Chao Phraya for Speaker

Chao Phraya

TNP Nation
Before I begin my speech, I would like to thank everyone viewing this for their time, and I wish good luck to every other candidate, including the person I am currently running against, Cloud.

My Main priority for this term is the addition of more Deputies to allow for more efficiency. I will promptly appoint those who apply and have the necessary skills for it, and I do not plan on the removal of any of the current deputies. I do suggest to those who are willing to send an application for the position to me.

Similar to Marlducro, I plan to continue the Mini Citizen stat reports created by Skaraborg. My current plan is to either make it a Biweekly or Monthly occurrence. I believe it is in the best interest of The North Pacific and its citizens for such clarity by their government.

That is all I have to say for now, Your questions may and will be responded to below.
Do you have experience as a Deputy Speaker, the government overall or in the RA (have you discussed/proposed bills etc.)?

Good luck!
What do you think is the role of the Speaker? How do will you can manage the Speaker's Office such that it gets on top of votes and citizenship applications on time?
I think that the role of Speaker is one of the most crucial roles in the entire regional government, the job of properly administrating the acts of our assembly is a crucial one. On the topic of votes and citizenship, I will try to have the citizenship applications consistently monitored by one of the deputies in order for swift acceptance of Citizenship requests, and if I am elected I promise that I will do my part in Citizenship Requests also.
Do you have experience as a Deputy Speaker, the government overall or in the RA (have you discussed/proposed bills etc.)?

Good luck!
I believe in transparency so I will state the following, I do not have experience being a Deputy Speaker, but I am well versed in the laws of our great region, and believe myself capable and ready to administer these rules properly.
I believe in transparency so I will state the following, I do not have experience being a Deputy Speaker, but I am well versed in the laws of our great region, and believe myself capable and ready to administer these rules properly.
Can you clarify on "well versed" as just yesterday you said in the regional message board when asked if you have ever read the RMB rules you said and I quote "no. readings overrated anyways." I am wondering if you are talking about more general rules or what.
First of all, It's nice to see a new face step up to the plate, and even run an actual campaign. Thank you for that!

You do have a bit of a climb to make, facing off against a multi-term Deputy Speaker. What can you bring to the table that distinguishes you from Cloud, either in general or perhaps something that Cloud didn't address in their own campaign thread?

Edit: Quick question... are you on Discord?
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Can you clarify on "well versed" as just yesterday you said in the regional message board when asked if you have ever read the RMB rules you said and I quote "no. readings overrated anyways." I am wondering if you are talking about more general rules or what.
that statement on the RMB was a Joke, and i've spent multiple hours in total studying the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and The Rules of the Regional Assembly, Which I personally believe gives me the needed comprehension of the Position and its duties.
First of all, It's nice to see a new face step up to the plate, and even run an actual campaign. Thank you for that!

You do have a bit of a climb to make, facing off against a multi-term Deputy Speaker. What can you bring to the table that distinguishes you from Cloud, either in general or perhaps something that Cloud didn't address in their own campaign thread?

Edit: Quick question... are you on Discord?
I do admit that the election is heavily in Cloud's Favor due to him serving multiple terms as a Deputy Speaker and him having connections with the people of this great region, and the fact that I've only recently stepped up to attempt to fulfill the needs of this region. In response to your other question, he states that he is highly against war, while I believe that war and in turn, the NPA, is something necessary to ensure the freedom of every citizen of our region, and the citizens of every other region in NationStates.

-And to answer your final question, Yes, Im in the Discord.
Lets say that you end up winning, who do you have in mind for deputies? Just out of curiosity.
My current plan is that if I were to win, to give you an exact number on how much i have in mind, my current goal at the minimum of ten Deputies. I do not have three in mind at the current moment though, I plan on doing so in the following two days or so. Anybody who is currently interested should inform me, or cloud if he wins the position.
My current plan is that if I were to win, to give you an exact number on how much i have in mind, my current goal at the minimum of ten Deputies. I do not have three in mind at the current moment though, I plan on doing so in the following two days or so. Anybody who is currently interested should inform me, or cloud if he wins the position.
Thank you for your answer!
My current plan is that if I were to win, to give you an exact number on how much i have in mind, my current goal at the minimum of ten Deputies. I do not have three in mind at the current moment though, I plan on doing so in the following two days or so. Anybody who is currently interested should inform me, or cloud if he wins the position.
awful lot of deputies, no?
You claim that you were joking when you said you didnt read the RMB rules, were you also joking when you harrased multiple rpers by spamming a tiktok copy and paste, causing several people to complain to me?

You claim that you were joking when you said you didnt read the RMB rules, were you also joking when you harrased multiple rpers by spamming a tiktok copy and paste, causing several people to complain to me?

that wasnt copy and pasted, I individually typed everything. Also, I wouldn't consider saying i'm not reading their post as harassment.
that wasnt copy and pasted, I individually typed everything. Also, I wouldn't consider saying i'm not reading their post as harassment.

It may not be considered harassment, but it is disrespectful.

If you aren't going to read it, just don't respond to it.
Question time!
1. What do you think will be the biggest challenge as Speaker?
2. What is the current quorom?
3. What makes a good Deputy Speaker?
4. What is the procedure if a citizen application fails the admin check.
5. Why have you decided to run for Speaker?
6. Which bill or bills can be vetoed by the delegate:
A. An amendment of the constitution
B. An amendment of the Bill of Rights
C. An amendment of the Legal Code
D. All of the above
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that wasnt copy and pasted, I individually typed everything. Also, I wouldn't consider saying i'm not reading their post as harassment.
I wasnt exactly refering to the way in which you were writing it. “Aint readin allat” is a popular phrase on tiktok, and thats what i was refering to. The fact you admit to typing out every time you made your disrespectful comments dosent help you.

You spammed multiple peoples posts, specifically the RPers I am responsible for. You did it constantly even after being called out. You even did another one today.
You even did it to one of my fellow mods. You have caused alot of anger and you barely even recognize it. If you think you are worthy of being a Deputy/Speaker, think again.
For the record, Chao Phraya's membership in the Ministry of Culture has been revoked due to his inappropriate behaviour. Questions can be directed to me or the Minister of Culture, Nutmeg.