Dreadton, The Art of War


PC Load Letter
TNP Nation
Greetings Noble Citizen,

If you are here for a joke campaign, I am going to disappoint you. I am here to bring you my ideas and thoughts on the reality we face as a region. I am here to find what you want our region to be doing, and what you see as our issues. Should you see value in what I have to say and would like to do, then I ask you to cast your vote for me this election.

I am going to eschew the traditional Delegate Campaign format. I have never been good at them and I find it better to show you how everything would work together.

Outside, In, and the Forever War

We knew going into the war with BoM, it would be hard to define when we won. How can you defeat an enemy in a text based game? They have no supply lines, no infrastructure, no economy, and nothing that can be forced to submit. We settled into a war of containment, we would try to oppose them when they acted and try to push them in a corner. We began to lurch from one operation to the other, one crisis to the next. We never really gained a strong foothold on their necks. During this campaign, we discovered that a few of our allies were not willing to support us as we supported them. We were quick to shed off the dead weight and gain new ones. As it stands, we have settled into our comfort zone of hitting them where we can, working to undo their actions when we can, and maintaining the balance.

What can we do going forward? Every Delegate campaign since I have joined the North Pacific talks about recruiting more soldiers. ( Indeed its a laudable goal and the militia initiative is a great program.) But there will never be enough soldiers in the Army. We need to capitalize on what strengths we have, our ability to collation build, to use resources effectively, and our wealth of knowledge on how the game works. We can reach out to smaller frontiers and build bridges, help them learn how to run R/D. A region with 20 active people and 2 who want to participate in R/D gives us 20 new friends and 2 people on the front lines. We have to be willing and proactively reaching out of our established circle. We know how to update in a region and we have many experience people who know how to place a sleeper in a region. I want our opponents to worry about every operation they conduct. While they are over to the left doing a tag run, we are in their role play region spray painting the walls and reciting the Bee Movie. When they are holding a region, we are Delegate tipping their allies.

We have the Foreign Affairs and Defense experience to make this happen, now. We just need to be willing to put it into action.

Inside and Out,

Internally, we are trucking along steadily. Keeping things working is no small task but one our current crop of leadership and staffers have taken to well. With the Summer lull coming, I don't see any major changes needed.

Bring me questions, comments, and concerns. The Government works for you. Tell me what you want to see happen.

1.) I've noticed that your presence within the executive staff has been non-existent as of late, so I'm a bit surprised to see you here. You're not currently involved with any of the ministries as a staffer, although you do have experience in both radio and culture.

Having said that, would you say that you're a well-rounded candidate who's equipped to address matters that concern us today? Additionally, what would you say is your biggest weakness? How will you make sure that you account for that weakness if you're elected?

Experience does not expire over time, and while I am not a staffer I do keep abreast of the going ons of the Executive as an Admin to ensure that I am able to support as needed. While I do not have my fingers in the day to day of the executive, it is not a fast changing landscape, where there is constant shifts that require retraining. The Executive in regards to internal matters, is more of a herd of Elephants, a steady powerful constant force. As you admit, I was a Minister several times. I am aware and experienced in the running of a ministry, the work involved, how projects get developed, and the trials and tribulations that the ministries face. I know that one of the biggest issues we will constantly face is burnout and talent development.

As for weakness, it would be formal contacts with outside groups. Its something I have thought long on, and its something no one person can correct. You would point out next that one of the goals I have is collation building and my "weakness" would be contradictory to that. I would disagree, it would be a strength as I have no preconceived notions and would be able to act in the best interest of the Region. To account for the "weakness" and to achieve my goal of collation buildings, I want our MoFa to build an internal mini cabinet of deputies with contacts outside of our normal groups and to utilize our experienced diplomats in reaching out to new friends we would not normally consider worth our time.

2.) Moreover, there's also the matter of you be a sitting Court Justice. If you were to be elected as Delegate, then that would no doubt trigger a special election for Justice. What do you say to those who voted for you in that election and presumably believe that you're better suited to remaining involved with the judiciary?

