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1852 United Commonwealth royal election | Predicica (www.predicica.com/event/1852-United-Commonwealth-royal-election)

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1852 United Commonwealth royal election


Rudolf I, Krawiterskan King

The election of the monarch of the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska was held on 28 May 1852. It was won by Prince Rodulf Bohuslæn-Loðbrók of Prydania. He was the first monarch of the United Commonwealth after it became a country in the previous year.

On 11 November 1851, the Second Khastenian Republic signed the Treaty of Norvalle, granting independence to the United Commonwealth. The Provisional Council of State, led by Chairman Count Stefan Borowski, planned to finalize the drafts to establish "a Pan-Craviterian grand republic" that unites all nationalities in former Khastenian Eastern Craviter. Boyar Jaroslav Severov, Foreign Minister and the former Khastenian ambassador to Prydania, warned the council that any notion of a grand republic in Craviter might provoke memories of the recent Wars of the Callisean Republic. Severov argued that the threat of intervention from Maloria, Norsia, Prydania, and Syrixia had not abated, especially since the 1848 Khastenian Revolution and the execution of Tsar Alexei III and his family.

Borowski and many members of the Council of State were republicans. Boyar Severov and a minority of councilmen were monarchists. They debated on the merits of both sides, concluding that a monarchy, while not ideal, is "strategic" for the survival of the United Commonwealth. The majority in the Krawiterskan Parliament were also republicans, but the public has been divided on the issue. Many of the Khastenians in the United Commonwealth, including revolutionary war hero General Valerian Tatarinstev, supported independence from the Second Khastenian Republic believing that they were doing so in support of a Tsirkunov restoration.

Both Borowski and Boyar Severov opposed Tsirkunov restoration and any candidate from the surviving Khastenian royal dynasties. Despite centuries of Khastenian Pagan oppression, though divided between Courantists and Laurenists, the people of the United Commonwealth remained majority Messianist and the new monarchy should represent this.

A monarchy in the United Commonwealth was believed to allow the country to enjoy better relations with monarchy-dominated Collandris, Craviter, Gothis, Northern Meterra, and Auroria. The Council of State wanted to present the country as harmless and could co-exist with the Northern powers.

The 1852 UC referendum approved the Krawiterskan Parliament's proposed constitution formally establishing the country as a monarchy. A transitory provision authorized the Krawiterskan Parliament to offer the throne of the newly-formed country.

After the referendum, discussions were held with the monarchies of Collandris, Craviter, and Northern Meterra to find possible candidates for the proposed monarchy. Each monarchy in these continents was formally offered a nomination for the candidacy to the Krawiterskan throne. The Norsian, Sil Dorsettian, and Syrixian monarchies notably rejected the offer.

Criteria for the monarch
The Krawiterskan Parliament voted for the nominated candidates based on a criteria of five points. Announced by Count Stefan Borowski in a speech to the Chamber of Deputies, he clarified the criteria were a guide to narrow down and focus on a list of the most ideal candidates. Count Borowski based the criteria on suggestions by Boyar Jaroslav Severov:
  1. A male
  2. A Messianist
  3. A democrat
  4. His house is connected to multiple royal houses in Collandris, Craviter, Gothis, Northern Meterra, and or Auroria
  5. He can speak Andrenske, Gojan, or Mercanti

Parties in the Krawiterskan Parliament and voting preferences
  • Democratic Party of Courantists (PDK): Led by Chairman Count Stefan Borowski and represented the majority of the Council of State and the Krawiterskan Parliament. This faction advocated for a full parliamentary democracy under a ceremonial monarchy. They prioritized principles of democracy, equality, and representation over monarchical and sectarian rule, united under a secular federation. The majority of them were Courantists and preferred a candidate with the same religion. Many held Pro-Goyanean views. They had a majority of 148 seats in the 210-seat lower house Chamber of Deputies but only 27 supported them from the 100-seat upper house Senate. Their total number of seats in both houses was 175.
  • Laurenist Commonwealth (RL): The leader, Boyar Jaroslav Severov, and a minority in the Council of State represented this pro-monarchy party. They believed that a strong monarchy could provide stability and strategic advantages for the survival of the country, especially in the face of enemy republics Callise and Khastenia. They viewed Andrenne, Maloria, Norsia, and Prydania as friends. This faction supported Laurenist candidates. They held 52 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and had 19 supporters in the Senate. Their total number of assembly seats was 71.
  • The Tsirkunov Restorationist Movement (RRT): This party, led by Defense Minister General Valerian Tatarinstev, supported independence from Khastenia with the hope of restoring a Tsirkunov monarchy, viewing it as a way to preserve the United Commonwealth's Pagan Khastenian heritage. They also supported Maloria, Norsia, and Syrixia as "defenders of ancient Craviter." But Prydania's refusal to commit troops to stop the 1848 Revolution disappointed them. Although most members were upper-class elite that ruled Rump Krawiterska, their party was the most diverse, with both Szlavs and Gotics, Messianists and Pagans, apart from Khastenians. They supported the PDK's vision of a secular federation and liked RL's strong monarchy stance. They held 10 seats in the Chamber of Deputies but a majority of 54 senators supported them. Their total number of assembly seats was 64.

