Election Templates II

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Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Election Templates
This thread will be used to store Forum-side copies of the Election Commission Templates. It will go over how to create a ballot as well as how to start the Candidacy Declarations, start of Voting, and Results pages.

Things to know for all templates:

1. Timestamps are to be done like this:
The forum will take care of conversions to everyone's local time.

1. Creating a Ballot
2. General Election Candidacy Declarations
3. General Election Voting
4. General Election Results
5. Judicial Election Candidacy Declarations
6. Judicial Election Voting
7. Judicial Election Results
8. Special Election Candidacy Declarations
9. Special Election Voting
10. Special Election Results

Creating a Ballot

There are two types of ballots, a Heads-Up (or 1v1) Ballot and an Instant Runoff Ballot. Each ballot may also have the question on reopening nominations depending on whether it is the first or a subsequent round of voting. The first round of voting will always have it. Any subsequent round, such as a runoff or a round following reopened nominations will not have it.

Any part of the ballot @@SURROUNDED_LIKE_THIS@@ needs to be replaced with real information, like the name of the office or the candidate names.

Heads-Up Ballots are only used in General Elections and Special Elections when there are only two candidates. They are never used in Judicial Elections.

Heads-Up Ballot (With RON)
[b]@@OFFICE@@:[/b] < @@CANDIDATE_1@@ | @@CANDIDATE_2@@ | Abstain >
[b]Would you like to reopen nominations?[/b] < Yes | No >

Heads-Up Ballot (No RON)
[b]@@OFFICE@@:[/b] < @@CANDIDATE_1@@ | @@CANDIDATE_2@@ | Abstain >

Instant Runoff Ballots are used in Judicial Elections, and General and Special Elections when there are three or more candidates, and they have as many lines as it has candidates. These templates will have 4 candidates. Adjust as needed.

Instant Runoff Ballot (With RON)
1. < @@CANDIDATE_1@@ | @@CANDIDATE_2@@ | @@CANDIDATE_3@@ | @@CANDIDATE_4@@ | Abstain >
2. < @@CANDIDATE_1@@ | @@CANDIDATE_2@@ | @@CANDIDATE_3@@ | @@CANDIDATE_4@@ >
3. < @@CANDIDATE_1@@ | @@CANDIDATE_2@@ | @@CANDIDATE_3@@ | @@CANDIDATE_4@@ >
4. < @@CANDIDATE_1@@ | @@CANDIDATE_2@@ | @@CANDIDATE_3@@ | @@CANDIDATE_4@@ >
[b]Would you like to reopen nominations?[/b] < Yes | No >

Instant Runoff Ballot (No RON)
1. < @@CANDIDATE_1@@ | @@CANDIDATE_2@@ | @@CANDIDATE_3@@ | @@CANDIDATE_4@@ | Abstain >
2. < @@CANDIDATE_1@@ | @@CANDIDATE_2@@ | @@CANDIDATE_3@@ | @@CANDIDATE_4@@ >
3. < @@CANDIDATE_1@@ | @@CANDIDATE_2@@ | @@CANDIDATE_3@@ | @@CANDIDATE_4@@ >
4. < @@CANDIDATE_1@@ | @@CANDIDATE_2@@ | @@CANDIDATE_3@@ | @@CANDIDATE_4@@ >

General Election Candidacy Declarations

Any part of the post @@SURROUNDED_LIKE_THIS@@ needs to be replaced with real information, like the name of the office, time stamps, etc.
1. Next Election: Month and year.
2. Delegate Term Limited: "excepting that @@TERM_LIMITED_DELEGATE@@ is unable to run for Delegate due to term limitations,"
3. Timestamps can be retrieved from https://www.epochconverter.com/
4. List of Eligible Citizens can be retrieved from the Speakers Office. Contact a Speaker or Deputy Speaker. You can also review the Citizen and Resident Registry here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aQ9EplmCzZLz7AmWQwpSXiCPo60AdyGG97PR1lD2tWM/edit

[center][big][b]Candidacy Declarations: @@MONTH@@ @@YEAR@@ General Election[/b][/big]


This General Election, The North Pacific will be electing a Delegate, Vice Delegate, and a Speaker to serve until the next election in @@NEXT_ELECTION@@. Any Citizen who has been a member for the last 15 days (since @@ELIGIBILITY_DATE@@) is eligible to run for these offices, @@CURRENT_DELEGATE_TERM_LIMITED_NOTICE_IF_NEEDED@@ and eligible members may run for more than one of these offices if they so wish. Loss of Citizenship before the conclusion of this election will also result in loss of eligibility to run for any office during this election. A list of those eligible to run is provided below.

To run, one must either accept a nomination or declare candidacy [u]in this thread[/u]. To withdraw from running, one must post a withdrawal of candidacy [u]in this thread[/u].

Acceptances of nominations, declarations of candidacy, and withdrawals of candidacy posted outside this thread will be discounted. Acceptance of a nomination is understood to also constitute declaration of candidacy even if no nomination has been made. Acceptances of nominations, declarations of candidacy, and withdrawals of candidacy must be posted during the candidacy declaration period to be valid. The candidacy declaration period is from (time=@@CANDIDACY_START_UNIX_TIME@@) (your forum time) to (time=@@CANDIDACY_END_UNIX_TIME@@) (your forum time). Voting will be approximately from (time=@@VOTING_START_UNIX_TIME@@) (your forum time) to (time=@@VOTING_END_UNIX_TIME@@) (your forum time).

