Confederation of Corrupt Dictators (and Elba Island), 28 July 2024


"Nothing is lost as long as courage remains."
TNP Nation

Confederation of Corrupt Dictators (and Elba Island)
28 July 2024

Citizens and residents of The North Pacific,

As many of you may have known, the Confederation of Corrupt Dictators was once infamous for its status as a safe haven for fascism and its direct attempt to infiltrate our region. Under its founder, Jocospor, CCD maintained close ties with many explicitly fascist and neo-Nazi regions, and even launched a failed espionage operation in 2018 -2020 (codenamed “Operation 84”) with the intention to seize control of TNP’s Delegacy.

The NPA has not forgotten CCD’s fascist history nor its attempt to coup our region. Jocospor’s CTE in late June 2024 provided a historic opportunity for us to return the favour, and we did not let it pass. With military support from our allies: the NPO, TWPAF, LDF, and ERN, we successfully took control of the region and initiated a lengthy and arduous process to permanently capture it. Now, one month and two days after it all began, CCD has become TNP’s possession once and for all with an NPA-controlled Governor in charge. It will now stand as a monument to anti-fascism, and a symbol of what will happen to all enemies of The North Pacific.

I would like to commend all of our soldiers and officers who have participated in this historic operation and maintained their discipline under stealth until it was no longer required. My sincere thanks also go to our allies who have supported us and helped bring an end to CCD much more quickly. Our collaboration was highly successful, and I look forward to seeing more of it again in the coming days. I’m very happy with what we have accomplished together.

Soldiers who participated:
Minister of Defense Picairn
General @Rom
General @Zaz
Colonel @Kaschovia
Colonel @Nutmeg The Squirrel
Colonel @QuietDad
Major @Lord Dominator
Captain @Healiopolis
Lieutenant @Bobberino
Warrant Officer @El Fiji Grande
Warrant Officer @Matzerati
Sergeant @Hybodus
Sergeant @Oscarcars
Sergeant @Norvoz
Sergeant @Caius
Corporal @Polgaria
Corporal @Treekidistan
Corporal @cosmicsonic
Corporal @Albion(NBU/TVD)
Private First Class @Vivanco
Private First Class @Noscar
Private First Class @Skaraborg
Private First Class @Ansgard McCartnon
Private First Class @Zyvetskistaahn
Private First Class @Noclaf Ipsagel
Private First Class @Quero
Private First Class @Kaiser Martin II
Private @Baltic Tribes
Private @Sybarropesee
@Cloud (formerly Private before resignation)

TNP Militia:
Private Socialist Union of Siberia

With support from:
- The Legio Pacifica (NPO)
- The West Pacific Armed Forces (TWPAF)
- The League’s Defense Force (LDF)
- Europeia Republican Navy (ERN)

TNP’s newest trophy:
Confederation of Corrupt Dictators
While most of the NPA were piling in CCD, some of us went on a side quest to assist Vibonia in their fash bash operation against Elba Island, Saint Helene’s frontier, at July 20th’s minor update. Together, we successfully took the region and our soldiers remained there for about a week to support Vibonia before withdrawing after major update on this Sunday, July 28th.

And no, the NPA didn't help Napoleon escape the island. I don't know anything about that.

Soldiers who participated:
Colonel @Kaschovia
Warrant Officer @Matzerati
Sergeant @Oscarcars
Corporal @cosmicsonic
Private First Class @Punished Lotion

Elba Island
Promotions and Awards

After updating the roster, I found the following to be worthy of promotions:
- All soldiers at the rank of Private who participated in the CCD operation are hereby promoted to Private First Class!
- Corporal cosmicsonic is promoted to Sergeant!
- Private First Class Vivanco is promoted to Corporal!
- Before I miss this, Private Caldrasa is also promoted straight to Corporal for their active participation in Libcord operations.

In addition, I hereby award this ribbon to everyone who participated in the CCD operation:


Or if you want a big, high-quality version:


Thank you all for your contributions! Wear your new ribbon and rank proudly, because you have earned it!

At your service,

Minister of Defense
Congratulations to those who participated in the seizure of the Confederation of Corrupt Dictators!

I cannot say the same to those who attacked Elba Island (and by proxy Saint Helene). That attack did not serve TNP's interest, especially with regards to the RP community. Fash bash or not, it was a terrible mistake.
That attack did not serve TNP's interest, especially with regards to the RP community. Fash bash or not, it was a terrible mistake.
I am so fed up with people saying this. Fash, wherever they reside, must be opposed and it is always in TNP's interests to attack fascists. The RP community suffered zero negative affects from the raid and indeed, most people in it didn't even know it happened.
Thank you NPA (speaking from both Vibonia and TNP lol)! :cheese:

It was a pleasure joining and participating in the operation.

- From Private First Class Goji, and former Vice President of Vibonia.