List of nominated candidates

Title, name, and origin
Grand Duke
Andrei Tsirkunov of Khastenia
A reformist, he acknowledged for the mistakes of his cousin Alexei III and believed in the urgency of recognizing the rights of the people. He promised to convert to Messianism. He was trilingual and spoke all three languages in the criteria.
Kaysapa of Kaliva
Although a non-Messianist, he promised to convert in the event of his election. He was a candidate endorsed by the Syrixian Empire after the Imperial House of Syrixia rejected the offer of nomination. Born in a constitutional monarchy, he was raised to respect democratic ideals. He was a speaker of Andrenske and Mercanti. The House of Kaliva has dynastic ties to the Syrixian imperial house.
Great Lord
Leonardo Vivanco Dos-Rosas
A member of the Ladyist denomination of Messianism. His candidacy was endorsed by Prince René of Sil Dorsett. He was the cousin of Great Duke Lorenzo III of Vivanco and fifth-in-line to the grand duchy's throne. He believed a constitutional monarchy requires a strong and active monarch to protect the democratic process, which included limitations on the "excesses of republicanism." He was a Mercanti speaker. The House of Vivanco has ties with the Santonian monarchy.
Prince of Kronach
Gunther Windberg (Waltariche)
He was the younger brother of King Rolf "The Old." An "eccentric renaissance man," he supported the early democratic reforms in Waltariche during the 19th Century. He spoke all three languages in the criteria. A devout Courantist, he was a strong defender of the Courantist church.
Rodulf Bohuslæn-Loðbrók of Prydania
2nd son of Jarl Björn Bohuslæn and Princess Astrid Loðbrók, the aunt of Queen Alexandria of Prydania. Rodulf witnessed and understood the importance of the democratic reforms under his cousin's reign. One of the reforms was the development of the modern Prydanian political system. A Messianist, he was a member of the Prydanian Laurenist Church. He was a bilingual speaker of Andrenske and Gojan. The House of Loðbrók has ties with the monarchies of Andrenne, Saintonge, Goyanes, Arrandal, Alemriche, and Korova.
Grand Duke
Viktor Severyn of Malor-Vilmarna
A member of the Auroral denomination of Messianism. He was capable of speaking Mercanti. Raised in the traditions of absolute monarchy, he felt the monarch's right to rule and the will of the people were not obstacles to each other. The House of Severyn has blood ties with many monarchies around the world.


Inauguration of King Rudolf I, 11 November 1852

The transitory provision that authorized the Krawiterskan Parliament to offer the throne required that the election must be held in a joint sitting of both houses, with its members as the electors.

Origin country
Grand Duke Andrei TsirkunovKhastenia
Prince KaysapaKaliva
Great Lord Leonardo Vivanco Dos-RosasVivanco
Gunther Windberg, Prince of KronachWalteriche
Prince Rodulf Bohuslæn-LoðbrókPrydania
Grand Duke Viktor SeverynMalor-Vilmarna

Votes by party

Courantist Democrat Party (PDK)
Laurenist Commonwealth (RL)
Restorationist (RRT)
Grand Duke Andrei Tsirkunov
Prince Kaysapa
Great Lord Leonardo Vivanco Dos-Rosas
Gunther Windberg, Prince of Kronach
Prince Rodulf Bohuslæn-Loðbrók
Grand Duke Viktor Severyn

The Courantist Democrat Party favored candidates with evident democratic commitments, which included their origin country. Gunther, Prince of Kronach, a devout Courantist, was easily their top candidate. His country's transition to parliamentary constitutionalism was commended as a model for establishing a constitutional order in the United Commonwealth. Prince Rodulf, a Laurenist, was their second choice despite his religion. There were attempts in the party to cast doubts on Prydania's democratization. His opponents in the Krawiterskan Parliament pointed out his country's interventions against republican movements in Callise and Khastenia. Conservative and monarchist Courantist Democrats were attracted to Great Lord Leonardo, Grand Duke Viktor, and Grand Duke Andrei, but the latter candidate was viciously debated. Despite his criticism of Tsar Alexei III, he was still Khastenian and a pagan. Most of his initial supporters in the PDK conceded to vote for other candidates. Leonardo would have made an ideal alternative candidate if it were not for Prince René's endorsement. Sil Dorsett was an absolute monarchy under René's reign.

