The Northern Notes - Published Archive

The Northern Notes 1, 11 October 2022

Welcome to the Ministry of Home Affair's Northern Notes! With a bit of Kastonvia spice! Here we will cover a variety of topics spanning the North Pacific and those considered news worthy! It is important for you to consume government mandated facts and government approved opinions!

Fireside Chat with Delegate Pallaith
Feel free to tune in on
Delegate Pallaith's latest fireside chat!

The North Pacific: where the democracy is strong, the debate robust, and the candidates for election not so plentiful! Yes, folks. Another definitely not rigged election. In one corner, we had Pallaith, a senile old person who has been delegate more than once and is a good candidate. In the other corner, we had no one, most likely because Ghost scared off the rest of the competition with his good looks and track record. Even with the potential tough competition of Re-open Nominations, Ghost managed to secure a win for a second (fifth) term. For the Vice Delegacy race, we had Hulldom as the only candidate. He is a very qualified individual who has run the WA and FA functions of our region for some time now. Running unopposed, he managed to secure an easy win, and would have been a tough candidate anyway because he was extremely qualified with a heck ton of experience under his belt. For the third and final race, Sil Dorsett, a former Justice, Vice Delegate, and current Security Councillor, competed against Bob, who is Bob, in the only "competitive" race. He gained experience under Madjack following the Speaker election in the summer until taking office. Sil stepped up to run for Speaker to help continue efficient and accurate process of the citizenship applications and all things concerning the Regional Assembly.

Another year of atomic destruction and nuclear genocide. As most normal people, TNPers love purging their neighbors and friends one time during the year. The movie ?Purge? might be fictional but our raging bloodlust is not. Like most intelligent sociopaths, the North Pacific has carefully planned it all out with the help of like-minded individuals. Although, the brilliant strategic mind of the high command could not score a win this year. They have built more bridges than they destroyed between the regions of the CARD faction community and the Potato Alliance. There will be two N-days in future years and the battle lines are already being drawn. Potato and CARD will stay strong.

Citizenship Motion's to Overturn the Rejection
Because the North Pacific is a progressive and a glorious nation but still keeps close to safeguarding its borders against rogue agents, we have provided an alternative way for people to become citizens if they are without a residential internet connection. Before their applications go to vote, all citizens are advised to ask any questions they have of the individuals so as to better be informed and confident in their future vote. The current appeal for Skull Knight19 is open. The rejections that have been overturned so far this term have been for Jedinsto and Kirxas. They have become full fledged citizens and we welcome them. The RA is also considering other ways to further open up citizenship for those who have difficulty with their applications, so that more people who wish to participate can also become citizens.

Kastonvia on the Security Council
Kastonvia, a former three-term Vice Delegate, applied for the Security Council on September 11th, 2022 and was confirmed by the Regional Assembly to become the newest member of the Security Council. He is a well-known community member that contributed a lot to the growth and prosperity of our glorious region. His personality is a shinning beacon of joy through a fog of uncertainty in these times. Because of his qualifications, he was overwhelmingly nominated by the Security Council in a 10-1 vote and confirmed by the Regional Assembly in a 33-0-4 vote.

Marriage and Custody Act
A new proposal has hit the voting floor in the WA?s General Assembly. It is written by Magecastle (The Ice States), an author who is from the glorious North Pacific (every other region sucks butt). They have developed a knack for writing quality WA proposals. So far, they have three proposals that become resolutions in the WA. This new proposal seeks to fill in the void that was left by the repealing of the Contact rights between Parent and Child aka GA#616 which was also written by Magecastle (The Ice States). In our own offices of the World Assembly Affairs, the proposal has gained outstanding support and the delegate has voted for it. This is a close one though so be sure to cast your vote! And if you want to contribute a resolution to the WA, let our WA staff know and we can help you improve it and get it ready to be submitted, and of course, help it get to vote and pass with our big vote. Keep endorsing the delegate so our voice is even louder in the WA!

Executive Staff
The North Pacific is built on a basic idea of hard work. And that hard work should not go unnoticed. We wanted to recognize some of the achievements and contributions our staff has brought to the region. The first individual is nvxl. Their graphic work for the Ministry of Culture in these past few months was as awesome as the awesome blossom from Chilly?s. They are the person responsible for the well-known regional pride month flag that had names of different people in the rainbow color scheme and many other professional graphic artworks created in recent cultural events. We also want to recognize Fili, our new Lead Gameside Advocate who took over after Ethnon. Fili is an up and coming player in our regional government. They have showed dedication working with the gameside player base and being an active staffer in the Ministry of Home Affairs by completing rows before anyone can claim them. The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has two outstanding staffers who have shined in particualr the last few weeks, Freg and Namwenia! These two players have played an active role in doing all the vital tasks of the ministry (like creating voting threads and making sure the ministry had the IFVs ready for the WA vote). With proposals being made like hot cakes at Denny?s, these two players made sure the ministry stayed up to date on all of it. I would like to thank the players mentioned and every single member of the executive staff. And if you want to contribute like them, even if you are not a citizen or on the forum or Discord, reach out to the delegate or the ministers and volunteer. You can join the team too!

