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Commend SPoDe hUmBlEd mInIoNs
Category: < Commendation > | Target: SPoDe hUmBlEd mInIoNs
Proposed by: Quebecshire | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Turning over a rock to reveal the reptilian nation ofSPoDe hUmBlEd mInIoNs (Spode), which hatched into existence in 2016 and became an unwavering example of loyalty, service, and dedication to their home community of The League (including its predecessor region) and Concord, a staple of regional leadership since their earlier years,
Praising the initiative Spode took in opposition to the United Conservative Nations (UCN) in 2018, a fascist region with aggressive tendencies. Due to Spode’s establishment of a government-adjacent platform that infiltrated and subverted the region over several months, The League was eventually able to destroy the region’s government and refound the UCN, facilitated in part by Spode's infiltration and destabilization of the region as Citarkle alongside other operatives in the region,
Admiring Spode’s tenure as Director of Foreign Affairs for The League, a position they were appointed to in a time of need following Creeperopolis’ ascension to the Consulate. As Director, Spode was critical to the cultivation of The League’s modern foreign policy by:
- Pursuing the re-normalization of relations with The Union of Democratic States after a period of separation, brokering the re-opening of embassies and ultimately culminating in the ratification of the Union-Town Madison Convention after their tenure as Director (which Spode in-part negotiated),
- Overseeing the ratification of the Franconia-Chiremba Accords with The Free Nations Region, reigniting a historic alliance between two regions with mutual defender ideals,
- Spearheading the political response to an attempted attack on The League’s allies in Warzone Sandbox in December 2021, resulting in the legal proscription of the organizations responsible for the attempt and the passage of the Golden Eagle Pact, a treaty that enshrined The League’s commitment to supporting Warzone Sandbox’s government,
Monitoring Spode’s progress since their resignation as Director of Foreign Affairs — unable to escape their enclosure of service, Spode was appointed Executive Advisor, a position created specifically for them in which they mentored their successor as Director (Tirol) and helped The League gracefully navigate through a public breakdown of relations with The Communist Bloc and other crises during 2022’s political turbulence and shifts, leading to much closer relationships between The League and assorted Independent regions such as Europeia and Balder,
Recalling that after Concord’s former founder was disgraced, the region was conquered and revitalized by The League. When the region was opened, Spode was appointed WA Delegate via the proxy nationMechanocracy, placing them in a role of extreme trust and importance for Concord’s future, in which they:
- Diligently worked to grow Concord and its delegacy, eventually surpassing 150 endorsements and maintaining that number steadily despite global downturns and frequent military deployments involving Concordians,
- Created a system for mapping and organizing the lore of nations throughout Concord, especially those with limited communications ability,
- Served a founding member of the Domestic Security Bureau alongside the Consulate and Concord’s Vice-Delegates, working to protect The League & Concord from subversion and aiding Fort Concord in mapping out procedures in anticipation of transitioning Concord to a frontier status,
- Became an early transitional Frontier WA Delegate, a feat only possible by their role in intense preparation for that process in Concord, and requiring them to fill a much more active role in security and order in the region,
Exalting the pursuits of the Concord Technologies Institute, established by Spode. The institute’s projects have greatly improved its community’s self-sufficiency, with projects of note being:
- Forum Monitor, which streamlined inter-platform communication in The League & Concord, allowing for improved bureaucratic function,
- Data Anole, the technology behind the semi-automated Guardsmen and Ranger programs in their home regions, strengthening WA participation and regional security, and exporting the technology to allied regions seeking to improve infrastructure,
Cheering that after years of extensive contribution, Spode at long last ascended to the role of Consul of the Republic, the highest post in The League & Concord. In this role Spode continued to be an unambiguously positive force early in their tenure by helping revive the tradition of bi-weekly addresses and overhauling regional resources to help integrate new nations into their community,
Surmising that Spode has been a dutiful servant to their community, exhibiting a level of dedication and credibility seldom found throughout the multiverse, especially over such a long period of service,
Hereby commendsThe ARmChAiR DwElLiNg NAtIoN of SPoDe hUmBlEd mInIoNs.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
8 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
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