Grand Duke Viktor was the majority choice of Laurenist Commonwealth. He aligned perfectly with WL's ideals: He was a non-Courantist Messianist who held a strong monarchy stance. Prince Rodulf would have been their first choice. His Prydanian Laurenist background was overlooked due to Queen Alexandra's democratic reforms. Prince Kaysapa and Great Lord Leonardo were also seen as strong monarchy candidates but they were not serious alternatives. Grand Duke Andrei was not a favorable candidate for the same reasons PDK had.

The Restorationist Movement was divided between Grand Duke Andrei, a Tsirkunov, and Prince Kaysapa, who was endorsed by the Syrixian Empire. There was no debate in voting for a Tsirkunov, but many preferred a strong monarchy candidate who was not a reformist. The majority voted to support Andrei. In protest, reactionaries joined pro-Syrixians in voting for Kaysapa.
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The Constitution of the United Commonwealth (parlament_krawiterski.gov.zr/prawo/konst/merkanti/kon1.htm)

The Constitution of the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska
of 3 May 1851​

We, the Krawiterskan people, recognize that our survival depends solely upon the establishment of a more perfect union, having experienced the tyranny of divisive imperial interests, and desiring to take advantage of this season of change in Craviter, restored in the Treaty of Norvalle to ourselves the rights, independence, and liberty of our people whose destiny is entrusted to our hands, we do for the general welfare, for the establishment of liberty, for the preservation of our country and its borders, with the utmost constancy of spirit ordain this Constitution and declare it to be entirely sacred and inviolable until the people, by their clear will, recognize a need to alter any of its articles.

Therefore, the Krawiterskan Parliament decrees:

Title I. Religion
Article 1. The national religion shall be Messanism and all of its confessions. We owe to all persons, of whatever persuasion, peace in their faith and the protection of the government, and therefore guarantee freedom to all rites and religions in the United Commonwealth, in accordance with the laws of the land.

Title II. The Government
Article 2. The government of the Krawiterskan Nation, by the will of this Constitution forever shall comprise three authorities: a legislative authority in a Krawiterskan Parliament, a supreme executive authority in a Krawiterskan King and a Council of State, and a judicial authority in jurisdictions to that end instituted or to be instituted.

Title III. Krawiterskan Parliament
Article 3. The Krawiterskan Nation shall be represented in a Krawiterskan Parliament, which shall be divided into two chambers: a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies.
Article 4. A legislative and ordinary Krawiterskan Parliament shall be ever ready. It shall begin every three years and last as provided in law.
Article 5. A ready Krawiterskan Parliament, convoked in exigencies, shall decide only about the matter in which it be convoked, or about an exigency befallen after it be convoked.
Article 6. No law shall be abrogated at the ordinary Krawiterskan Parliament at which it has been enacted.
Article 7. No one at the same time may be members of both houses.
Article 8. All laws shall require the consent of both houses of the Krawiterskan Parliament.
Article 9. The Chamber of Deputies, as the image and repository of national sovereignty, shall be the house of the people and shall consist of members elected in free elections using secret ballots, and all bills shall be decided first in the Chamber, including:
  1. Constitutional amendments
  2. Civil laws
  3. Criminal laws
  4. Institution of perpetual taxes
  5. Temporary levies
  6. Degree of coin
  7. Contraction of public debt
  8. Ennoblements and other incidental rewards
  9. Disposition of public expenditures ordinary and extraordinary
  10. Quitting of executive magistracies
  11. War
  12. Peace
  13. Final ratification of treaties of alliance and trade
  14. Any diplomatic acts and agreements involving the law of nations
Article 10. In all these matters in Article 9, proposals from the throne shall have priority of procedure.
Article 11. The duty of the Senate, comprising bishops, ministers, and representatives of the States of the United Commonwealth, and other members appointed to it as prescribed by law, presided over by the Krawiterskan King, who is entitled to cast a votum of his own, and secondly to resolve paritas in person or by sending his judgment to the Senate, shall be:
  1. To adopt or retain for further deliberation by the nation, by the majority vote provided in law, every law which, having formally passed the Chamber of Deputies, shall immediately be sent to the Senate.
  2. Upon approval by the Senate, the the law shall be sent to the Krawiterskan King: If he adopts it he shall sign it, but if not it shall be retained. Adoption by the King shall confer the force and sanctity of law. Retention shall only suspend a law until the next ordinary Krawiterskan Parliament, at which, if it be agreed by a majority vote of two parts against the third of each chamber, the law suspended shall be adopted and become law.
Article 12. We stipulate that senators and ministers shall not have a votum decisivum in the Krawiterskan Parliament in matters concerning their conduct of office in the Council of State and at such time shall have a seat in the Senate only to give explication upon demand of the Parliament.
Article 13. A Krawiterskan Parliament shall comprise the number of persons provided by law, both in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate.
Article 14. Inasmuch as legislation cannot be conducted by all, and the nation to that end employs as agents its freely elected representatives, or Deputies, we determine that Deputies elected at state legislatures shall, in legislation and in general needs of the nation, be considered under this Constitution as representatives of the entire nation, being the repository of the general confidence.
Article 15. Everything, everywhere, shall be decided by majority vote; therefore we abolish forever the liberum veto, confederations of any kind, and confederate sejms, as being opposed to the spirit of this Constitution, subversive of government, and destructive of society.

