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- The_Anddoran_Commune
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- NutmegTheSquirrel#8941

Using the great power of the basement of the Ministry of Culture, we have brought back, for a limited time only, the former Delegates of The North Pacific. Here, they will duke it out for the top spot of honorary King of The North Pacific!
However, these Delegates are a little rusty, and aren't ready for combat, so they have come to you to help decide, who is the best of them all!
Round One will be Gorundu, Hulldom, Madjack, Francois Isidore, El Fiji Grande, Blue Wolf II, UPS Rail, Siwale, Great Bight and Great Bights Mum.
Round Two will be Former English Colony, New Kervoskia, Flemingovia, Magicality, Thel D'Ran, Ermarian, Chodean Kal, Wilkshire, Blackshear and Grosseschnauzer.
Round Three will be Durkadurkiranistan, Lungwallabad, Zemnaya Svoboda, United Individuals, Mikestonia, Treenudity, Prydania, Plembobria, Nastic, and The Tresville Element.
Round Four will be Novare Res, Kranostav, Hepzibah II, Cote de Tombolo, Shoeless Joe, Lewis and Clark, Stars of Sky, Better Times and Groovistan.
Round Five will be HMS Unicorn, Sydia, The Democratic Republic of Tomb,The Twoslit Experiment, Pixiedance, Pasargad, Jamie Anumia, Unterwasserseestaat, Zeropositive and Gladio.
The two winners from each bracket will advance into the Round of Ten, where we will decide the honorary King.
(This competition will be spread over both this forum and the gameside polls, so if you vote on the forum, please DO NOT vote on the gameside poll.)
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