The Surgeon General Act
With Z-Day on horizon, the region will need one person who can rise above the rest to lead us into the face of great uncertainty. That individual is the Surgeon General who will be responsible for leading the regional response to the zombie outbreak. Because of silly law language, the position is subject to the dual office holding restriction, which means they cannot be someone who is a government official in another branch, a restriction that many of our temporary roles do not have. This act will help amend that little hiccup in the law language by granting an exemption to the citizen from the constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices, and also clarifies how border control can be assigned during the emergency and how soon the person can be appointed.

Instead of killing each other, we have somehow rediscovered and rekindled the empathetic part of the brain responsible for emotions. The regional government recommended response to this whacky situation is to cure all the zombies, as it is every year. As much as you want to pop a bullet into their cap, we love our brethren even when they want to eat our flesh. This benevolent government also asks that you create puppets for this event to help better manage and monitor the situation. More puppets, more cure missiles. But while that is the recommendation, how we handle the emergency is up to the region. A poll will be made for TNP to decide its response to the arrival of the zombies, and the government will make a plan based on that decision.
The Northern Notes II, 24 November 2022

You're reading the Ministry of Home Affair's second publication of the Northern Notes! Here we will cover a variety of topics spanning the North Pacific and those considered news worthy!

Fireside Chat with Delegate Pallaith
Please make sure you tune in to
Delegate Pallaith's latest fireside chat! It sure is a fiery speech!

Z-Day, Again

This Z-Day was certainly harder than before. However, in the face of great uncertainty and difficulty we still managed to persevere. We did not get to number one on the leaderboards like the years before, but we still did a good job thanks to countless brave TNPers clicking the same button thousands of times every 20 seconds (or longer if someone else clicked a button first and hit them with something). We will always remember the friends we made and the zombies we ejected, especially as we learn to live with our early-onset carpal tunnel. There were a lot of "tricky" curveballs thrown at us, such as resetting all cure progress, or randomly opening the border. Some of you made it out mostly alive, others, including our delegate, were mobbed by the zombies and the eager uninvited soldiers shooting them indiscriminately. The North Pacific thanks everyone for their service to the region during Z-Day, and we'll fight our way through the hordes to top the leaderboard again next year!

Elections: This time, Judicial

TNP has a lot of elections, it's what we do. This time, it was a judicial election, and it featured two citizens new to running for office, Attempted Socialism and Church of Satan. These players are seasoned vets from other corners of the game but decided to give TNP elections a try. They were the final two to fight for a spot on the Court after returning justices Dreadton and Lord Dominator were easily re-elected. Sadly, Chief Justice Kronos decided to take a break from waiting for something interesting to happen, but his exit made room for someone new to keep the seat warm and twiddle their thumbs. Round three of the election ended with Attempted Socialism scoring the seat as justice, beating Church of Satan by 27 votes. We wish them well and hope their naps are refreshing.
Election Results can be found here

Regional Assembly

The life blood of democracy, you can always count on our Regional Assembly to feature roust debate in its hallowed halls, except when almost no one speaks up and the Delegate's short bill is passed in a week. This latest legislation is the
Executive Absence Act, which would allow the Delegate to declare an absence whenever he wants so the Vice Delegate can assume his job. Observers would be right to note that Pallaith is apparently bored and wants to play hooky for a bit while Hulldom keeps everything going. For some reason the RA was eager to make it easier for the Delegate to be lazy and shove his duties on to someone else, and it passed nearly unanimously. The other major bill in the RA is the
Military Modernization Act, which is still under debate and shows no sign of going to vote any time soon. It is designed to clean up the messy legal code framework for the NPA and give them more opportunity to participate in operations that would otherwise violate our strict policy on destructive acts in regions. It would also change how the Delegate can exempt regions from those restrictions.

20th Anniversary
NationStates has existed for 20 years, which is longer than most of its players have been alive (except for the players who are twice that old). TNP, along with its allies in the Modern Gaming Compact, hosted an event to commemorate this arbitrary milestone most people didn't notice, unless they were logged out of the site and saw the admins' balloon graphic which was mildly amusing the first time and not amusing the other countless times it forced itself on your screens. We had fun remembering all the quirky (buggy) things NS used to do, the quirky (nerdy) people we used to know, and how far we've come since with all our new and advanced quirky (malfunctioning) things that make NS what it is today. We also wrote fake versions of the fake resolutions we normally write in the World Assembly, pretended IRC was cool again, and made fake versions of our fake trading cards. There was also a radio show featuring an assortment of old farts, including our delegate Pallaith, swapping old war stories and inside jokes. We had a lot of fun and if you missed it, catch the recording of the show, and look out for the next event our regions put on!

