Opening Address, May 2024


Also known as Oriaga/Catshoar
TNP Nation

Ministry of Communications of the North Pacific
Opening Address of the Minister, May 2024

I'm AraFuttio, and I am honoured to be given the opportunity to serve as Minister of Communications this term. Congratulations to @Simone, @Chipoli and @Cloud on your triumphs.
First, let's do Deputy Appointments:

  • @Halsoni - Executive Deputy Minister - Ruben has been the face of Comms for the last term, and therefore it only makes sense to appoint him as my right-hand man. His contributions to the Ministry in general need no explaining. I'm sure he will continue to approach the job with similar enthusiasm.
  • @Picairn - Deputy Minister - Picairn has also been very committed to the Ministry in recent months. Their work on publications has been fantastic. It's only right that they are given a leadership role in something they are clearly very passionate about.
  • @Kaschovia - Deputy Minister - Kasch needs no introduction to their experience in Comms. Their term as Minister was a great time for Comms, with a fantastic amount of publications and broadcasts going out regularly. I hope that their presence in the Ministry may help us replicate that.
Please take your oaths promptly.
We are currently working on getting the April edition of TNS out. Hopefully, we can clear this backlog quickly by the 20th of May, and then quickly get to work on the May edition. I am aware of Delegate Simone's plans to have weekly publications on TNP news. This scheme will go through a brief planning phase, but it is likely that it will be incorporated into the current TNN scheme.

In terms of TNL, we have not released an issue for about a year now. Whilst having in-depth reporting on important subjects would be brilliant, we have to consider whether continuing to try and release an issue would be a valuable use of resources. Possibly, we could introduce a 'little and often' policy, with in-depth features coming out as part of TNN, instead of having that style of reporting squeezed into one publication.

The appointment of a separate radio host does take the pressure off of the Ministry, however, I hope we can work with @Koopa103 closely to provide the best-quality radio broadcasts.

More plans and ideas for the term will be broadcasted to the region if they come.

To a great term,
Minister of Communications