I would tell them to make a choice based on what they think is best for the region. My feelings would not get hurt. @Pallaith, despite our personal differences, is a strong legal mind and there are people who would be capable and willing to fill my shoes. Of the top of my head, @Vivanco would be an ideal Justice to fill my spot if there was a special election.

3.) I'm curious. How will we be Delegate tipping BoM and co.'s allies if we don't have the numbers to do so? You claim that there will never be enough soldiers in the army, but wouldn't you say that manpower is an essential component to victory in wars?

If you go on to read the rest of the statement, I go on to talk about collation building. As you no doubt know as the current MoD, our operational success is dependent on the support of other forces in achieving the objective. There is no shame in this, the real world fighting forces are the same way. We should continue to push to build up our military, but one of best ways to do it is to show victories. I have no doubt you know this as your recruitment plan is the same as every delegate candidate before you. We will not be able to del tip day one of the new term, but we can put into place the sleepers we need, reach out to our allies to see who can and will support us, and build up relatshonships with new regions and get their support in this war.

4.) Finally, since you say that we have the foreign and military affairs experience to make these things happen, I'm wondering how you would compare the experiences of others in these areas to your own. Do you feel that you're well informed about gameplay and could effectively serve as the commander-in-chief of the NPA? Why or why not?

There have been many effective Delegates who have never led an operation for the NPA and it is correct that I have not particpated in an NPA operation. Have I led people in emergency situations? Yes. I lead people today both in urgent matters a regular day to day activites. The key for leadership, especially as a civilian over military matters, is the willingness to listen to those who know how to plan and execute operations. Many people in the region who have worked with me on various regional projects know that I ask questions when I do not understand, willing to test new ideas, and listen to those who do know. All of which are skills any leader in any position anywhere should have.

I see that you have placed a complete focus on pursuing the war. Do you have any plans for the other Ministries (Culture, WA Affairs, Communications, Home Affairs) beyond continuing the status quo?

Culture and Commnications is in a good place overall. I have always been a fan of interacctive events, like game days. I do know the difficulty in getting those things set up and people to particpate. Our smaller events (I generally call them passive events) such as Theme Thursday and the Lennarts, tend to go over better and larger engagement. It is because people are able to particpate on their time and its not time zone tanked ( * A phrase from EvE online, Time zone tanking is conducting an operation in a time zone where others are not avaible like an event occuring during AU prime time vs US Prime Time.) @Simone time as WA Affairs has been stead and on the ball. With Home Affairs, I know there has been an increase in recruitment activites, but there has not been a report done on its effectiveness. During my last run as Delegate, before the F/S update, I highlighted that this was an area we needed to devlope and be proactive in, if elected It would be a focus of the term to see what we are doing and whats working, so we can focus efforts on where it has the best return.

Universally, we as a region have a tendency to burn out our active members in the Executive. Something I would like to look at going in the next term is identifying those up and commers in the Ministries, to incubate them into future Ministers. I would like each minister to identify those who has what it takes, and build them up to succeed. No one should have to worry about how a Ministry will function if they need a break.

Quotes from Former Delegates
"How would you describe Dreadton's work and leadership during his time a Minister during your Delegacy?"

"Dreadton's time as a Minister in my government displayed both extraordinary work ethnic and impressive attention to detail. He was the type of Minister Delegates wish they had a team of." - @Prydania

"I can find zero fault in the body of work Dreadton built as a minister in my government. It was an impressive amount of work and I would be happy to work with them again, should the opportunity arise."- @St George

"Dreadton is attentive, considerate, and kind. He has the work ethic and dedication to pursue often thankless work for the betterment of all in our community. I have full confidence in his ability to manage the many pressing issues that regularly confront Delegates of The North Pacific." - @El Fiji Grande
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A few questions:

1.) I've noticed that your presence within the executive staff has been non-existent as of late, so I'm a bit surprised to see you here. You're not currently involved with any of the ministries as a staffer, although you do have experience in both radio and culture.