Season 3
Coinciding with the 20th birthday of NationStates site and grabbing most of the attention even of the people in our anniversary event, was the long-awaited start of season 3 of NS trading cards. After years of people waiting too long and caring way too much, the admins finally did the thing skeptics said would never happen. For those who care, season 3 came with several changes to the cards mechanics, targeting practices such as inflation and improving deck capacity. This season's inscription period (when you can take your time making your fake cardboard look as presentable as possible) lasted a week, but sadly the one thing you couldn't update was your rarity. Unlike last season, puppet nations were largely excluded, so you have less garbage cards to junk when you open your packs. It also means that if your nation had a number and the same name as another nation, you didn't get a card without begging the mods to make one for you. It's too late now if you missed the boat, but don't worry: you can get in line with the other cards players who have already started speculating about season 4!

MGC Sanctions
The true weapons of war in a political game are the nuclear weapons of diplomacy: sanctions! NationStates is a social game, and cooperation is necessary for regions to find true success. For that reason, in response to the continued aggression of raiders like those in the Brotherhood of Malice and The Black Hawks, in this case the streak-ending delegate tipping of our ally Equilism, the MGC regions have signed on to
historic sanctions. These sanctions will see the exclusion of BoM players from our collective game events and our non-participation in game events that are hosted by BoM or include them; the exclusion of BoM and TBH as leaders in our joint operations, and our non-participation in non-fash bash joint operations led by or featuring lead participation by BoM or TBH; and our opposition to WA proposals written by BoM or TBH and support for repeals of their resolutions and liberations of their occupations. These will be increased and applied to more regions as they continue to antagonise our regions and our allies. We are prepared to demonstrate why the pen is mightier than the sword.

Hoping to demonstrate that the sword is mightier than the pen, in response to the posting of the sanctions, the Brotherhood of Malice tag raided our beloved ally Stargate. A founderless region known for its deep embedded roots in the Stargate lore (an old science fiction franchise most people have never seen), Stargate is one of TNP's oldest allies, and some of the coolest people on NationStates. The hoodie-wearing edgelords in the Brotherhood of Malice have made Stargate their target something like half a dozen times before this one, but this was the first tag raid to happen there since the formation of the Pax Polaris Occidens (PPO), our military defense pact with the Pacific and The West Pacific. But no matter how hard they strike, they are no match for the resilience of the Modern Gameplay Compact and our brave volunteers who quickly jumped to Stargate's aid, just as we have each time they were raided, and protected it in the days after the invasion. They are also no match for our collective WA votes and the votes of our allies and friends, who have responded to this by invoking our sanctions and supporting the repeal of BoM's leader's condemnation.

We need YOU - yes, YOU
Clearly a lot has been happening in the world and among our regions and our raider adversaries. There eventually comes a time when one must put down their tools of peace and pick up their weapons of war. Now is such a time. As our delegate said in his latest fireside chat (listen to it if you haven't yet!), the emo assassins in the Brotherhood of Malice and their foolish friends will continue to threaten the peaceful democratic institutions of the free world with their careless raiding of innocent regions. They will even hit the allies of their friends, so even the treaties they talk about don't mean much when push comes to shove. So, join us in taking the fight to BoM! Sign up with the special forces of the North Pacific Army to stand against the malicious threat. Those who are not fit to serve due to other obligations are encouraged to join the auxiliary troops and help defend a region in need of a shield, because we can't do this just with swords. But if you can pick up a sword, do it and start training with the NPA, so that when the time comes, we can meet them in the fields of battle and remind them why the NPA was feared and why TNP speaks loudest when it rouses itself from its peaceful slumber.

Join the NPA Today!
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The Northern Notes III, 17 July 2023

The Gavel Comes Down

The citizenry officially elected Justices Pallaith, (Eluvatar), and Attempted Socialism to the court on July 12th amidst the high-profile case against former Minister of Culture and Advisor to the Delegate Madjack. Re-elected Justice Eluvatar closed the case on the 14th, sentencing Madjack to a three month voting rights suspension for gross misconduct. Like many court cases seen over the years, this one was rife with drama and legal shenanigans, but also polarized many in the peanut gallery over standstills induced by the defense, who called for several recusals for potential conflicts of interest and even put forward a motion for a mistrial. Almost two weeks prior to the sentencing, the judicial elections of the North Pacific began with both the case and possible reforms on many minds. With ten nominations made, it was clear from the get-go that people wanted to see new ideas and approaches to the challenges ahead. Two declined, four accepted, and four did not respond, with the four to accept their nominations being (Eluvatar), Pallaith, Attempted Socialism, and Frances Francis the First of France (Just a Lore).

