[SC, defeated] - Commend Outer Sparta

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Wolf of the North
TNP Nation
Magecastle Embassy Building A5

Commend Outer Sparta
Category: Commendation | Target: Outer Sparta
Proposed by: Fachumonn | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Outer Sparta has long been a state where sports and culture have been valued at the very core, with impressively detailed accounts of their experiences and writing prowess as well as a willingness to help other upcoming generations.

For one, Outer Sparta has long inscribed their bee hypotheses, evidenced by their gripping tale rumored to be “You’ve got a friend in Bee” Declining bee populations have forced world leaders to get creative with their solutions. Improving bee populations is a necessity, at least for some.

However, creative solutions are not without loopholes. When many world leaders became desperate to improve bee populations, their scientists unleashed killer bees. It certainly appears to be “The Bee-Ginning of a Catastrophe?”, and these bees must be stopped through any means possible.

Meanwhile, in other situations across the spheres, Outer Sparta is busy recording a tale that involves pharmaceutical companies increasing their products in an attempt to “Drug Up the Prices”. Little do they know demonstrations behold. Rallies of great quantities force the decision-makers of our time to make the right determinations.

At a desk across the hall, “Mayday! Mayday!” calls are heard. Riveting grim reports detail a plane crash from within. Trauma fills the office. The public is begging for safety standards, but how will they be implemented? Will their choice be successful? That is the question they must answer.

Outer Sparta has more stories to share throughout their leafy casebook, however. Their work describing sports controversies certainly demonstrates their expertise with pen and quill. Some of their anagrams include:
  • A spellbinding compte rendu that details an oil-rich nation beating out other entities to the hosting of an international competition, despite having no standardized infrastructure. Certainly, sports isn’t “A Funny Old Game” anymore. Outrage from within threatens the validity of what many consider so precious.
  • A fantastical enigma puzzle, “Balls to All That”, details a case where many problems come from within. While many nations are so transfixed on corruption related to hosting, they turn a blind eye to complications in the confines of their jurisdiction. Footballing clubs striking deals with outside investors worries many in power. Could their very nation be susceptible to the same compromising fate?
  • A high-level disclosure, in which the more and more exposés that are revealed by Outer Sparta, the more and more fraud and falsification acquire the spotlight. “Suspicious Superhuman Athletes?” who are choosing to take illegal substances threaten the very rectitude of the game. Leaders must be decisive. One slip-up may cost them their sporting future.
  • College athletes beginning to see the unfairness and cruelty in the game as well. Why should they not be paid for their efforts? While it may be “Amateur Hour”, it is assured this is a very professional case. Distaste for the sporting cultures and atmospheres of their nations continues to rise among amateurs. Will it boil over into new troubles?

Outer Sparta certainly exemplifies how to deal with these stumbling blocks. Their kingdom sets a leading example for others by being ranked by a secret census bureau as fifth in the multiverse for environmental standards of living, tenth for most developed peoples and tourist destinations, 11th for the weather for their nation, 13th for their citizens' compassion and lifespan, with six other categories in the top 25, allowing everybody inside their very own realm to be consumed by good quality of life.

Individuals gain a strong quality of life by participating in sports such as football, and Outer Sparta has shown its dedication to it through the years in the Platinum League and The Beautiful Game, where they detail scores, records, matchdays, transfer rumors, past league winners, cup competitions, football contestants, and analysis in their accounts of footballing glories past, present, and certainly the future.

Outer Sparta’s feedback for new and old authoring nations alike has helped numerous newcomers land on their feet in the hallowed halls of many of the bodies that make up this multiverse, furthering many nations' authorship abilities selflessly in different portals throughout the multiverse, and as such believing this to be an example for other nations to follow.

The Security Council praises the beautifully illustrated destination that is Outer Sparta, where their many formulated communiques and a willingness to lend out a hand to others who try to accomplish their very feats deserve tremendous lauding. The least that can be done is to offer them some formal recognition in this august body.

Considering these factors, The Security Council Hereby Commends Outer Sparta.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This resolution proposal seeks to commend Outer Sparta, a valuable member of our ally Europe. The resolution proposal cites authoring 10 issues of quality, holding more than 10 top-25 stats, and an extensive sports RP among other factors.

We are open to a commendation of Outer Sparta, but this proposal falls below the standards expected of SC commendations in general, with some fairly jarring turns of phrase, and awkward and confusing descriptions of Outer Sparta's achievements. Emphasizing issues writing also creates a dilemma, namely that issues editors cannot be commended under SC rules for their own work no matter the quality of their own issues.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the at-vote SC resolution, "Commend Outer Sparta”.
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Against. Previously in favour, but reconsidered based on additional feedback.
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As the author I'm here to explain any questions or other general feedback :)
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I don’t think I’m sold on the style of this one, and I’m not sure how this works in an IC way even the way it’s displayed.

Leaning against. It's not really spelling out Outer Sparta's achievements well, see my comments gameside. As Aivintis says, the writing style is not that strong and really really awkward. Also what Honeydew said gameside.
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For anyone who is asking about the style, originally it was the regular SC style but I changed it to a narrative format. Either way, the style should not be a main reason to vote against. It might not be your flavor or may not be perfect but I wanted to go for it.

Edit: Honeydew's comments were made when it was a regular SC style commend anyways, so I hardly think those comments are a reason to vote against considering the draft has changed a lot.

Edit 2: Comments that are saying the writing is not as good as standard I appreciate more than the "style is not what I like" comments.
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For anyone who is asking about the style, originally it was the regular SC style but I changed it to a narrative format. Either way, the style should not be a main reason to vote against. It might not be your flavor or may not be perfect but I wanted to go for it.

Edit: Honeydew's comments were made when it was a regular SC style commend anyways, so I hardly think those comments are a reason to vote against considering the draft has changed a lot.

Edit 2: Comments that are saying the writing is not as good as standard I appreciate more than the "style is not what I like" comments.
I prefer the more standard SC style (most of the time). I’m sorry if you don’t appreciate a stylistic difference being a significant factor for some people, but I can only vote up or down on what is presented to me and if I don’t like it, I don’t like it.

That being said, that doesn’t mean I couldn’t vote for something even if I don’t prefer the approach to how it was written. A narrative could be an interesting change in pace, if done well, because it’s much harder to pull off than the “standard” SC formula. That’s where this one falls short for a lot of people. If it was super strong and read well then even if I didn’t prefer the style, I could have gone along with it. Asking me to support something very different from my preferred style when it doesn’t quite nail it just because it’s different and you have it a shot is a lot to ask.

So consider my issues to be more along the lines of the ones you “appreciate” as a reason to be against. I think you got some useful feedback in the drafting thread already, see if you can’t make the narrative work with that in mind before you revert to the standard, safe style. I do actually like to see some creativity, but it has to work well. It’s a craft, or it should be.
As the author I'm here to explain any questions or other general feedback :)

Already replied to much of your comments gameside. But a big issue is indeed this line: "emphasizing issues writing also creates a dilemma, namely that issues editors cannot be commended under SC rules for their own work no matter the quality of their own issues".
Huh? That only applies to issue editors. Outer Sparta was never an issues editor, so that doesn't apply. I think you're conflating issue editors and issue authors. They're different.
Also, re Pallaith: Thanks I think that is pretty reasonable.

You put this in your IFV? If it was illegal, they would have marked it illegal. There is no dilemma? Plenty of issues authors have been c/ced before? Sorry, I really don't get this?
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