Having said that, would you say that you're a well-rounded candidate who's equipped to address matters that concern us today? Additionally, what would you say is your biggest weakness? How will you make sure that you account for that weakness if you're elected?

2.) Moreover, there's also the matter of you be a sitting Court Justice. If you were to be elected as Delegate, then that would no doubt trigger a special election for Justice. What do you say to those who voted for you in that election and presumably believe that you're better suited to remaining involved with the judiciary?

3.) I'm curious. How will we be Delegate tipping BoM and co.'s allies if we don't have the numbers to do so? You claim that there will never be enough soldiers in the army, but wouldn't you say that manpower is an essential component to victory in wars?

4.) Finally, since you say that we have the foreign and military affairs experience to make these things happen, I'm wondering how you would compare the experiences of others in these areas to your own. Do you feel that you're well informed about gameplay and could effectively serve as the commander-in-chief of the NPA? Why or why not?

Thank you for your answers in advance.
I see that you have placed a complete focus on pursuing the war. Do you have any plans for the other Ministries (Culture, WA Affairs, Communications, Home Affairs) beyond continuing the status quo?

A few questions:

1.) I've noticed that your presence within the executive staff has been non-existent as of late, so I'm a bit surprised to see you here. You're not currently involved with any of the ministries as a staffer, although you do have experience in both radio and culture.

Having said that, would you say that you're a well-rounded candidate who's equipped to address matters that concern us today? Additionally, what would you say is your biggest weakness? How will you make sure that you account for that weakness if you're elected?

2.) Moreover, there's also the matter of you be a sitting Court Justice. If you were to be elected as Delegate, then that would no doubt trigger a special election for Justice. What do you say to those who voted for you in that election and presumably believe that you're better suited to remaining involved with the judiciary?

3.) I'm curious. How will we be Delegate tipping BoM and co.'s allies if we don't have the numbers to do so? You claim that there will never be enough soldiers in the army, but wouldn't you say that manpower is an essential component to victory in wars?

4.) Finally, since you say that we have the foreign and military affairs experience to make these things happen, I'm wondering how you would compare the experiences of others in these areas to your own. Do you feel that you're well informed about gameplay and could effectively serve as the commander-in-chief of the NPA? Why or why not?

Thank you for your answers in advance.
While it is entirely within your right to do so, it's interesting that you've chosen to come in with a series of thinly veiled questions clearly aimed at attacking an opponent's credibility. I would be grateful if you would instead address the issues of your own credibility given your past failures in elected positions of responsibility, including your terms as Delegate and Vice Delegate.
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1.) I've noticed that your presence within the executive staff has been non-existent as of late, so I'm a bit surprised to see you here. You're not currently involved with any of the ministries as a staffer, although you do have experience in both radio and culture.

Having said that, would you say that you're a well-rounded candidate who's equipped to address matters that concern us today? Additionally, what would you say is your biggest weakness? How will you make sure that you account for that weakness if you're elected?

Experience does not expire over time, and while I am not a staffer I do keep abreast of the going ons of the Executive as an Admin to ensure that I am able to support as needed. While I do not have my fingers in the day to day of the executive, it is not a fast changing landscape, where there is constant shifts that require retraining. The Executive in regards to internal matters, is more of a herd of Elephants, a steady powerful constant force. As you admit, I was a Minister several times. I am aware and experienced in the running of a ministry, the work involved, how projects get developed, and the trials and tribulations that the ministries face. I know that one of the biggest issues we will constantly face is burnout and talent development.

As for weakness, it would be formal contacts with outside groups. Its something I have thought long on, and its something no one person can correct. You would point out next that one of the goals I have is collation building and my "weakness" would be contradictory to that. I would disagree, it would be a strength as I have no preconceived notions and would be able to act in the best interest of the Region. To account for the "weakness" and to achieve my goal of collation buildings, I want our MoFa to build an internal mini cabinet of deputies with contacts outside of our normal groups and to utilize our experienced diplomats in reaching out to new friends we would not normally consider worth our time.