While a general election may see dozens of campaign thread questions on all sorts of topics, this judicial election had barely any. In fact, only two questions were posed during the entire election with just one being answered; voters for the most part could only make their decision based on the posted campaigns and previous impressions of the candidate. The vote officially opened on the 7th of July and ran for five days, seeing sixty-one valid ballots cast. The method for selecting the justices involved sequentially removing the highest-placed candidate from the vote in each round until three had been selected. The first round saw Pallaith selected, then Eluvatar, and finally Attempted Socialism, with Just a Lore missing out on a spot when the voting period ended on the 12th of July. With a new request for review (R4R) posted by Kranostav regarding a previous court ruling on candidate eligibility in reopened nomination periods, the Court already has a lot on its plate. As judicial reform takes up more and more space in the regional conscience than in previous terms, it will be interesting to see how the term unfolds.

The Only Solution
How To Revive An Army

The North Pacific Army has had a slow start to the term. The legendary former Defense Minister ROM is hopefully somewhere exotic, maybe surfing, without a single R/D thought on their mind, and that is okay, because we now have Comfed. In conjunction with Captain Kaschovia, also Deputy Minister of Defense (the former sounding significantly cooler), the two managed to break into a defibrillator storage facility and swipe several high-tech blueprints, which they used extensively alongside the rest of the High Command to great effect. The NPA has been on an uphill trend over the past two weeks, recruiting several new soldiers such as Lionsroar and Holy empire of greater bavaria, participating in a handful of crucial international operations including the liberation of South Pacific and the antifa raid of Cities of the World, and rewarding soldiers in brand new ways.

One of the initiatives the NPA High Command decided on was making some fancy new profile cards for NPA members, and if there is one thing people really like, it is cards. Imagine if you had your own! That's the idea. Each soldier can now request a card designed specifically for them to be used in operation reports, with the style of the card changing between soldiers, officers, high command, and the retired veterans. How is all of this being done, you may ask? Well, as Minister of Defense Comfed so elegantly describes: "Here in the NPA, we believe in productivity. That's why after letting Renaissance man Leonardo de Kaschovia out of his dungeon for heresy, we put his artistic talents to good use in a different dungeon. With the hard work of our masterful graphic designer, the NPA is proud to unveil cards!" The NPA is dedicated to rewarding soldiers at all levels for participating in operations, and it's not going to stop there. There are plans for an operation leaderboard, a Hall of Fame, new milestone ribbons, and actual cards rewards. Find out more
here, eight cards have been issued already!

Profit This Week
NBS Stocks On The Rise

The Northern Broadcasting Service has reported another rise in stocks this week after the judicial elections show wrapped up, indicating a successful quarter. As you can see in the figure on the right, profits have been at an all-time high, with the three main panelists this term Francois Isidore, Bobberino, and Chipoli securing the go-ahead for the recording of yet another episode. In their most recent installment, they discuss the judicial elections and the ongoing Madjack court case, reaching a respectable audience member peak of seven listeners. Despite the editing team struggling to keep up with the high-flying panelists, hopes are high that a whole bunch of shows will be released over the next few weeks, with another show planned very soon on the evaluation of the last three months as we pass the middle of Gorundu's term as Delegate. Recording Director Francois Isidore has impressed shareholders as of late, successfully recording every single show the NBS has put on this term. He's earning his stripes as one of the most dedicated panelists so far, and has set himself apart as a frontrunner for the Broadcaster of the Term award.

As the NBS chugs along, producing high quality shows for the people of the North Pacific, one must ask if anything new, outside of the formula for recording shows, has been planned. Well, discussions around more short-form content have taken place, with ideas for videos no longer than five to ten minutes coming out of the drafting rooms. Quite like the fireside chats released in previous terms, short-form content could also be used in many other applications, for example in teaching diplomatic case studies, real-time R/D demonstrations, and a lot more. Whether these plans will come to fruition is yet to be seen, but we can be sure that radio is back, and it's back with some cool new shades on. It's tricky recording, hosting, editing, and publishing shows, but we do it for you, the listeners, so make sure you go to
our YouTube channel to listen to the next broadcast - we promise we're not doing all of this so we can sit and listen to the shows on our own.

Moments Before Disaster
Like A House Of Cards

The Ministry of Cards, which has been a shining jewel in the crown of the North Pacific's executive in recent times, has seen faltering activity levels and leadership issues on top of HMS Unicorn (r3naissanc3r's) inactivity, who primarily held together the entire infrastructure of what used to be the North Pacific's most effective card systems. The reality that the ministry simply cannot be as successful without that technological infrastructure, in combination with various other issues, means it has been dissolved back into the Cards Guild. Three Guildmasters have been appointed to ensure the continuation of cards-related activities: Card kingdom, Destructive Government Economic System (DGES), and Fauzjhia. To further emphasize the scale of this issue: the World Assembly Development Program hasn't been working for months, the Keepers of the North have started praying at the Temple of Sil, and anyone who goes near the defunct spreadsheet zone is quickly steered away to avoid irreparable confusion.

