Request for Unban from TNP discord servers.


TNP Nation
New Slatos

As the moderators may remember, I, along with 2 others were banned indefinitely from all TNP related servers in 2020 for sending invite links to members of TNP of a server which had a channel named NSFW and also had a bot (dank member I believe) which had NSFW features.

I request that I be unbanned for there has been a considerable amount of time that has passed. I also have had the last 3 and half years or so to reflect on the incident and see that I violated the rules of what is a profesional and well protected discord community all for a unfunny joke of a meme server. I can say that I never intended for minors, even myself included to be exposed to harmful or uncomfortable things, I'm not that type of person and I despise those who do, many of which have been banned from TNP for such. I do want the opportunity to redeem myself in the eyes of the TNP administration and to become a productive and upstanding member of the community.

As for credibility to by case. Since that ban I have been unbanned from the TNP region and are now a citizen and active member of the RMB. Besides that I'm also involved with another region to which I am helping develop. Not sure if its relevant, but I have also not associated with those 2 other members since. But overall, I was a dumb teenager who had a large gap of time to reflect on everything and I would like to opportunity and the privilege to be in your servers once more.
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What is that other region and does that region have a discord server?
What is that other region and does that region have a discord server?
Yes. Not very active though Though does a region count if I'm the one leading it? I became WA of a frontier and have been helping develop. The region is Bozarkia
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We have lifted your ban contingent on continued good behavior,. this is your last and final chance.