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Commend Monavia
Category: Commendation | Target: The State of Monavia
Proposed by: Isabella van der Feltz, Co-authored by: Lamoni | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.THE WORLD ASSEMBLY,
ATTESTS to the venerable confines of these hallowed halls of antiquity, as discerned by the rich tapestry of distinguished nations and regions from days of yore, offering a tangible testament to their historical significance and legacy,
NOTES that the Imperial Federation ofThe State of Monavia, commonly referred to as "Monavia," was founded on June 26, 2006, being fully aware that in the annals of history, few empires have made their benevolent mark in legitimately recorded international incidents consistently, with a reliable legacy that spans 17 years,
RECOGNISES Monavia's international diplomacy and military presence, including those recorded and alluded to by:
- SCR#59 "Condemn Blackhelm Confederacy," in which Monavia, via the Monavia-Lamoni Friendship Treaty, had struck the final blow to the Blackhelm Colonial Fleet, with the Monavian Imperial Navy being supported by its Greater Dienstad regional allies in the documented event known as "Smoke on the Water,"
- SCR#100 "Commend Lamoni," which Monavia had co-authored to further the Lamonian "efforts to serve the causes of justice, freedom, peace, and the betterment of the human race,"
- SCR#104 "Condemn Ralkovia," in which Monavia aided and protected the Jewish inhabitants of Ralkovian-conquered nations from persecution by declining to directly oppose Ralkovian military growth in exchange for the Emperor of Ralkovia, Joshua Raskov II, sparing their lives, resulting in the "Children of Abraham" turning "the tables on the anti-Semites,"
- SCR#274 "Commend Lyras," in which Monavia had supported the promulgation of the Castlegate Declaration, denouncing known slavers and genocidal regimes, resulting in the creation of similar initiatives by other nations, inter alia, the Kázmér Doctrine on Patriation of Liberated Slaves,
- SCR#430 "Commend Mokastana," in which Monavia had participated in the interregional military deployment against Griffincrest Oil and its coalition of rogue states in the Corporate Alliance War, liberating over 30 nations and freeing up their natural resources, and
- SCR#461 "Condemn Allanea," in which Monavia had contributed to the Amistad Declaration on Slavery and the Rights of Man de die in diem, bolstering its presence further in schemes such as the
Holy Marsh Covenant Security Concerns,
APPLAUDS the Monavian Queen Elizabeth VI Petrovic for her steadfast determination to uphold the principles of GAR#23 "Ban on Slavery and Trafficking," GAR#286 "Reproductive Freedoms," and GAR#355 "Rights of Sapient Species," irrespective of external pressures, during the event known as "The Berlina Race Accords," in which Ordenite leaders, who were supported by a large coalition of imperial powers, had declared multiple groups of people "subhuman" in order to enslave them,
TESTIFIES to Monavia's commitment to the advancement of interregional cooperation by its previous engagement in international forum initiatives such as the Delian League and Fegosian Union, which have kept other historically weaker alliances of warmongers, exempli gratia, the International Association of Slave Exporting Nations (SCR#20 "Condemn Greater Tezdrian"), in check,
ACKNOWLEDGES Monavia's exceptional skill and dedication in mediation between the warring factions of Gholgoth, Tarquinia and the Conglomerate, which include such powerhouses asSantheres,
Stoklomolvi and
The Scandinvans, as noted under SCR#396 "Condemn Gholgoth,"
ENUMERATES the meticulously written publications of Monavia's Handbook for Diplomacy, How to Create a New Nation, and other factbooks and national information guides, with over 10,000 views from thousands of national leaders since 2017 and which embody the principles of statesmanship and conflict resolution vis-à-vis international incidents,
LAUDS Monavia's public display of expertise as Speaker and Guest Lecturer, alongsidePrydania,
Starblaydia, et cetera, on the art of NationStates Diplomacy in The North Pacific and Greater Dienstad 2018 diplomacy and cultural exchange and the 2020 NationStates diplomacy symposium, among others,
ADMIRES Monavia's inclusive and supportive approach towards emerging nations and regions, indirectly promoting their eventual active participation in international affairs, with those receiving historical counsel from Monavia having contributed in many ways, such as passing resolutions (SCR#61 "Condemn The Kraven Corporation"), becoming great powers in their own right (SCR#149 "Commend Yohannes"), or being recognised by the world's governing body ("Judea" on SCR#77 "Condemn Milograd"), and
BELIEVES the contributions of Monavia to the nations and regions of the international community deserve significant admiration and merit acknowledgement, hereby
COMMENDSThe State of Monavia.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
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