There are whispers of a dedicated few, located in the Technology Guild somewhere south of Port Thel, who tinker away at solutions even five months on from the Great Technological Collapse. Unfortunately, it is a difficult and rather thankless endeavor with no guarantee of success in return for the time spent. We may have to pray once more to Flemingovia, or perhaps to the Temple of Sil ourselves, if anything is to return to its former state. If there is one thing that will be guaranteed in the wake of these events, it is a more collaborative approach to regional technology. A new dawn will rise as we work together to solve these problems one by one. There will be a period of temporary solutions, and then hopefully, when the Tech Guild have had their eureka moments, we will rejoice the return of our most important regional systems.
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Judicial Elections Over by @Kaschovia
November 20th, 2023

On the 1st of November, candidacy declarations opened for the Judicial Elections. Twenty-one nominations were made in total, with five accepted while the rest were unanswered, declined, or invalid. The candidates to accept their nominations were Eluvatar, Wymondham, Just A Lore, Bobberino, and Lord Dominator. All of the candidates except Just A Lore posted campaigns, answering questions about current judicial issues, their legal philosophies, and proposed reforms by former Justice Attempted Socialism. Overall, the candidates were as minimalist and straightforward with their platforms as is the current fashion for the highest judicial positions in The North Pacific.

Once the results were posted on the 12th of November, it was announced that Eluvatar, Wymondham, and Lord Dominator had been elected to the Court, with Wymondham being unanimously elected Chief Justice for the upcoming term a week later. Seventy votes were cast in total and calculated over six stages, the first three determining runoffs and eliminating the candidate with the least votes, and the last three electing the victors with the most. Current times call for experience and action in the Court, so it will be interesting to see how this bench tackles the important judicial matters before us.
Rum & Eagles Solidarity Agreement Ratified by @Picairn
24 November 2023

On November 20th, 2023, The North Pacific and The League & Concord jointly announced the ratification of a non-aggression pact titled the “Rum & Eagles Solidarity Agreement”. The content of the pact entails mutual recognition of the signatories’ legitimacy and sovereignty, proscription of hostile military actions by one side against the other, intelligence sharing during emergency crises, deeper cooperation in WA affairs, prohibition of mutual recruitment, and joint military exercises.

The new treaty marks a major milestone in the history of TNP – TL&C relations, which had previously dropped to a low point in the aftermath of the April 8th blackmail incident. At the time, The League was one of the main defender regions that had threatened former Delegate Hulldom into voting against an LWU raider’s condemnation, which greatly strained TNP’s relations with TL&C thereafter.

But circumstances have changed. When TNP found itself in a new war against TCB and BoM, TL&C has stepped up to become one of its foremost partners in diplomatic and military support, particularly in the successful Solidarity operation. This treaty, therefore, represents a step towards reconciliation, as well as a framework for deeper ties between TNP and TL&C in the future.
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Midterm Recap by @Chipoli
27 November 2023

The North Pacific has recently passed the halfway point for this term! Let's take a look at what our region has been up to.
On the domestic front, The Ministry of Culture has organized many interregional events, such as the Spirit Halloween Festival with The Wellspring and Carcassonne, our two newest treaty partners, and the TWP & TNP Interregional Chess Arena. Additionally, we celebrated our 10th treaty anniversary with allies Europeia with a festival. On top of that, we also hosted the first Delegate’s Day tournament for several years, where Siwale was crowned King of The North!

Meanwhile, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has been able to consistently publish its IFVs on time and continues to make progress in the Heroes of Valhalla program. Our technological infrastructure has been successfully rebuilt, thanks to former minister Magecastle. The Ministry of Home Affairs continues to operate at great levels behind the scenes. The Gameside Advocates have been as active as we have ever seen, as shown by the high frequency of ads posted on the Regional Message Board.

Our Ministry of Communications has released two editions of The North Star (TNS) and has been improving on The Northern Notes, with three new segments released thus far. On the radio front, we have taken care of the editing backlog that we incurred from the previous term and we've released four new shows to go along with the four shows that were previously recorded. With a total of nine uploads made over the course of the past two months (including a reading of the Delegate's "To War" statement), these shows are all now available on both YouTube and Spotify.

Abroad, we successfully ratified The Rum and Eagles Solidarity Pact with the League & Concord, also what is known as a non-aggression pact, as part of an effort to develop closer ties between the two of us. Earlier this term, we additionally managed to ratify two new treaties, The Treaty of The Northern Wells, and The Aude Alliance with The Wellspring and Carcassonne respectively, as we continue to break new ground in the diplomatic landscape. We are currently engaged in an ongoing war against the Brotherhood of Malice (BoM) and The Communist Bloc (TCB).