Title IV. Krawiterskan King and Council of State
Article 16. We confer the authority of supreme execution of the laws to the Krawiterskan King in his council, which council shall be called the Council of State.
Article 17. The Krawiterskan King, as the first citizen, and the Council of State, as guardians of the law, and all of executive authority are strictly bound to observe the laws and to carry them out. It shall act of itself where the laws permit, and where they need supervision, execution, or even forceful aid. Obedience is owed to it always by all magistracies; we leave in its hand the power to press magistracies that be disobedient or remiss in their duties.
Article 18. To the Krawiterskan King shall belong the supreme disposition of the country's armed forces in wartime and the appointment of army commanders, howbeit with their free change by the will of the nation.
Article 19. To the Krawiterskan King shall be his duty to commission officers and appoint officials pursuant to the provisions of law, to appoint senators pursuant to the provisions of that law, and ministers, as the prime officials of the executive authority.
Article 20. To the Krawiterskan King shall be his duty to periodically provide to the Krawiterskan Parliament information concerning the State of the Union, and to recommend for their consideration such measures as he deems necessary and expedient.
Article 21. To the Krawiterskan King shall be his duty to convoke a ready Krawiterskan Parliament or in exigencies, and in the event of disagreement regarding adjournment, he may adjourn them to a suitable time.
Article 22. To the Krawiterskan King, to whom shall be left every power of beneficence, shall have ius agratiandi those sentenced to death, except in criminibus status.
Article 23. To the Krawiterskan King shall be his duty to entertain ambassadors and other public ministers.
Article 24. To the Krawiterskan King shall be his duty to issue or cause to be issued council ordinances necessary for the execution of laws, or for the maintenance of public peace and order, or for the welfare of the citizens of the United Commonwealth. All council ordinances are subject to the majority approval of the Council of State.
Article 25. To the Krawiterskan King, in consequence of an urgent necessity to maintain public safety, or to avert a public crisis, shall issue, when the Krawiterskan Parliament is not sitting, council ordinances in place of laws. No law passed under this process shall be in violation of this Constitution.
Article 26. The Krawiterskan King shall not enact or interpret laws, impose taxes or levies by any name, contract public debts, alter the distribution of treasury revenues established by the Krawiterskan Parliament, wage war, or definitively conclude peace or treaties or any diplomatic act. He shall be free to conduct only interim negotiations with foreign states, and to take temporary and timely measures requisite for the security and peace of the country, of which it shall inform the next assembly of the Parliament.
Article 27. We desire and determine that the throne of the United Commonwealth shall belong forever to a Krawiterskan King and to whose successors de lumbis we reserve the Krawiterskan throne.
Article 28. The Krawiterskan throne shall be succeeded by the oldest legitimate child of the Krawiterskan King. The successors must:
  1. To be legitimate, born in lawful and sacred wedlock between the Krawiterskan King and his spouse.
  2. To be legitimate, be of a Messianist confession to succeed the throne.
  3. If female, are to be considered valid heirs of the Krawiterskan King provided they meet all clauses laid herein.
  4. If female and ascended to the throne, she shall be known as Krawiterskan King and shall exercise the same rights afforded to the Krawiterskan King in this Constitution.
  5. When born and who is entitled to succeed to the Krawiterskan throne, their name shall be notified to the Krawiterskan Parliament for their log.
  6. If there is no legitimate heir, be nominated and elected by the Krawiterskan Parliament.
