[SC, passed] On The Strangers' Bar And Three Walled Bar

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

On The Strangers' Bar And Three Walled Bar
Category: Declaration | Type: Declare
Proposed by: Simone Republic | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Noting that the Strangers' Bar and the Three Walled Bar have been key meeting places for ambassadors to gather, whether to merely exchange ideas, discuss serious political issues, engage in old fashioned bar fights, or occasional nuclear attacks;

Noting that despite advances in technologies such as video calls, many diplomats still attend the World Assembly in person, for reasons such as seeking interaction with other species, cultural exchanges, or a lack of better things to do, the usual alternatives being either (a) starting pedantic arguments, (b) starting nuclear wars, or (c) starting nuclear wars due to pedantic arguments;

  1. Hereby expresses its gratitude to the Strangers' Bar for, among other things:
    • The loyalty of the staff, such as Neville, Violet, Jimmy, and the chef, Dazza, for concocting drinks of all kinds, some barely edible pizzas, occasional free donuts for certain patrons, at least one half-decent sandwich and magical teas; and for enduring such work conditions and not find other jobs such as butcher, health and safety inspector specializing in asbestos, or delegate;
    • Protection inside from threats from the outside world such as getting mauled down by hippos, lawyers, auditors and, through judicious use of Acme machinery, an absence of weapons, giving ambassadors a place to hide from their bosses, loved ones (emphasis on the plural), debt collectors (again, plural) and assorted enemies;
    • Protection for the outside world from those inside by letting diplomats brawl, sing karaoke (especially dreadful off-key parodies) or otherwise make themselves "comfortable" inside it (including access to the House of Wonders), as long as the outside world avert their eyes, notwithstanding that the windows of the Strangers' Bar are fairly accessible in order to defenestrate patrons out to the pool;
  2. Hereby expresses its gratitude to the Three Walled Bar for, among other things:
    • Providing at least one type of drink at a 50% discount to the Strangers' Bar by swiping nearly all drinks and bar supplies from the Strangers' Bar, thus giving less affluent ambassadors a chance to get drunk at a low price and relieve them of their boredom;
    • Having the (allegedly) deranged Cedric as perennially underpaid bartender, who has been forced to make do with less resources such as having to chop off reindeer heads for decoration and installing the heads themselves, enduring far rowdier patrons, and copping the flak for numerous health and safety violations;
    • Somehow ending up being far seedier than the Strangers' Bar despite the usual topics of discussion being far more serious such as war, peace, national development and correct use of the semi-colon, versus frivolous discussions on abortions, pedophilia and cannibalism that usually prevail in the Strangers' Bar;
  3. Finally, hereby also expresses its deep appreciation to the founders of the two bars, which have spent countless years nurturing the communities that gather at the two bars today, who unfortunately shall remain nameless due to the constant breaking of walls during the ongoing construction (or destruction) of the bars, complete lack of any rent payments since time immemorial, and other factors beyond the comprehension of drunken bar regulars.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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The World Assembly Strangers' Bar and the Three Walled Bar have been key meeting places for World Assembly Ambassadors to gather In-Character (IC) for drinks, music, dancing, and to discuss... nuclear attacks. The resolution at vote indirectly commends the IC lore, including recurring characters that have been in place for the last 15 years.

The Strangers' Bar is a 15-year roleplay (RP) with more than 18,000 forum posts, and has been a popular hangout for the lunatics inhabiting the General Assembly, while the 3WB is more known for its part in stealing supplies from the Strangers' Bar and its quieter RP atmosphere. Both RP threads have been highly popular with the Moderators, GenSec members, and other lunatics, namely WA proposal authors and contributors; and we believe is worthy of recognition through a declaration.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution At Vote, On The Strangers' Bar And Three Walled Bar.
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Voting Present as I really don’t have an opinion on the topic. My vote may be subject to change.
Voting Present as I really don’t have an opinion on the topic. My vote may be subject to change.
Yes, it's effectively commending two RP threads, in the GA and SC forums. The World Assembly Strangers' Bar has run for about 15 years, the 3WB was started when SC was spun out of GA and is the less active of the two.

I decided to put the two on equal footing despite the Strangers' Bar being far more popular and 3WB having been largely frozen in time and only occasionally patronized (and, IC, basically consisting entirely of stuff stolen from the Strangers' Bar - the two RP threads are somewhat interlocked), since this is after all an SC resolution and it might as well be making a meta-joke on the SC.
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On the Strangers' Bar and Three Walled Bar was passed 6,356 votes to 3,976.

This is the 24th WA resolution for that fat white bear who has committed numerous crimes against music.
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