So far, The North Pacific Army has successfully conquered Solidarity, a TCB recruitment hub, and liberated the regions of Magna Aurea and the Far East Oriental Federation from the control of our adversaries. Along with that, The TNP Militia has been established to increase its engagement with the gameside community. We continue to see an increase in the number of new enlistees joining our military and new soldiers rising through the ranks with each subsequent operation.

Overall, this has been a successful first half of the term for The North Pacific, and we look forward to seeing what we can accomplish in the second half.
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A Successful Transition by @AraFuttio
27 December 2023

On September 11, the day Kaschovia was elected Delegate, they had around 596 endorsements, a difference of 245 to outgoing Acting Delegate Chipoli’s number of 841 endorsements. Therefore, it was always going to be a challenge to get Kaschovia into the in-game Delegacy, particularly as we had to do it with extra care after the TCB and BoM deltip, but, after two months of heavy campaigning and informing, we have done it.

The government were quick to respond to Kasch’s election, beginning the transition campaign in the usual fashion: a notice in the World Factbook Entry, as well as a ‘Security Council Endorsement Alert’ Dispatch pinned to the region’s home page. Soon, the Gameside Advocates were encouraged to push for the endorsement of Kasch from gamesiders on the RMB.

This continued, and on October 28th, the government began their weekly World Assembly Report program, which was a tracker of endorsement numbers, and provided much-needed morale for the Delegate transition as it detailed the progress of the transition. 6 of these reports were published before Kaschovia ascended to the Delegacy on the 16th of December. Unfortunately, this ascension occurred very soon before the end of Kasch’s term. However, a Kasch-shaped hole in the Delegacy has apparently failed to affect the government business of the term, and the term has been a successful one nonetheless.
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Delegate Kaschovia Re-Elected in The North Pacific by @Comfed
12 January 2024

@Kaschovia has been
re-elected as Delegate of The North Pacific as of 11 January 2024. He received 69 votes coming in at 93.24% of the popular vote, while his opponents @Osk!ebot and @Vapia received one (1.35%) and four (5.41%) votes respectively. Seven people abstained, and seven voted to re-open nominations, representing 8.64% of voters. He will be the first delegate to serve two consecutive terms since @Pallaith , who served from May 2022 to January 2023.

In his
opening address to the region, Kaschovia stressed that he "[believes] in all of us to pull together and show the world what it means to be a part of The North Pacific," and emphasized continuity with the growth and advancement of the past term. His cabinet is as follows:

Minister of Defence - @Robespierre
Minister of Foreign Affairs - @Comfed
Minister of World Assembly Affairs - @Simone
Minister of Culture - Nutmeg The Squirrel
Minister of Home Affairs & Lead Gameside Advocate - Lionsmeow
Minister of Communications - @Halsoni

He is also joined in government by Speaker @AraFuttio and Vice Delegate @Chipoli . Arafuttio received 58 votes, with 23 abstained and 25 voted to re-open nominations, representing 30.86% of the voters, likely because they ran unopposed. The Vice Delegate race was certainly the most exciting of the three, with three candidates - @Hulldom , Chipoli, and Nutmeg The Squirrel - entering the fray. However, Hulldom dropped out of the race during the voting period, leaving just the last two candidates. Ultimately Chipoli prevailed with 50 votes, 70.42% of the ballots, while Nutmeg The Squirrel received 21 votes, 29.58% of the final count. 10 voters abstained and 13 (16.05%) voted to re-open nominations.

Election Commissioners @Gorundu and Simone supervised the election.
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Anti-Fascist Raid on Valdosta Ends in Victory by @Picairn
4 February 2024

A joint anti-fascist raid conducted by Lone Wolves United and The West Pacific Armed Forces, supported by the NPA and four other militaries, on the frontier region of Valdosta has recently concluded with its permanent conquest after three weeks of occupation. Valdosta’s fall to the Antifa coalition’s control marks a great victory for anti-fascist efforts across NationStates, as fascists and their sympathisers are denied another frontier where they can spread their abhorrent ideology to new nations.

The region’s founder previously welcomed refugees from Brebina with open arms, a fascist frontier which had been destroyed for harbouring a fascist regional officer and holding embassies with other fascist regions. To prevent fascists from concentrating in a new safe haven, on January 15th, 2024 Valdosta was subject to an anti-fascist raid by LWU and TWPAF, and the NPA assisted in the operation by contributing 17 soldiers and officers to the piling effort. It withdrew from the region five days later on January 20th in preparation for Valdosta’s final transition to a Stronghold under coalition leadership, which has just ended.