Article 29. All public acts, tribunals, courts of law, magistracies, coin, and stamps shall go under the Krawiterskan King's name.
Article 30. Even as to appointment of all ministers, so also is it the Krawiterskan King's right to summon one of them from every department of administration to his council of state. This summoning of a minister to sit in the Council of State shall be for three years, with the King's free reconfirmation of it.
Article 31. Every King, on ascending the throne, shall execute the following oath: "I hereby swear to the Almighty Father and to the Krawiterskan Nation that I shall, to the best of my ability, preserve and protect the borders, the sovereignty, the laws, and the Constitution of the United Commonwealth."
Article 32. The person of the Krawiterskan King is sacred and secure from everything. Doing nothing of himself, he shall be answerable for nothing to the nation.
Article 33. The income for the throne shall be provided every year according to the fixed amount established by law.
Article 34. The Successor to the Throne, having emerged from minority and executed the Krawiterskan King's oath as follows in Article 31, may be present at all sessions of the Council of State, but without a votum decisivum.
Article 35. The Marshal of the Krawiterskan Parliament, elected for three years, shall be of the number serving in the Council of State, without entering into their decisions, solely in order to convoke a ready Krawiterskan Parliament in the event that he recognizes in the cases requiring the mandatory convocation of a ready Parliament, a true need, and the Krawiterskan King demur at convoking it, when said Marshal shall issue to the Deputies and Senators circular letters convoking them to a ready Parliament and stating the causes of its convocation.
Article 36. The only cases requiring the mandatory convocation of a Krawiterskan Parliament are the following:
  1. In an exigency involving the law of nations, more particularly in the event of war hard by the borders;
  2. In the event of internal disorder that threatens revolution in the country or collision between magistracies;
  3. In evident danger of famine; quarto, in the country's bereavement by death of the Krawiterskan King, or in his dangerous illness.
Article 37. All decisions in the Council of State shall be discussed by the Krawiterskan Parliament.
Article 38. Every decision from the Council of State shall be issued under the Krawiterskan King's name and with the signature of his hand, but it shall be also signed by one of the ministers seated in the Council of State, and thus signed, it shall oblige obedience, and shall be carried out by the ministers or by any executive magistracies, but particularly in such matters as are not explicitly excluded by this Constitution.
Article 39. In the event that none of the seated ministers wish to sign the decision, the Krawiterskan King shall abandon the decision, but should he persist in it, the Marshal of the Krawiterskan Parliament shall request convocation of the ready Parliament, and if the King delays convocation, the Marshal shall convoke it.
Article 40. Desiring that the Council of State be bound to strict accountability to the nation for any and all their misdeeds, we determine that, when ministers be charged with breach of law by a deputation designated to examine their deeds, they shall answer in their own persons and property. In any such impeachments, the Krawiterskan Parliament shall by simple majority vote of the conjoint Chambers send the inculpated ministers to a Commonwealth Court for their just punishment equalling the crime or, their innocence being demonstrated, their release from proceedings and punishment.
Article 41. In the event that a secret vote of two parts against the third of the two conjoint Chambers of a Krawiterskan Parliament demand change of a minister either in the Council of State or in an office, the Krawiterskan King shall immediately appoint another in his place.

