The MacMilitant
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- He/him
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- Francois Isidore
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- themacmilitant

The Ministry of Defense
12-Region Tag Run: 20 October 2023
Hello (again)!
This week has been a week of activity for us here in the NPA. We went through a couple of training operations with some of our newer members, we concluded our campaign to Solidarity, and we even saw a handful of soldiers receive some promotions for their service as of late.
It's an exciting time to be in the Ministry of Defense, and tonight was no different. We turned up the speed a bit and boy, did our members deliver! Let's all celebrate the fact that I apparently still know how to trigger, as this was my first time doing so since my return to active service. Here's who turned up to raid with me:
Minister of Defense Comfed
General Robespierre (Trigger)
General Zazumo
Colonel Rom
Corporal NutmegTheSquirrel
Corporal Norvoz
Private First Class Caius
Private First Class CyberEgypt
Private First Class Picairn
Private Dantek
Regions Hit:
Band kids
Empire of MIRZAHAN
Jackos Twisted Pretzel arena
Confederation of Outlying Nations
Alliance of Puppet Nations
The Independent Nebulaic Region
The Great Sanctus Regionem
New Vegas
Decatur Eagle
African Continent
Farnland Confederacy