In the aftermath of the operation, Minister of Defense Robespierre promoted three new soldiers to Private First Class. Valdosta’s capture sends a strong signal to all other fascist regions out there that their repugnant ideology will not be tolerated nor allowed to expand.
Modern Gameplay Compact Sanctions Expanded by @Picairn
21 February 2024

On February 19th, 2024, the signatories of the Modern Gameplay Compact (TNP, Balder, Europeia, and TL&C) announced a significant expansion to its sanctioned regions list, placing multiple new regions under sanctions for orchestrating and participating in the recent raid on Europe, a TNP treaty ally.

Effective immediately, BoM, TBH, TCB, and Sparkalia, together with their allies, territories, dependencies, and regions which are operated by their members and support them militarily or ideologically are blacklisted from all events, NS factions, media platforms, promotional events, and joint military operations led or organised by the MGC signatories. The latter are also prohibited from attending any of the aforementioned occasions hosted or organised by the sanctioned regions, with the sole exception of anti-fascist raids.

Additionally, the signatories pledged to unanimously oppose all WA resolutions authored or co-authored by members from the sanctioned regions and all WA commendations/condemnations thereof, while supporting repeals of currently standing WA resolutions authored by members from the sanctioned regions and commendations/condemnations of the same, in addition to liberation proposals of regions occupied by the sanctioned ones.

This latest expansion of MGC sanctions signals the signatories’ strongest response yet to the raid on Europe, as well as their continued commitment and resolve against raider aggression.
Delegate Simone Republic Elected in The North Pacific by @Comfed
14 May 2024

MAGICALITY CITY - @Simone (Simone Republic) has been elected Delegate of The North Pacific in a hotly contested election which ended on May 11. He faced two strong opponents, @Robespierre (Francois Isidore) and @Dreadton . After a closely-fought campaign, Simone Republic and Francois Isidore received 42 (48.84%) and 29 (33.72%) first-choice votes respectively, and advanced to the second round, while Dreadton was eliminated with 15 (17.44%) first-place votes. When Dreadon's voters' second preferences were distributed, the final tally was 50 (58.14%) votes for Simone Republic and 36 (41.86%) for Francois Isidore.

In the concurrent races, @Chipoli was elected as Vice Delegate with 75 (96.15%) votes to @Quero 's 3 (3.85%) - the latter did not campaign. Meanwhile, Marlducro successfully challenged incumbent Speaker Arawi, receiving 46 (61.33%) votes to Arawi's 24 (32.00%). Terre des Riches also campaigned for Speaker and received 5 (6.67%) votes; although they were not able to match the totals of their two more experienced opponents, many observers noted their enthusiasm. Terre des Riches has since been appointed as a deputy speaker.

Delegate Simone Republic soon published his
opening address, in which he stressed bringing a fresh perspective on the affairs of government. His current cabinet is as follows, although certain positions are as of yet unfilled:

Minister of Communications: Arawi
Minister of Culture: The Anddoran Commune
Minister of Defence: Picairn
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Comfed
Minister of Home Affairs: The Democratic Kingdom Of Skaraborg
Lead Gameside Advocate: 9003
Radio Master: @Koopa103
Master of The North Pacific University: @Marcus Antonius
Advisors to the Delegate: Dreadton, Pallaith, Prydania, and ROM

Election Commissioners @Skaraborg and Pallaith supervised the election.
Vivanco elected Justice of Court of TNP by @Simone
6 June 2024

Magicality City, The North Pacific- @Vivanco has been elected a justice of the Court of The North Pacific, following the May 2024 special judicial election. The election was triggered by @Eluvatar ’s absence from The North Pacific - perhaps an understandable development given Eluvatar’s intense workload in other parts of NationStates.

Three candidates initially joined the race: Vivanco, @Lord Dominator and @Tim Kasto. However, Tim Kasto lost citizenship during voting and was dropped from the list of candidates. @Sil Dorsett and @Kaschovia supervised the votes on behalf of the Election Commission. Vivanco ultimately won the election with 33 votes, compared to Lord Dominator with 8 votes.

Both Vivanco and Lord Dominator have had previous experience as justices of The North Pacific Court. The winner, Vivanco was also the last person to hold the position of Attorney General (a post since abolished), was one of the first Bar Commissioners of The North Pacific’s Bar Association, as well as having served as court examiner and election commissioner. Vivanco was very dedicated in their run for office, and resigned from the office of General Counsel, a newly created cabinet-level official, in order to devote themselves to the run.

On behalf of the executive, we congratulate Vivanco on their election. The next regularly scheduled judicial election for the Court will be in July.
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Manumission Day Discussions with Former Delegates by @Simone
13 June 2024

Magicality City, The North Pacific - 26 May marked Manumission Day, which is enshrined in the Legal Code of The North Pacific as a mark of the end of the delegacy of Pixiedance and the return of democratic government to The North Pacific. This year marks the 19th anniversary of that event.

