've had decent relations with in the past and 3) clearly shares no love for BoM. If you think that's a bad region that we shouldn't at least have talks with, who else should we have talks with? What's the standard? An open declaration of war against BoM and TCB before we in TNP are allowed to talk with anyone?

I prefer an honest discussion on this topic and since relations specifically with LWU don't even contribute to my platform, that is an afterthought, at best. We have an Army to rebuild, first and foremost, and already established allies, such as TWP and the NPO, that we should focus increasing military cooperation with first.

I hope that answers your questions.
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What about the relatively active nature of our cooperation with libcord? Considering that most days libcord is actively chasing suspicious and that is where a lot of our lower rank soliders (including me) get their training, is it necessary to encourage the NPA to chase on its own?

I believe LibCord is a good asset, but one we're clearly over-relying on. At one point, more than 50% of our operations were going through LibCord, or LibCord established, single operation discords, and considering the NPA is running less than one operation per three weeks in the past three months, that's really not good.

TNP is an independent region and NPA is an independent military. We shouldn't be over-relying on LibCord, which primarily does defenses and liberations, for the majority of our operations. It degrades our skills in other areas and deprives our officers from opportunities to learn how to plan their own operations. The North Pacific Army has always been its most active when we are leading and planning our own operations. It's time for us to invite our LibCord allies into NPA discords, rather than us always being invited into LibCord. In this way, we will be stronger, more active, and more experienced.
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What our your thoughts on the NPA conducting operations of the variety usually termed as “raiding” against regions for reasons unrelated to the current wars?
What our your thoughts on the NPA conducting operations of the variety usually termed as “raiding” against regions for reasons unrelated to the current wars?

We have had a long tradition of anti-fascist raiding traditions that have sadly died out in the past few years. There are certainly plenty of deserving targets. In fact, I would love to bring back the anti-fascist operations. It is important that our military knows how to do all types of operations and also Bash The Fash.
For the record, the NPA has quite actively participated in anti-fascist operations this year, and even led one ourselves. Examples on my mind are Valdosta, Hellish Dominion of Abysmal Torment, Ardenia, Confederation of Corrupt Dictators, and Elba Island. An argument can be made that we should lead antifascist operations more often as opposed to participating when invited, but that doesn't mean our proud tradition of bashing the fash has "died out". :)
For the record, the NPA has quite actively participated in anti-fascist operations this year, and even led one ourselves. Examples on my mind are Valdosta, Hellish Dominion of Abysmal Torment, Ardenia, Confederation of Corrupt Dictators, and Elba Island. An argument can be made that we should lead antifascist operations more often as opposed to participating when invited, but that doesn't mean our proud tradition of bashing the fash has "died out". :)

Of those operations, only CCD was NPA led within the past six month. Of note, Elba Island was a Vibonia operation that NPA contributed five pilers to and Valdosta was a joint TWP/LWU led operation back in February that NPA also contributed in. If you have to fish back that long, you're not being entirely honest.

Its okay to admit that we need to get NPA's activity levels up. We can't start fixing the issue if we don't acknowledge there's a problem.
I'm not "fishing" for anything, all the operations cited are from this year, they aren't ancient history. There's a difference between "the NPA no longer does anti-fascist operations" and "the NPA should lead anti-fascist operations more often".
the NPA is running less than one operation per three weeks in the past three months, that's really not good.
How is that true when in the last three weeks, 6 operations have been led and the NPA was deployed to stack in the wellspring? I definitely agree that we need more operations but I don't see a way for the delegate to get the NPA to become significantly more active.
The operation you refer to happened six months ago and was hosted by TBH and it wasn't related to any region of TNP interest. Yes, BoM was there, yes LWU also participated. This caused the MoFA at the time to become extremely upset and end what were informal talks with LWU. Since that time, LWU has not been a part of a single BoM operation.

Let me repeat that. You have a raider group who hasn't worked any operations where BoM contributed even so much as a piler because they knew it would upset TNP.

I don't need to require LWU to cease working with BoM, they haven't worked any of their hosted raids in years and haven't participated in any raids were BoM contributed even a single WA in over six months. You'd know that if you just asked. My question to you, Pallaith, is why we shouldn't at least like a raider group that 1) clearly cares what TNP thinks 2) we've had decent relations with in the past and 3) clearly shares no love for BoM. If you think that's a bad region that we shouldn't at least have talks with, who else should we have talks with? What's the standard? An open declaration of war against BoM and TCB before we in TNP are allowed to talk with anyone?

I prefer an honest discussion on this topic and since relations specifically with LWU don't even contribute to my platform, that is an afterthought, at best. We have an Army to rebuild, first and foremost, and already established allies, such as TWP and the NPO, that we should focus increasing military cooperation with first.

