[GA, defeated] - Repeal: “Sensible Limits On Hunting”

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

Repeal “Sensible Limits On Hunting”
Category: Repeal | GA #267
Proposed by: The Ice States | Onsite Topic
Replacement: < See below for explanation >​

Recognising the praiseworthy aims of the target to prevent unsustainable hunting practices, as well as to restrict trade of endangered animal meats;

Noting, however, that the resolution's failure to qualify "hunting" means that it includes the inhumane, cruel practice of trophy hunting, where animal carcasses are simply kept as trophies without any actual use such as consumption as food;

Further noting that Section 1 of the target grants member nations the right to "allow...the hunting of non-endangered animal stocks", thus implying that the World Assembly is unable to itself restrict such hunting in any form;

Concerned that the World Assembly is therefore unable to prohibit or even restrict trophy hunting of non-endangered animals, and especially unconvinced by arguments that it should be permitted, as it necessarily includes the death of wild animals without any benefit beyond the recreation of those who perform the activity;

Cognisant of other flaws in the wording of the target, including that:

  • Section 5c qualifying the exceptions for antiques, academic use and artwork with regards to the status of the species at the time means that specimens or artwork of historical significance cannot be traded internationally based on a factor which is both retroactive and largely irrelevant for current use; and

  • The exception in Section 2 for potential disease vectors makes no regard for the status of the species or their importance to an ecosystem, meaning that member nations no longer have any obligation under the clause to protect certain endangered species even in a manner that accommodates for the risk of diseases;
Concluding, therefore, that these flaws necessitate repeal and replacement with improved legislation to protect the environment and animal welfare;

The World Assembly repeals "Sensible Limits on Hunting".
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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Space for IFV


The resolution proposal seeks to repeal GA267, Sensible Limits on Hunting. The proposal makes various complaints about the target, centered on the resolution's alleged "failure" to qualify the meaning of "hunting" which it links to "the inhumane, cruel practice of trophy hunting". The proposal also makes various complaints about the resolution's wording of non-endangered animal stocks, potential disease vectors, and antiques, academic use and artwork with regards to the status of species.

We strongly oppose the attempt to repeal this resolution, which came about as a result of a long-running battle in the General Assembly regarding the practice of so-called "blood sports". We prefer to repeal resolutions on banning "blood sports" altogether given huge issues in defining what constitutes blood sports: the GA is not only required to balance the interests of farmers, conservationists that face invasive animals in real life (as well as those that enjoy hunting), but also RP multi-verse issues for some WA members, making a WA-wide solution on this topic to be extremely difficult, in our view.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the at-vote SC resolution, "Repeal: Sensible Limits on Hunting".

Additional notes

A bit of explanation regarding the replacement - there are two camps in the GA on this - one is for a comprehensive reform of hunting laws, one is for getting rid of the forced blood sports one only while leaving the rest intact. They have different replacements proposed.

Fachumonn's one (which is the official replacement)
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Present. I think this is a really tricky issue - you have hunter-gatherers, you have folks with medieval RP that need hunting, you have modern folks in farms (in New Zealand or the US or wherever) that need to hunt to protect their own farmland. The replacement at hand is definitely not it, and I don't know if NSGA can agree on a compromise.
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