[SC, passed] - all we want for Christmas is you

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

All we want for Christmas is you
Category: Declaration | Type: Declare
Proposed by: Simone Republic | Onsite Topic

The Security Council (hereafter, “we” or "our") hereby declares and urges all member nations (hereafter "members", "nations" or "you") to bring joy to themselves and in turn to their citizens during Christmas:

We don't want a lot for Christmas
Peace and joy are all we need
No more fights over C and C, R and D and RNTs
We just want to see more peace
More citizens to say cheese
Make our wish come true
All we want for Christmas is you
(Oh... yeah)

We don't want a lot for Christmas
Hope you find more top artworks (oh yeah)
Don't care about the zombies underneath the Christmas tree
We don't need more nuclear weapons - blowin’ up the human-ity
Challenges and sports bring more joy - with a win on Christmas Day
Hippos can go on some dates
Make money on world fair trades;
Make our wish come true
All we want for Christmas is you
(Cheer up, yeah)

Oh, we won't ask for much this Christmas
We don't ever want a coup (really)
Hope you'll-all keep story-tellin' - all across the multiverse
We won't fight or argue over - shall or will or gnomes or cheese
We won't even stay awake to hear those magic hamsters click
'Cause we just want you here tonight
No instas 'n' pillow fights
What more can we do?
Oh, nations, all we want for Christmas is you
(Oh, yeah)

Uh-oh, all the lights have blown up so gone dark everywhere
(Hamsters gone home, yeah)
Still the sound of nations' laughter fills the air
(Oh, yeah)

Hope everyone start singing
We want these joyful tinglings
Members won't you get the citizens what they really need?
Won't you do some joyful good deeds?

Oh, we don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all we're asking for
We just wanna' see all nations
Spreadin' joy 'cross all the seas

Oh, we just want you to have fun
More than you could ever know
Make our wish come true
Oh yeah, all we want for Christmas..... is.... you

All we want for Christmas is you, oh yeah
All we want for Christmas is you, oh yeah
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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The resolution proposal at hand is an absolutely horrifying parody of Mariah Carey's perennial notorious earworm, "All I want for Christmas is You", which is, like its real-life counterpart, turning up to vote at a time when Christmas earworms (especially this particular worm) turn up just a tad too early at shopping malls, coming just two weeks after Mariah Carey's return to YouTube. The song is written as a statement from the Security Council to member nations to extort them to properly behave (as if that's possible) during the festive season.

The prospects for karaoke from a fat dude in a bear costume screeching out lyrics are just plain terrifying and make us wanting to flee to the hills. Nevertheless it's the most popular Christmas carol according to TNP polls, and therefore we are supporting this resolution.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council resolution at vote, "All We Want for Christmas is You".
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For. The Ambis has promised to sing this if it passes. My singing skills are horrible so it'd be a screeching noise.

Warning: do not sing this at home. May cause all of your friends and family to hate you. Yes by the time this hits vote it'd be roughly Thanksgiving.
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I’ve been trying to sing this but I don’t know how this is meant to be sung.

Anyhow, for.
I am For the proposal but I am against the timing. Write me some Halloween and Thanksgiving songs and let me savor those before I have to hear Christmas music when we just started November.

I find that any and all effort input is entirely undermined by the lack of Oxford Commas.

For, but only if this gets voted on in December

I am For the proposal but I am against the timing. Write me some Halloween and Thanksgiving songs and let me savor those before I have to hear Christmas music when we just started November.

It goes to vote 22 Nov minor I think or whenever that's now moved by the DST clock change. It's also somewhat designed to also parody Mariah Carey turning up a tad too early. And also gives me some time to requeue in case I need to pull off for an urgent liberation.
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I’ve been trying to sing this but I don’t know how this is meant to be sung.

Anyhow, for.

Brackets indicate featuring/backup vocals. The comma after "C&C" is deliberate and indicates a break, semi colon indicates a slightly longer note. There are quite a few half-notes: "challenges", "spreadin'" etc.
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This horrible, terrifying crime against humanity was passed 7,843 votes to 5,270, and in mid-November at that.
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