Title V. Judicial Authority
Article 42. The judicial authority shall not be carried out either by the legislative authority or by the Krawiterskan King, but by magistracies instituted and elected to that end. It shall be so bound to places, that every man find justice close by, that the criminal see everywhere over him the formidable hand of the national government.
Article 43. We institute, therefore:
  1. Courts of initial jurisdiction shall be established for each state, city, and powiat, with judges chosen through state legislatures. These courts shall stand ever vigilant and prepared to dispense justice as needed. Appeals from these courts shall be directed to state chief tribunals, also comprised of elected representatives.
  2. In addition to courts in civil and criminal matters, there shall be a supreme court, called a Commowealth Court, to which persons shall be elected at the opening of every Krawiterskan Parliament. To this court shall be subject crimes against the nation and the Krawiterskan King, or crimina status.
Article 44. We command that a new code of civil and criminal laws be drawn up by persons designated by the Krawiterskan Parliament.

Title VI. The Nobility
Article 45. Reverencing the memory of our ancestors as the founders of a free government, we most solemnly assure to the noble estate all prerogatives and precedence in private and public life, and more particularly we confirm, assure and recognize the rights, statutes and privileges justly and lawfully granted to that estate by the Tsars of Khastenia, the Tsars of Korova, the Kings of Prydania, and the Grand Emperors of Goyanes and Andrenne.

Title VII. The Rights of the Citizen
Article 46. All persons born to at least one parent who is a citizen within the bounds of the United Commonwealth shall be deemed citizens.
Article 47. Persons born in foreign lands to parents, both citizens, may opt to become citizens of the United Commonwealth if they so desire, thereby entitled to exercise the rights of the citizen.
Article 48. Aliens who have resided in the United Commonwealth continuously for a period of at least ten years may petition the Krawiterskan Parliament for promotion to citizen status, subject to additional qualifications as determined by law.
Article 49. Citizens of the United Commonwealth, as outlined in this decree and other relevant laws, shall be eligible for appointment to civil and military offices and may hold any public office.
Article 50. Citizens may be called upon to bear arms for the United Commonwealth.
Article 51. Male citizens aged between 18 and 26 shall be enlisted in a registry for potential service to the United Commonwealth in times of war or disaster.
Article 52. Citizens shall abide by all duties and taxes imposed by the government in accordance with the law.
Article 53. Citizens shall enjoy freedom of residence and movement within the United Commonwealth, subject to legal provisions.
Article 54. No Citizens of the United Commonwealth may be detained or tried without suspicion of violating the law and shall be treated in accordance with legal procedures.
Article 55. Punishment shall only be administered following a fair trial and in accordance with the law.
Article 56. Every person in the United Commonwealth, citizen or not, shall have the right to a trial by peers, innocent until proven guilty, as prescribed by law.
Article 57. Citizens sworn to the country's armed forces shall be held accountable for their deeds by a martial code established for the defense of the country, and only upon release from their sacred duty shall they stand before a civic court, as all citizens do.
Article 58. Excessive bail or punishment shall not be imposed on any citizen.
Article 59. The house and property of a citizen shall be inviolable and not subject to search, seizure, or entry without consent, except with a specific warrant issued by the courts based on probable cause.
Article 60. The secrecy of a citizen's correspondence shall be respected, except as prescribed by law.
Article 61. Citizens shall exercise property rights and free enterprise, with measures for public benefit property acquisition provided by law with just compensation.
Article 62. Citizens shall have the rights of free speech, press, public assembly, and association.
Article 63. Citizens shall have the right to self-defense, including the bearing of arms for personal, familial, business, or property protection.
Article 64. Citizens shall have the right to petition the government respectfully for redress of grievances.

Title VIII. States of the United Commonwealth
Article 65. The United Commonwealth shall be comprised of the states of Lechia, Volhynia, Fryderykowa Góra, Krystianogród, and Ertuł-Bey.
Article 66. The Krawiterskan King shall hold supreme authority as the sovereign ruler over all States.
Article 67. The Krawiterskan King shall possess the authority to grant assent to all laws enacted by the States.
Article 68. Laws promulgated by the National Government shall take precedence over and supersede any laws enacted by the States.
Article 69. The Krawiterskan Parliament, acting on behalf of the Krawisterskan King, may establish new States through territorial acquisitions.
Article 70. State and local authorities, with the consent of the Krawiterskan Parliament, have the prerogative to modify state borders as deemed necessary.
Article 71. The States shall have explicit authorities as prescribed by this Constitution and subsequent acts of law. The explicit authorities of a State of the United Commonwealth shall be:
  1. To possess exclusive jurisdiction over their finances, municipal organization, land management, and the management of natural resources, including water, as well as the management of educational affairs;
  2. To collect specified duties;
  3. To maintain a civil registry and conduct a national census every five years;
  4. To provide for the social welfare of state residents;
Article 72. The Krawiterskan Parliament shall have the authority to delegate and revoke powers to the States to streamline government administration.
Article 73. Each State shall be mandated to establish a unicameral parliament under the auspices of the Krawiterskan King.
Article 74. A State parliament, akin to the Krawiterskan Parliament, shall appoint a government, headed by a Lieutenant Chancellor, accountable to the citizens. Parliamentary proceedings must adhere to democratic principles and be accountable to the electorate through regular elections.
Article 75. Each State shall appoint representatives to the Senate, serving a maximum of four five-year terms.
Article 76. The States shall cooperate as equal brothers of the United Commonwealth, and shall engage perpetually in friendly competition with each other. This relationship shall be defined by the following:
  1. Inter-state taxation on traffic shall be prohibited.
  2. States shall be barred from enacting laws contravening National or Constitutional Laws.
  3. States shall be barred from asserting sovereignty to foreign entities.
  4. States shall be barred from minting coins.
  5. Withdrawal from the United Commonwealth shall require mutual agreement among citizens and the Chamber of Deputies, subject to the Krawiterskan King's approval.
Article 77. The Krawiterskan Parliament may enact additional provisions relating to the States as they see fit.

