[SC - Failed] - Commend East Malaysia

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TNP Nation

Commend East Malaysia
Category: Commendation | Target: East Malaysia
Proposed by: Aivintis | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Recognizing East Malaysia (EM) as one of the ancient bastions of nation- and region-building within The East Pacific (TEP), maintaining a strong and influential presence over a period of two decades and multiple government systems, from the Charter of The East Pacific to the Elders system and finally the modern Concordat,

Praising EM’s work during and after the Empire invasion of TEP in 2008, submitting to the Empire a list of non-negotiable demands for peace which, when rejected by the occupying forces, led them to advocate for military action to take back the region; EM’s courage in standing against the Empire led to their election as one of the three Elders of TEP under the next government, largely serving to stabilize the region and oversee the peaceful and democratic transition into the current regime,

Acknowledging over 19 years of administrative service on EM’s part in the background of TEP, developing new technologies for government use, such as automated systems for regional interface and task organization, regularly overhauling dispatch informational systems amd templates, producing numerous graphics for government recruitment and use, maintaining and updating regional services for discussion, adapting community meeting spaces for inclusion of subcommunities, reforming community structure for effective management of non-governmental services, and other innovative leaps,

Applauding the initiative taken by EM to curtail the negative effects of Fedele’s 2019 coup attempt, through their membership in the Small Magisterium Cafeterium, a legislative resistance bloc, their quick action securing regional services and infrastructure for the legitimate government, and their setting of the Magisterium’s agenda for the days to follow, which would experience a burst of activity to rebuild and massively reform the government from what remained following the crisis,

Celebrating the tireless efforts of EM to ensure the efficient operation of the Eastern Pacific News Service in 2020, when EM stepped up and not only kept the newspaper from falling into disarray, but increased production, expanding the representation of the Urth and Valsora communities, meeting more successful quotas, and pursuing the Midnight Star Magazine, an initiative which converted EPNS into a sleek, visual format,

Lionizing the inception of the Support The East Pacific (STEP) program in 2021, a project designed to explain all facets of TEP to new residents in order to better acclimate them to its institutions and encourage active participation; these were the first detailed, and first official, guides to advertise the Valsora and Urth communities, providing easy navigation over multiple dispatches, which were also the first to incorporate both East Pacifican-produced artwork and utilitarian graphic designs in TEP history,

Extolling the massive protections of political rights introduced by EM in the Magisterium in 2021, which elevated the status of apolitical TEP non-citizen residents within the justice system, previously denied due process by an elitist system treating them as second class, and repaired the relationship between the government and some of the disillusioned governed, allowing for more community unity and integration,

Honoring their creation, constant maintenance, and frequent updating of an encyclopedia platform for the publication of informational materials on one’s nation, which has enabled the documentation of thousands of years of history on dozens of nations in the world of Urth, currently holding over three thousand articles,

Appreciating the contributions to such documentation that EM has repeatedly pushed, such as in 2019, with the inception of a map of time zones within Urth, which is still maintained by other nations today, as well as the development of a master list of languages and species, including an evolutionary tree of the latter, building upon old, abandoned lists and bringing together information from a wide array of nations to form what then became the current encyclopedia articles on such,

Admiring the rich, island culture of the Free Pax States, the Urthian name for East Malaysia, stemming from the multi-species nation’s diversity, known for its rice-based cuisine, history of scientific and philosophical advancement, and the worship of the ancient panther god Mun, a god further included in globe-spanning Yuserist religious canon as a fallen god of creation,

Lauding the extensive documentation of the uniquely constructed language of Kilumi, the language of the Free Pax States, with its flowing phonemes and artistic script unlike any seen on Urth or the multiverse, and

Believing the actions of EM and their effect on TEP to have invariably altered the course of East Pacifican and Urthian history and positively affected the region’s residents again and again for years passed and years to come,

Hereby Commends East Malaysia.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This resolution seeks to commend East Malaysia (EM). EM has been one of the longest serving members of The East Pacific (TEP), with over 19 years of administrative service in TEP on technological work, graphics, information systems. EM has also participated on a selection of government and Gameplay (GP) related activities, such as the Empire invasion of TEP in 2008, the coup attempt in 2019, the Eastern Pacific News Service in 2020, and the Support The East Pacific (STEP) program in 2021, as well as a wide range of roleplay (RP) achievements.