I hope that answers your questions.
This is a lie. LWU's position on this has not changed. It would have been incredibly strange for them to change their position on this matter at our request, to mollify us, but continue to leave us in the dark and assume the opposite was true, forgoing most of a year of possible cooperation, especially since making that concession would be no small thing for them. It is true no further ops have taken place with BoM since, but that is not out of some deference to us. Our position was always clearly articulated to LWU and it was that any cooperation with BoM, even piling on the same ops as them, was unacceptable to us. Tom, the leader of LWU, knew this in January and knows it now. I asked him if this position changed and we were not made aware, and he confirmed it has not changed. I have the receipts:



First is his original confirmation of LWU's position, second is him reiterating it tonight when asked.

I have never said I think LWU is a bad region to have talks with, nor have I ever advocated they declare war on BoM. It was a simple request, and a reasonable one. It was one they did not wish to honor, fair enough. But I won't have that mischaracterized. We have tried to talk to them repeatedly and always get stuck on this point. This is an honest discussion, not you trying to spin the facts into something they are not, and then suggesting I am being unreasonable when I point our where you are misstating them.
This is a lie. LWU's position on this has not changed.

Again, I said LWU has not worked with BoM in the six months since that aforementioned operation. Nothing Tom said contradicts my claim. You're muckraking and lying to the masses due to a personal grudge. Trying to make dirt to sell, if you will. This is all very disappointing and comes off as a little desperate.

I expected better from you, Ghost.

How is that true when in the last three weeks, 6 operations have been led and the NPA was deployed to stack in the wellspring? I definitely agree that we need more operations but I don't see a way for the delegate to get the NPA to become significantly more active.

The NPA reports only cite one operation in the last few weeks. Tags performed in the same update still only count as one operation.

Again, I get you guys. It's okay. I'm not detracting from your accomplishments, I'm simply stating we're not where we need to be and can, and should, do better.
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Again, I said LWU has not worked with BoM in the six months since that aforementioned operation. Nothing Tom said contradicts my claim. You're muckraking and lying to the masses due to a personal grudge. This is very disappointing and a little desperate.

I expected better from you, Ghost.

The NPA reports only cite one operation in the last few weeks. Tags performed in the same update still only count as one operation.

Again, I get you guys. It's okay. I'm not detracting from your accomplishments, I'm simply stating we're not where we need to be and can, and should, do better.
Read the messages more carefully. You claimed more than just that, and it was completely false. You said "You have a raider group who hasn't worked any operations where BoM contributed even so much as a piler because they knew it would upset TNP" but Tom said that LWU's position continues to be that the door is open to pile on raids that include BoM. These two things do not line up. You are wrong. I am not muckraking if I point this out. I asked you, as a candidate for delegate, a question that you answered inaccurately at best. I have trouble believing that you just don't understand the point I have been making. I find that disingenuous. The voters can decide if they feel you are simply mistaken or if you are knowingly lying.
I am sorry you feel that way, Ghost, but you're simply mistaken and seemingly trying to manufacture a controversy where there is none.

Now, if you're done inventing scandals to be upset about, were there any other questions I could address for you Ghost?
I am sorry you feel that way, Ghost, but you're simply mistaken and seemingly trying to manufacture a controversy where there is none.

Now, if you're done inventing scandals to be upset about, were there any other questions I could address for you Ghost?
Don't make shit up if you don't want to take any shit for it.

I have no other questions at the moment but I'll be sure to speak up again if I have any.
The NPA reports only cite one operation in the last few weeks. Tags performed in the same update still only count as one operation.
In no way is that true, here are the reports from the last three weeks (not to mention, again, most of our troops are tied up in The Wellspring):
https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9198625/ (Two operations)

Look, I agree with you that we need to up the activity and attendance, I just think its important to be accurate in what is actually happening. There are issues with activity, but that isn't necessarily a result of the lack of operations, just many of the numbers aren't where we wish them to be.
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Look, I agree with you that we need to up the activity and attendance, I just think its important to be accurate in what is actually happening. There are issues with activity, but that isn't necessarily a result of the lack of operations, just many of the numbers aren't where we wish them to be.

In fairness, I'm going off the operational reports I can see. I freely admit that I was not aware of those operations until this moment. We do make mistakes and I feel that transparency is key, so I apologize for that.

None the less, these are not very good numbers, as you have said, and I do feel that special attention needs to be given to the NPA. In fairness, that should have been happening over the past year, ever since the war declaration was signed.

I think a real sit down with the entire NPA, from leadership to it's rank and file, is going to be needed going forward. It's the first thing I plan to do while in office. We need to move forward as a unit if we're going to build the best NPA possible. Sound like something you'd be interested in?
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I assume you’ll be adding on to the campaign as you’re missing a couple bits.
Your campaign focuses on the NPA and war prosecution but is very lite on the how. How are you going to increase recruitment? How are you going to keep those you recruited from burnout and boredom? You want more operations, great, how are you going to find them and not cost us allies in the process?

LWU has made it clear that they are willing to pile/support BoM. Considering your focus is on hurting BoM, how will you handled working with LWU when they are willing to provide support to our enemies? how will you address this on the world stage?

