Condemn Kampf Empire
Category: Condemnation | Nominee: Kampf Empire
Proposed by: Aivintis | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.The Security Council,
Convinced that the ultimate and greatest threats to the multiverse are those who engage in unapologetic, pure evil, who cast long shadows over their spheres of influence with the threat of ceaseless bloodshed and iron-fisted authoritarianism, such as in the example ofThe Heiliger Eisenrepublik of Kampf Empire, whose shadow darkens the world of Valsora within The East Pacific,
Disturbed by the overwhelming might of the Kampfian state, which not only boasts perhaps the most effective military in Valsora, but also the most ruthless; as the Kampfian military is a well-oiled machine of death armed with nuclear force, chemical weapons, and a taste for cruelty, torture, and murder of noncombatants,
Mortified that the Empire was built on the slave trade, where West Usnistani, Austinian, and Sminishan persons were kidnapped and carted thousands of miles away from their home to work without pay in poor conditions; the spoils of this horrific atrocity built the Kampfian state’s wealth and the atrocious power and slavery was only abolished after Kampfia had reaped the benefits,
Revolted at the barbarism of the Kampfian state religion, Týrism, which promotes the worship of a war god in another starkly chilling reflection of the backwards Kampfian culture; under the tenets of Týrism, Kampfians are brainwashed into committing their lives to subservience and battle, resolute that they are cast into the dark, cold, and unforgiving realm of Hel if they do not follow the savage state cult,
Dismayed that the world of Valsora was irreversibly changed by the arrival of Kampf Empire, whose propensity for grand strategy and strictly directed military campaigns gave birth to a whole new world of violence in Valsora, modernizing warfare and sparking the inauguration of invasion and imperialism as the king and queen of Valsoran geopolitics for years to come, firmly and directly turning the world down a darker path,
Horrified at the unsettling success of Kampfia in acquiring other territories through intimidation and outright conquest, including:
Frightened at the outburst of pure chaos and conflict which emerged from the total collapse of the Kampfian state in 2019, splintering the Empire into 16 warring factions, each of which secured the guns, funds, and support of foreign powers they would need to turn the country into an altar of suffering as brother fought brother, theocracy battled military dictatorship, and pirates pilfered defenseless cities in the south, until the state pulled itself back together and clawed to the top of the geopolitical food chain once more, ferocious as ever,
- its oppressive colonial presence in the Hohenzburg, which it has held under authoritarian rule for so long the names of the native peoples are lost to the sands of time;
- its theft of Kampfia Nörd-Usnistan, which it extorted from The cult of the great cthulhu in exchange for coming to its defense after foreign invasion;
- its illegal acquisition of Dören from
Euricanis in a sham deal which forcibly bought the peninsula under threat of invasion;
- its pinching of Süd-Asen for blind military advantage, destroying the historic
Asendavian culture of which now lives on only in name; and
- its direct annexation of , a fellow culturally Araseotic nation to the north whose lands it aggressively took and whose people and democratic government it forced to relocate;
Enraged at the wicked ingenuity of the Austinian Massacre, wherein the heartless Kampfian forces marched into the metropolitan capital ofTexaria during a one-day war, overwhelming the Texarian military, bringing down buildings full of people and capturing civilians as hostages; and, in a heinous and merciless display of monstrosity which national representatives still discuss in hushed tones on the Regional Message Board of TEP, the population of Austinia was slaughtered, imprisoned, or forced to flee by the Kampfian military,
Disgusted at the use of concentration camps in the Eastern Kampfian Union, created under Iron Chancellor Rumstern, who threw political dissidents, prisoners of war, and mere criminals into intensive labor camps where basic needs were ignored by the guards,
Alarmed by the nuclear tests of Kaiser Gemütlich, which involved occupying the islands ofBlobon, populated by a unique sapient species which existed solely within their borders, as well as venturing out into the unclaimed deserts of Usnistan to test these illegal weapons of mass destruction,
Concerned for the safety of the international community, especially considering Kampf’s reputation for treating newly founded “fledgling” nations with contempt and intimidation, forcing them to bow to Kampfian rule and oftentimes invading the fledgling states for the blind, sadistic pleasure of war, and
Determined to stand against Kampf Empire’s brazen crimes against sovereignty, peace, and morality as well as its sick obsession with death,
Hereby condemns Kampf Empire.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to Abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
3 | 6 | 0 | 1 |
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