[SC - passed] Commend Writinglegend

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Can’t be left unsupervised
Deputy Speaker
TNP Nation
New Matzeratia

Commend Writinglegend
Category: Commendation | Target: Writinglegend
Proposed by: Westinor, Co-authored by: PhDre | Onsite Topic

The true measure of any leader lies not in victories claimed or enemies defeated, seats held or elections won, but in the choice to rise to any challenge — again, and again, and again. Few face adversity and come back irrefutably more adept than before, but of those few, near none blaze as bright in the halls of history as Writinglegend (Gleg).

Forged in Fire

Decisions are made by those who show up — and for ten years, Gleg has never failed to show up. In 54 days, Gleg ascended to their first Ministership in their home of Europeia, turning a nine-day filler term in Culture into three consecutive terms of brilliance, bringing Europeia together with regular games, a Summerfest in space, and a festive Winter Ball.

Once lit, their fire was insatiable. Gleg served three consecutive terms in the Presidency and four more in the Grand Admiralty (GA) soon after. They seized the initiative in a faltering Europeia and set an aggressive foreign policy, pushing Europeia’s external communications with a dedicated ministry and international paper, leading the Europeian Republican Navy (ERN) to future success with 40-member-strong wargames and antifascist ops, and responding to interregional crises in a masterclass of leadership.

Tested by Time

Some define the chapters of history they reside in — but those who persevere define history.

Under a year after their last Presidency, Gleg returned to shape the modern foundations of Europeia in four more terms, creating important cornerstones of Europeian government in the Ministries of Radio and World Assembly Affairs (WAA). They were key in the creation of CAIN, a hallmark anti-fascist organization, established the Media Development and Distribution Agreement to project Europeian media influence abroad, and worked closely with the World Assembly Legislative League to cement Europeian expertise in WAA.

They overcame lethargy in their sixth term and with a reinjection of internal activity, and started their seventh term managing Foreign Affairs (FA) crises following the resignation of the former president in an FA scandal, navigating calamities abroad while maintaining strong communication with the citizenry to safely land the region after a disastrous start. Gleg would not stop there, leading a Constitutional Convention in 2018 that established Europeia’s standing foundational document.


The titans of history remind us that our capacity to meet any challenge may well be limitless. After a few quiet years, Gleg rose once more in 2021 to steer Europeia through squall and storm, personally training future ERN leaders as GA to face a rising menace in raiderdom and beginning the integration of the ERN into defender operations.

And as the flames rose around Europeia, Gleg took the reins for a final tour de force — in over a year as President, Vice President, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gleg would position Europeia solidly at the core of countless conflicts, leading from the front in political and military engagements alike.

With determination, they reawakened the sleeping beast of Europeian foreign affairs, signing treaties and pacts with key defender regions to solidify new bonds against new enemies, coordinate with their recent treaty allies to strike blows against raider leadership in repeals of Condemn Ever-Wandering Souls or Reventus Koth or establish common policy in the Age of Frontiers with allies, and seal the beginnings of a new age for Europeia in their entrance to the Aegis Accords.

With resolution, they exacted retribution on the enemies of the Republic, working with allies to isolate the Communist Bloc via treaty repeal and Injunction as it partnered with invader forces, standing with Balder after the uncloaking of Operation Ragnarok, and helping to forge the Modern Gameplay Compact and its sanctions to create a counterbalancing force to raider hostility.

With vitality, they rallied Europeia against malevolence, fueling the media with constant coverage of FA activity and preparations at home, harnessing Europeian excellence for conflict in helping to activate the ERN Civilian Service and Militia, and publishing a Guide to the Goldenblock series to set the stage for a slew of incredible and individual successors, who now lead Europeia in fire and fortune on the trail Gleg blazed.

To challenge evil, to lead through tribulation, to reach for the stars — these are the defining traits of the legends of our time. In ten terms as President, hundreds of days in Cabinet, and a decade of advancing the spirit of democracy and the light of tomorrow, Gleg has conquered all it means to be legendary.

As such, the Security Council hereby commends Writinglegend.
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Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This proposal seeks to commend Writinglegend (Gleg), for their continuous effort in contributing to the governmental affairs of Europeia. The more unusual chronicalling of the their career marks a departure from the usual style of the prolific author of this proposal, but does fully spell out the long and distinguished career of the candidate for commendation.

The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs sees Writinglegend as someone who has constantly poured their talents and considerable efforts into the government of Europeia, and a commendation is in our opinion worthy for the commendee.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a voteFor the SC proposal at vote, "Commend Writinglegend".
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