2.) Moreover, there's also the matter of you be a sitting Court Justice. If you were to be elected as Delegate, then that would no doubt trigger a special election for Justice. What do you say to those who voted for you in that election and presumably believe that you're better suited to remaining involved with the judiciary?

I would tell them to make a choice based on what they think is best for the region. My feelings would not get hurt. @Pallaith, despite our personal differences, is a strong legal mind and there are people who would be capable and willing to fill my shoes. Of the top of my head, @Vivanco would be an ideal Justice to fill my spot if there was a special election.

3.) I'm curious. How will we be Delegate tipping BoM and co.'s allies if we don't have the numbers to do so? You claim that there will never be enough soldiers in the army, but wouldn't you say that manpower is an essential component to victory in wars?

If you go on to read the rest of the statement, I go on to talk about collation building. As you no doubt know as the current MoD, our operational success is dependent on the support of other forces in achieving the objective. There is no shame in this, the real world fighting forces are the same way. We should continue to push to build up our military, but one of best ways to do it is to show victories. I have no doubt you know this as your recruitment plan is the same as every delegate candidate before you. We will not be able to del tip day one of the new term, but we can put into place the sleepers we need, reach out to our allies to see who can and will support us, and build up relationships with new regions and get their support in this war.

4.) Finally, since you say that we have the foreign and military affairs experience to make these things happen, I'm wondering how you would compare the experiences of others in these areas to your own. Do you feel that you're well informed about gameplay and could effectively serve as the commander-in-chief of the NPA? Why or why not?

There have been many effective Delegates who have never led an operation for the NPA and it is correct that I have not particpated in an NPA operation. Have I led people in emergency situations? Yes. I lead people today both in urgent matters a regular day to day activites. The key for leadership, especially as a civilian over military matters, is the willingness to listen to those who know how to plan and execute operations. Many people in the region who have worked with me on various regional projects know that I ask questions when I do not understand, willing to test new ideas, and listen to those who do know. All of which are skills any leader in any position anywhere should have.

I see that you have placed a complete focus on pursuing the war. Do you have any plans for the other Ministries (Culture, WA Affairs, Communications, Home Affairs) beyond continuing the status quo?

Culture and Commnications is in a good place overall. I have always been a fan of interacctive events, like game days. I do know the difficulty in getting those things set up and people to particpate. Our smaller events (I generally call them passive events) such as Theme Thursday and the Lennarts, tend to go over better and larger engagement. It is because people are able to particpate on their time and its not time zone tanked ( * A phrase from EvE online, Time zone tanking is conducting an operation in a time zone where others are not avaible like an event occuring during AU prime time vs US Prime Time.) @Simone time as WA Affairs has been stead and on the ball. With Home Affairs, I know there has been an increase in recruitment activites, but there has not been a report done on its effectiveness. During my last run as Delegate, before the F/S update, I highlighted that this was an area we needed to devlope and be proactive in, if elected It would be a focus of the term to see what we are doing and whats working, so we can focus efforts on where it has the best return.

Universally, we as a region have a tendency to burn out our active members in the Executive. Something I would like to look at going in the next term is identifying those up and commers in the Ministries, to incubate them into future Ministers. I would like each minister to identify those who has what it takes, and build them up to succeed. No one should have to worry about how a Ministry will function if they need a break.
Quotes from Former Delegates

"How would you describe Dreadton's work and leadership during his time a Minister during your Delegacy?"