Title IX. Regency
Article 78. The Council of State shall be also a Regency, head by the Queen or in her absence the other most senior member of the House of Bohuslæn, Loðbrók, and Mavoia.
Article 79. Minority shall last only until 18 years of age; and infirmity respecting permanent mental alienation shall not be declared except by a ready Krawiterskan Parliament, by majority vote of three parts against the fourth of the conjoint Chambers.
Article 80. A Regency may have place in only three cases:
  1. During the Krawiterskan King's minority;
  2. During an infirmity causing permanent mental alienation;
  3. In the event that the King be taken in war.
Article 81. In these three cases, the head of the Regency shall immediately convoke the Krawiterskan Parliament, and if the head of the Regency be slow in this obligation, the Marshal of the Parliament shall issue circular letters to the Deputies and Senators.
Article 82. The ready Krawiterkskan Parliament shall arrange the order of seating of the ministers in the Regency and shall empower the Queen to take the place of the Krawiterskan King in his duties.
Article 83. And when the Krawiterskan King in the first case emerge from minority, in the second come to complete health, in the third return from captivity, the Regency shall tender him account of its deeds and answer to the nation for the time of its office, even as is prescribed of the Council of State at every ordinary Krawiterskan Parliament, in their own persons and property.

Title X. Education of the Royal Sons
Article 84. Royal sons, whom this Constitution destines for succession to the throne, are the first sons of the nation, wherefore attention to their good education is a concern of the nation, without prejudice, however, to parental rights.
Article 85. Under the government of the Krawiterskan King, the King himself, together with the Council of State and with a "supervisor of the education of the King's sons" designated by the Krawiterskan Parliament, shall see to their education.
Article 86. Under the government of a Regency, the Regency, together with the afore-mentioned supervisor, shall have the education of the Krawiterskan Kings's sons entrusted to them.
Article 87. In either case in Articles 85 and 86, the supervisor designated by the Krawiterskan Parliament shall inform every ordinary Parliament about the education and conduct of the royal sons. It shall be a duty of an education minister or the equivalent thereof to submit a scheme of instruction and education of the royal sons for confirmation by Parliament, so that in their education uniform rules continually and early instill in the minds of future Successors to the Throne religion and love of virtue, country, liberty and the Constitution.

Title XI. National Armed Forces
Article 88. The Krawiterskan Nation bears a duty to its own defense from attack and for the safeguarding of its integrity. Therefore all citizens are defenders of the national integrity and liberties.
Article 89. The military are nought but a defensive force drawn and ordered from the general force of the nation.
Article 90. The Krawiterskan Nation owes reward and esteem to its military because they dedicate themselves solely to the nation's defense.
Article 91. It is the military's duty to protect the Krawiterskan Nation, the general peace, and to be its strongest shield. That the military fulfill this charge unfailingly, they shall remain always in obedience to the executive authority, as prescribed by law, and shall execute the same oath taken by the Krawiterskan King and the Successor to the Throne in Article 31.
Article 92. The Krawiterskan Nation's military may be used for the general defense of the country, for the safeguarding of fortresses and borders, or in aid of law, if any not be obedient to its execution.

Title XII. Transitory Provisions
Article 93. In choosing the first citizen for the first time the first provision of article 26 may be dispensed with.
Article 94. The present Krawiterskan Parliament shall possess the authority to select the first Krawiterskan King, adhering to the principles outlined in this Constitution and the national interest.
Article 95. Aliens established in the United Commonwealth before the first day of January, 1848, and who have continued to reside therein shall be considered Citizens of the United Commonwealth by birth, upon condition that they declare their intention to enjoy the benefit of the present provision and accomplish the following:
  1. The declaration must be made within six months, counting from the day when this Constitution shall go into force, provided such persons are of age. If they be minors, the declaration must be made within the year which shall follow their majority.
  2. This declaration must be made before the provincial authorities having jurisdiction over the place where they reside.
  3. It must be made in person or by a legal proxy, having a special and authentic power of attorney.
Article 96. The personnel of the courts and of the tribunals shall be maintained as it actually exists, until other legal provision is made. A law covering this matter shall be passed during the present Krawiterskan Parliament.
Article 97. The Fundamental Law of the 21st of January, 1849, is hereby abolished. Counting from the day when this Constitution shall go into effect, all laws, ordinances, resolutions, rules and other acts contrary thereunto are hereby abrogated.
Article 98. The term of the present Krawiterskan Parliament shall be renewed upon the inauguration of the first Krawiterskan King.
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List of rulers of the United Commonwealth | Predicica (www.predicica.com/topic/List-of-Rulers-of-the-United-Commonwealth)

Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopædia Predicica

List of rulers of the United Commonwealth

This is a list of the rulers of the United Commonwealth since 1852 when the first Krawiterskan King, Rudolf I, ascended to the throne.

Under the Krawiterskan Constitution, the monarch uses the title "Król Krawiterski" or "Craviterian King" (officially in Mercanti: Krawiterskan King, Aleman: Krawitersker König, Prydanian: Krawiterskur Konungur, Aydini: Krawiterçe Kralı).

The title reflects the Pan-Craviterian nationalism of the country. It was chosen as opposed to the initial proposal of "King of Craviter," which implied territorial claims to all of Craviter, or "King of the Craviterians," which implied the King's sovereignty over the people of Craviter.

Since 1852, there have been six Krawiterskan Kings.

Portrait, name, and reign
Birth and death
House and Succession Right

Rudolf I
Reign: 1852-1896​
21 June 1821
Bohuslæn, Prydania

4 January 1896
Nowogrod, U.C.K.
(Aged 75)​
Adelajda Leszczyński
∞ 22 August 1853
[4 children]​
House of Bohuslæn-Loðbrók
Elected by the Krawiterskan Parliament​

Reign: 1896-1898​
2 August 1854
Nowogrod, U.C.K.

Eriksvík, U.C.K.
(Aged 44)​
Giovanni of Predice
∞ 9 April 1873
[3 children]​
House of Bohuslæn-Loðbrók-Mavoia
Eldest daughter of Rudolf I​

Rudolf II
Reign: 1898-1940​
15 April 1873
Nowogrod, U.C.K.

13 November 1940
Bodrum, U.C.K.
(Aged 60)​
Agatha Brennenburg
∞ 8 June 1910
[6 Children]​
House of Bohuslæn-Loðbrók-Mavoia
Eldest son of Astryda​

Rudolf III
Reign: 1940-1964​
2 May 1911
Nowogrod, U.C.K.

3 January 2005
Zamami, Seinoku
(Aged 94)​
Hasan Omura
∞ 28 June 1999
House of Bohuslæn-Loðbrók-Mavoia
Eldest son of Rudolf II​

Reign: 1964-1977​

18 May 1941
Eriksvík, U.C.K.

2 September 1977
(Aged 36)​
House of Bohuslæn-Loðbrók-Mavoia
Son of Crown Prince Baromir​

Reign: 1977-present​
26 August 1944
Eriksvík, U.C.K.​
Emilía Tjaldsdóttir
∞ 8 July 1972
[3 Children]​
House of Bohuslæn-Loðbrók-Mavoia
Son of Crown Prince Baromir​
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Religion in the United Commonwealth | Predicica (www.predicica.com/topic/Religion-in-the-United-Commonwealth)

Religion in the United Commonwealth

Messianism is the largest religion in the United Commonwealth, but it is divided between the Courantist and Laurenist churches. Although Courantism represents the larger part of the Messianist community, it is only by slim margins due to historical conflicts over the leadership of the Messianist faith in the territory that now comprises the United Commonwealth. In an attempt to reconcile the two churches, the U.C. Constitution declares Messianism and "all of its confessions" as the official state religion. It also guarantees liberty to all religions and protections against persecution.

According to a 2022 poll conducted by the Central Statistical Office, 61% of the 93.6 million Krawiterskan people are Messianists, with 32.5% representing Courantists and 28.5% representing Laurenists. The Messianists are followed by Mehrabists with their followers comprising around 15% of the population. The third largest religious group is Zmeyism, the largest Pagan religion in the country, with 11.1% of the population. The other small religious groups, dominated by Shaddaism by 4.8%. Only 4.9% of the population identify as atheists.

A 2018 poll by the Centre for Public Opinion Research indicated that 10.6% of these religious groups, mostly Messianists, declared themselves as "agnostics" or "non-practitioners."


ReligionPercentagePopulation (Millions)
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