This year, in a slight departure from past practice, the Serving Delegate, @Simone , chose to invite past delegates to share their thoughts on Manumission Day as well, in addition to giving his own speech on the significance of the event. This was held at the NationStates Division of the newly reopened The North Pacific University. As Simone noted, “Democracy is not just a political system; it’s a beacon of hope for a just and free society. It empowers individuals, ensures accountability, and provides a platform for diverse voices. Let us continue to cherish and defend our democracy in The North Pacific.”

Former delegate @plembobria also noted, “Democracy is very fragile. And it's important that all players today have the same trust in belief in democracy, and the same vigilance and care for our institutions as those players did at the start of it all. When you vote in an election, or on a law before the RA, remember not all feeders permit this. So take some time to remember and appreciates the rights we have here in the north.”

Current Security Councillor @Great Bights Mum pointed out Manumission Day is “a reminder of how easily the Pixiedance wars might have gone the other way. But then I remember this: An idea is a hard thing to kill. And a people who are possessed of an idea, and a set of values, and a vision - those people are not to be trifled with. In the case of TNP, that idea is Democracy.”

The full speeches from delegates are here in TNPU.
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Launch of the The Northern Chess Championship by @Simone
20 June 2024

Magicality City, The North Pacific - As a prelude to a potential relaunch of the North Pacific Chess League, our Minister of Culture Prydania has launched the first edition of The Northern Chess Championship. So far the sign ups have been great, with top players such as Kaschovia, Chipoli and other signing up. Kaschovia will be the one organizing all of the fixtures and the bracket and such - any questions on the tournament, please ask Kaschovia.

Chess has a strong tradition in TNP - our last major tournament is TNP-TWP Interregional Chess Arena 2.0 which was held last year under Kaschovia. The tournament will be held via, a open-source chess server powered by volunteers and donations which has also been used for previous chess events for TNP and for other regions.

Sign-ups are here.

On behalf of the TNP executive, we look forward to seeing who the winners are! In addition to prizes offered, your Delegate will also donate a card of Simone Republic Season 3 (which is an Epic unfortunately, and shows the bear with eyes wide open, three pupils per eye, five teeth and about to eat you) to the winner!
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TW-TNP Pride Prom: Fantastic Success by Simone Republic
27 June 2024

Magicality City, The North Pacific - 58 participants attended the inaugural TW-TNP Pride Prom, jointly organised by The Wellspring (TW) and The North Pacific to celebrate Pride Month. The TW-TNP Pride Prom was held on 10-17 June. This also marks the first major cultural event under the new administrations of @Turbiatop (Turpotia) and @Simone , who came to office in early June and mid May, respectively.

In their closing address, Turbiatop thanked the organisers and pointed out that "(it) has been a lot of successful days with cool games, movies, and community engagement coming from you folks. We have conveyed the epitome of celebration of pride and LGBTQIA+ in a festival and NationStates. I enjoyed seeing all the cool music created for playlists, people enjoying the movies, and the fun moments we had together. I am happy to say, we had a great 1st successful pride prom event."

In their closing address, Simone also thanked the organisers and noted that "(I would like to) thank all of the (on my count) 58 people who joined our inaugural Pride Prom. There's no community event without community, and many thanks for coming and hope you all had fun. I hope this will be an annual event in the future and look forward to many many years of continued success."
Chipoli appointed as new Minister of Foreign Affairs by @Simone
4 July 2024

Magicality City, The North Pacific - Current Vice Delegate of The North Pacific and former interim delegate @Chipoli has been appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, following the pre-planned resignation of @Comfed . In their resignation, Comfed noted that "For real life work and family reasons, I will not be able to serve as Minister of Foreign Affairs for the rest of the term."

Comfed also said, "I'd like to thank my deputy ministers Chipoli and Attempted Socialism for their hard work in keeping the Ministry's gears turning, and Pallaith and Kaschovia for their invaluable advice behind the scenes. Further, I'll give a shoutout to my ambassador corps this term, who faithfully carried out all the tasks I assigned them. Following conversations with the Delegate about succession planning, I am confident that the Ministry will be in good hands for the remainder of the term, and I wish my successor all the best."

In his opening address, Chipoli said, "I would like once more express how grateful I am for this opportunity to serve as The North Pacific’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, and look forward to working with the Delegate to ensure that the interests of TNP and her allies are met on the international stage, and continuing to raise the bar for the ministry at home. Let's get started and make the remainder of the term great!"

The Delegate of The North Pacific, Simone Republic, sincerely thanked Comfed for his service to The North Pacific, and looked forward to Chipoli's contributions as MoFA in addition to his role as Vice Delegate.

Click here for full remarks from:
Comfed's resignation
Chipoli's opening address
Simone's announcement
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