"Dreadton's time as a Minister in my government displayed both extraordinary work ethnic and impressive attention to detail. He was the type of Minister Delegates wish they had a team of." - @Prydania
Since it does not look like Communications is able to schedule a town hall with me, I will be hosting my own (time=1714953600) in #the-Plaza .
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Here is a video from my town hall. I am providing a list of questions that I answered. I will have written answers or at least chapter points so you can jump straight to tomorrow. https://youtu.be/eTB7gQ6kgO4

I know you have prepared remarks, so I don’t know if this is already addressed, but I’m curious about which additional areas you have plans for/thoughts on since you didn’t provide a traditional platform. Or, if not that, which other areas you feel the other campaigns are not addressing, since the impression you gave was that you had a few things you wanted the election to go into, but you only really outlined concerns about how the war is being handled

  1. I worry that you're running for delegate because you're currently dissatisfied with how TNP is being run, and not because you're interested in executive work. I say that because you're currently not in any ministry or affiliated with the NPA. Is there anything you can say to soften these concerns?
    I believe Ghost has a question for you above.
    Would you provide an example of a small region that we could benefit from reaching out to

As a heavily RP focused citizen who is currently a Head of RMB RP, do you have any plans to change the Gameside Advocate system?

Nutmeg mentioned that Culture is critically understaffed at the moment. Do you have a plan to expand and revitalise it to effectively carry out new initiatives?

So, sorry to press, but I wanna clarify what your foreign policy would look like with an example. Here's a group of regions that seem to be interested in R/D but don't have the experience or infrastructure that we have and they need: https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=2001189. You don't have to research them now. The general idea is that they (like a lot of regions on NS) have a roleplay community, a Discord server, a few minor brushes with fascism as far as I can tell, and inexperience with R/D and FA that might make them either good sources of potential or very hard to work with. How would you approach this group and what could we do with them? And what would they get from us?

You said that you felt these were status quo campaigns, but a lot has been made of how unusual Simone’s campaign is, the approaches he would take to things, the size of the cabinet. You’ve been in government, what do you make of the approach he’s outlined?

Another point, you put the war as the forefront in your campaign, you think it’s not being prosecuted as much as it should or in the way it should be. Earlier you suggested that we need to change our outreach to other regions. Simone kind of went here too, suggesting we need to speak to our enemies and negotiate an end to the war. Is that an approach you think should be followed?

I worry that these small regions are going to ask for an embassy or an alliance, and if we provide one we risk blowback for their FA mistakes, and if we don't provide one, we lose them or appear to be managing an imbalanced and disrespectful relationship rather like those that we've criticized BoM for having. TEP did something similar a few years ago. I don't think it got them anywhere.

Dreadton given the trajectory of this war, and previous indications along the way, are the MGC sanctions still a key part of your preferred toolbox for handling this conflict? War or no war, do you feel this will work for handling the BoM sphere?

what did you have for dinner

Dreadton the last time you ran for delegate you were also upfront about your limited knowledge for R/D, and FA matters. That was over two years ago, can you elaborate on how you’ve developed this knowledge since then, especially with us being in a war?

And to the topic of FA, you’ve never shied away from your opinion and spoken truth even if it’s harsh. But diplomatically speaking, do you think that may be an issue? Is there a change to your approach that you plan to employ moving forward? Any consideration of how this may be an issue for people? Any regrets? Clarification?
There’s something to be said for electing someone in a time of war who has been part of that government, and is leading the army during that war. Robes is obviously that candidate. You cited concerns about status quo candidates though, is that not preferably given things currently? Why is turning away from that a good idea given that?
There’s a theory that we can find some sort of angle with raiders who aren’t fully on board with BoM, like LWU. What are your thoughts on the likelihood of our being able to work with LWU? Robes also remarked that he would be comfortable working with LWU, as long as they do not involve our enemies in their op. Our outgoing delegate took the position that we could not work with LWU because they have piled on BoM ops and are not willing to rule such cooperation out. What’s your opinion on this? Agree/disagree?

If elected are you planning on going on hiatus with respect to your admin role?

You were going to run in May 2022 but weren’t able to stay in the race, I’m curious why your old platform didn’t make its way to this campaign in some kind of modified form. Was any of that replicable or will factor into your plans since you didn’t write out a full platform?
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I’ve weighed my options, and after meditating on my thoughts I’ve come to the conclusion Dreadton is the strongest candidate on the ballot. He’s perfect for the position TNP is in and I have no doubt he’d be a strong leader should he be elected to the delegacy.