[SC, Defeated] A Celebration Of Exceptional Rarity

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Lost Butterfly
TNP Nation
Isabella van der Feltz

A Celebration Of Exceptional Rarity
Category: Declaration | Type: Declare
Proposed by: Piura | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Recognizing the peculiar phenomenon known as February 29, a date that graces our calendars only once every four years, we, the nations of the World Assembly, acknowledge its unique and whimsical nature. This declaration aims to express our collective opinion on the peculiarities and lighthearted charm associated with this rare day.

Acknowledging February 29 for its infrequent appearance, showcasing an exceptional quality that adds a touch of wonder to the annual routine.

Suggesting that on February 29, nations engage in a global dance of the Leap Day Jig, a whimsical and entirely made-up dance that captures the essence of this once-in-four-years celebration.

Expressing appreciation for the patience demonstrated by February 29, patiently waiting its turn in the calendar rotation every four years, similar to a reliable performer awaiting their cue.

Encouraging nations to engage in a global celebration on February 29, fostering a sense of unity and shared joy in acknowledging this rare and exceptional day.

Hereby eternalized " February 29: A Celebration of Exceptional Rarity," recognizing it as a testament to the unique and whimsical nature of this day. This collective acknowledgment is documented in the archives of our shared history, destined to endure for perpetuity or until a thoughtful reconsideration.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This resolution is a declaration that eternalizes 29 February as "A Celebration of Exceptional Rarity," claiming that it is a milestone for the "unique and whimsical nature of this day." It also suggests that nations engage in a "global dance of the Leap Day Jig", and makes other unusual suggestions.

We find the notion of celebrating a particular date on the calendar that is a result of history to be somewhat baffling, notwithstanding that this Council has celebrated other things such as repairs to the NationStates servers over Christmas, as well as Christmas itself. That said, the proposal at hand has no forum draft, the quality of writing is subpar, and it is riddled with spelling and grammar errors and appears to have been rushed to take advantage of a gap in SC votes.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the at-vote SC resolution, "A Celebration of Exceptional Rarity".
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No NationStates Forum draft by the author in the Security Council forum, so that's bad due to lack of WA community feedback. There's also one typo in the resolution at vote, but nothing major or glaring.

That being said, quite good for a WA newbie author. So I thought, "Why not?" In future if players don't see this resolution in a good light, they can repeal it anyway - my vote is For
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Against. The only redeeming quality this resolution has is that it can only happen once every four years, unlike ones such as the trite "Reflections on 2021."

Also, all the people who usually vote against undrafted or joke proposals (myself included) should be equal opportunity haters and vote against this. The upswell of support for this particular resolution is confusing and random.
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Against. This is breaking through the bottom of the barrel and scraping the dirt beneath.
Against. This is breaking through the bottom of the barrel and scraping the dirt beneath.
Judging from the reaction from the SC forum, playing Mariah Carey in mid November should have resulted in me being sent down to hell straight away. This doesn't come close.

Your Minister is an old fart past its prime who has, among other things, experienced more times on: (1) disastrous failed dates (2) soiling its pants on a plane (3) vomiting on a plane (4) firing more people (5) believing in Donald Trump on anything including his tie collection, which became complete shambles after a single dry clean (6) seeing Margot Robbie in person (7) seeing Rishi Sunak in person (8) repossessing more homes (9) turned up on CNBC babbling complete bull, among other things than it has seen more than seeing 02-29 as a date, which it doesn't follow anyway since your Minister doesn't even believe in the Gregorian calendar reforms (as it's not Catholic) and would prefer if the entire planet uses a single timezone. The idea of a dance is also abhorrent to someone with early onset rheumatoid arthritis.

On a serious note, there's no forum draft, and the quality of writing is lousy enough and riddled with spelling and grammar errors that I cannot believe BBD hasn't screamed "badge hunt" from his balcony with an extra loud speaker yet.

Note: I lied on one of the points made above. Guess which one it is.
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I don’t see the need for this proposal. It would have been amusing if it were to have passed on the twenty-ninth, but even that would not rise to the level of a declaration. I also note with disappointment that the wording on this is not great. Therefore, I will vote against this proposal.
There's also circumstantial evidence that it is AI generated: GPTzero.me claims it's 97% AI, although some other AI checker engines put it less because the text is very short.
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