We are disappointed by the lack of polishing on this resolution on a nominee with nearly two decades of experience in TEP. There seems to be a lack of description of how the accomplishments of East Malaysia in a way that properly reflects the strength of EM's accomplishments. The nominee's listed GP achievements no doubt have been quite significant to TEP and its maintenance and operations, but their connections to TEP’s outward initiatives and how they enabled TEP to be part of the wider game are unclear. The RP sections were stronger, but not the section on TEP's internal work; and there is a very large gap in the work of East Malaysia between 2008 and 2019, when their contributions are unclear. We believe the nominee is commendable, but it would require more work for that to be a resolution we could support.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs reluctantly recommends a vote Against the Security Council Resolution At Vote, Commend East Malaysia.
Reposting here since for some reason we made a second thread instead of reopening the already made one:

I still feel this mostly reads in such a way that the nominee could be considered to be commendable within TEP, but I don’t see anything I can grasp that applies to the game as a whole. This isn’t necessarily the end of the world, if the work internally is substantial enough to impact the region and therefore indirectly affect how they interacted and engaged in the game. These listed things no doubt have been quite significant to TEP and it’s maintenance and operations, but this connection to TEP’s outward initiatives and how those things enabled TEP to be a part of the wider game are unclear. I appreciate there’s a lot of time spent detailing the RP work as well, and this section seems to do a better job of explaining the connective tissue that makes these accomplishments significant. I wish the rest of the commendation did the same.

There were a few people who shared feedback like this, I think it could have used more time to polish it up. Given the nominee has been part of the region for so long, and there’s a broad array of things to mention, it could have used a bit more work in my opinion. I won’t deny, also, that I was a bit put off by some of the distracting discussion that came out about the nominee’s conduct outside the game, and wasn’t enthused by the defense offered. I’m not sure that whole thing is enough to reject this commendation outright, but it served as an example to me of the head down, push forward approach that seemed to be utilized in submitting this commendation, that feedback sometimes seemed to be treated as obstacles to be eliminated and wasn’t necessarily handled with complete understanding of where it came from, or what was being said. I think this was just a weird time for a lot of people and perhaps more time should have been invested in getting it right. I’m not comfortable with where things have been left at this point, so all I can do is say no, not yet, keep trying.

Present. Echos @Pallaith although I don't concur on the part on EM's offsite behavior, as I simply have not managed to get a satisfactory answer on what's going on over at TEP.

I am putting the vote into overdrive with another call from TNP voters.
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Allow me to provide a statement from TEP:

We had a discussion regarding this incident when discussion kicked off in the thread. These comments are of course entirely unacceptable, and EM is well aware of that. He almost immediately apologized at the time upon realizing he’d caused offense, and has since re-iterated his apology for his comments. He has in the time since altered his perception on the matter, and these comments do not reflect his overall character. It was not necessarily fair to only air these concerns for the first time several years later when it stood to damage EM’s reputation and chances at a commendation. EM is widely respected, admired and loved in the TEP community and we wholeheartedly stand behind him and this commendation.

Speaking as a nonbinary otter, this is obviously not something that I or any of TEP's leadership take lightly. But we believe that EM has more than demonstrated that he has moved past this mindset, and we don't believe it should detract from the myriad of other contributions he's made to TEP and NationStates more broadly.
"2 minutes ago: The Security Council proposal 'Commend East Malaysia' (by The Interuniversal Civilization of Aivintis) entered the resolution voting floor."
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