You focused on the NPA and have some minor mention of our FA. Our ministries have been key to getting players engaged and to stay in the region. What are you going to do with them or is all your focus on the war? Our ministries are anemic in manpower and engagement, will you address this? How? Ads have not been effective, how will you drive people into engaging with the region?

This outgoing term has had some misteps in terms of WA activities, how would you avoid them?

Its been brought up about your endorsement level, and you brushed it off. As we have seen our transition times are both a security concern and a PR nightmare that our enemies use to paint us as weak. How long will it take to get you into SC range of the top spot? How will you do it? How will you address the security concerns and the PR related to this? How will you get pass the endorsement wall that tends to happen at 400-500 endorsements?
Many regions require certain officials to manually recruit, would you support legislation to that effect, and if so, how would you implement it?
Well, does @Comfed support your stance, @Dreadton, that all region's that don't explicitly state their opposition to BoM providing, as you put it "material support for an enemy"?

Does this apply to all regions or just LWU? Every one of our neutral allies, or just specifically LWU?
Well, does @Comfed support your stance, @Dreadton, that all region's that don't explicitly state their opposition to BoM providing, as you put it "material support for an enemy"?

Does this apply to all regions or just LWU? Every one of our neutral allies, or just specifically LWU?

Since you continually try to push this false narrative, I am glad I posted the Screenshots where I say being willing to pile with BoM is providing material support. Besides this hyper focusing on one question, do you have plans to answer the rest of the ones i asked?
As we have seen our transition times are both a security concern and a PR nightmare that our enemies use to paint us as weak
I also want to add on here, often during transition periods the NPA is stationed in TNP to aid the transition and provide regional influence and security, but considering this transition period would be more drawn out than most due to endorsement levels, how can we expect to mobilize the NPA as you say when it is tied up in TNP for a month+. Furthermore, how can we provide security for our allies such as The Wellspring during this period.

Also, what do you plan to do about the stagnant or declining number of delegate and vice delegate endorsements?

material support for an enemy"?
I just don’t understand how the benefits of allying with LWU outweighs the costs. Regardless of your argument with Ghost, how does it make us look to cooperate with a raider organization that had explicitly stated they are willing to cooperate (even if they haven’t in the past couple months) with the region we are currently at war with?
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I just don’t understand how the benefits of allying with LWU outweighs the costs. Regardless of your argument with Ghost, how does it make us look to cooperate with a raider organization that had explicitly stated they are willing to cooperate (even if they haven’t in the past couple months) with the region we are currently at war with?

To be clear, I am not proposing an alliance with LWU, as I have stated from the start. Two people in this thread are trying to twist words and manipulate voters in favor of their preferred candidate. It's an dirty tactic, but such is life.

I have stated, when asked directly, that I would be open to "reach out" to LWU, to quote myself. I believe we should reach out to any region we might be able to get on our side. That statement is not controversial.

My primary focus, as I have said again and again, is boosting our numbers, building closer relationships with our pre-established GCR allies such as TWP and NPO, and winning the war.

I remain committed and loyal to The North Pacific. I will not bow to political attacks which seek to paint fellow pro-raider TNP citizens as The Enemy. The tactic is underhanded and despicable and an insult to our own Citizenry. I call upon my opponent, @Comfed, to join me in condemning these senseless political attacks which seek only to divide The North Pacific along Raider/Defender lines.
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You clearly do not understand the political landscape of TNP, if you think these are political attacks and/or that I am anti-raider. Considering the lack of understanding of TNP, how can we trust that you will understand the political landscape of the game?

Also do you intend to answer my other questions, or will you continue to DARVO and try to gaslight the voters? (For example, this would be a political attack)
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You clearly do not understand the political landscape of TNP, if you think these are political attacks and/or that I am anti-raider. Considering the lack of understanding of TNP, how can we trust that you will understand the political landscape of the game?

Also do you intend to answer my other questions, or will you continue to DARVO and try to gaslight the voters? (For example, this would be a political attack)

I'm not sure answering the question of someone who is so hostile to his fellow Citizens is appropriate. Your willingness to accuse your fellow citizens of providing aid to the enemy without cause or merit has more or less made me lose all respect.

If you'd like to have someone else pose your questions for you, Dreadton, that's fine, but I won't be engaging with someone who wants to tear the region apart and start witch hunts just so his candidate can win. Personally I hope that Comfed never picks someone like yourself for his cabinets, should he win, as you clearly care more about sowing mistrust than you do helping The North Pacific.
Your personal attacks, lack of platform and plan, ignoring anything that challenges or disputes your opinions, and unwillingness to answer the most basic of questions shows me that you do not have the personality or the temperament to lead. Should the region choose you for delegate, I would hope they will pair you with a capable and trustworthy Vice Delegate to mitigate the damage you will do.
Again, he has nothing but attacks and hatred. I would never run a campaign in such a way. I do hope @Comfed joins me in condemning this truly saddening behavior, and helps bring the temper of his supporters down.
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