This topic is intended for nominations, acceptances of nominations, declarations of candidacy, and withdrawals of candidacy; it may not be used for campaigning. Please keep in mind that lying about the election is election fraud, and that lying for any purpose is fraud.

[spoiler=Eligible to run*]@@LIST_OF_ELIGIBLE_CITIZENS@@[/spoiler]*Loss of Citizenship before the conclusion of this election will also result in loss of eligibility to run for any office during this election.

[b]Declined Nomination:[/b][list=1][*]-[/list]
[b]Invalid Nominees:[/b][list=1][*]-[/list]

[u]Vice Delegate[/u]
[b]Declined Nomination:[/b][list=1][*]-[/list]
[b]Invalid Nominees:[/b][list=1][*]-[/list]

[b]Declined Nomination:[/b][list=1][*]-[/list]
[b]Invalid Nominees:[/b][list=1][*]-[/list]

[i]Election Commissioners: @@SUPERVISOR_1@@ and @@SUPERVISOR_2@@[/i]

General Election Voting

Any part of the post @@SURROUNDED_LIKE_THIS@@ needs to be replaced with real information, like the ballots, time stamps, etc.
1. Timestamps can be retrieved from https://www.epochconverter.com/
2. Important: There is a URL for personal messages to the The Voting Booth for private voting. The account may need to be changed, for instance to The Ballot Box or The Polling Place. Also, there are @@MONTH@@ and @@YEAR@@ variables hidden in the URL. Make sure to replace those.
3. There is also another URL for questions to The Voting Booth. Make sure to change that to The Ballot Box or The Polling Place as appropriate.
4. @@/CODE@@ needs to be replaced with [/code]. This is only because the template kept breaking when it reached the [/code] line and the forum thought it was the end of the template.

[center][big][b]Voting: @@MONTH@@ @@YEAR@@ General Election[/b][/big]


Voting is now open in this General Election. Voting will be from (time=@@VOTING_START_UNIX_TIME@@) (your forum time) to (time=@@VOTING_END_UNIX_TIME@@) (your forum time), and ballots submitted outside that time are invalid.

Everyone who is a Citizen at the time voting opens is eligible to vote. Loss of Citizenship before the close of voting also results in loss of eligibility to vote.

Public Voters must use the following voting form:






Voters may submit their ballots either publicly by a post in this thread, or through personal message to [url=https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/conversations/add?to=The%20Voting%20Booth&title=@@MONTH@@%20@YEAR@@%20General%20Election%20Private%20Ballot]The Voting Booth[/url].

[spoiler=Private voting form]




Ballots not submitted according to these guidelines are invalid. Ambiguous votes are invalid. If you wish to abstain, you must only mark line #1 with Abstain and omit all other lines except "Would you like to reopen nominations?", which must still be answered. [u]Failure to properly answer "Would you like to reopen nominations?" will cause your answer to be counted as a "No".[/u] Marking a preference in any ranked choice line other than #1 will cause your abstention to be ignored and your preferences to be counted.

[b][color=red]Election Commissioners are required by law to announce private votes in the voting thread, including the candidate(s) the vote was cast for, promptly after those votes are cast. [u]To allow voters to verify their vote is individually counted, the Election Commission will provide a unique ballot ID to you as a reply to the submitted ballot, and will also include the ballot ID number when posting to the voting thread.[/u] For this reason, voters are discouraged from announcing that they have voted privately, as the subsequent public declaration by the Election Commissioners can potentially reveal how they voted.[/color][/b]

Please do not post anything other than your ballot in this thread. If you have any questions please send them directly to [url=https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/conversations/add?to=The%20Voting%20Booth&title=Election%20Question]The Voting Booth[/url] or start a new thread. Additional and unnecessary comments will be removed.

[i]Election Commissioners: @@SUPERVISOR_1@@ and @@SUPERVISOR_2@@[/i]

General Election Results

Judicial Election Candidacy Declarations

Any part of the post @@SURROUNDED_LIKE_THIS@@ needs to be replaced with real information, like the name of the office, time stamps, etc.
1. Next Election: Month and year.
2. Timestamps can be retrieved from https://www.epochconverter.com/
3. List of Eligible Citizens can be retrieved from the Speakers Office. Contact a Speaker or Deputy Speaker. You can also review the Citizen and Resident Registry here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aQ9EplmCzZLz7AmWQwpSXiCPo60AdyGG97PR1lD2tWM/edit

[center][big][b]Candidacy Declarations: @@MONTH@@ @@YEAR@@ Judicial Election[/b][/big]


This Judicial Election, The North Pacific will be electing three Court Justices to serve until the next election in @@NEXT_ELECTION@@. Any Citizen who has been a member for the last 15 days (since @@ELIGIBILITY_DATE@@) is eligible to run for this office. Loss of Citizenship before the conclusion of this election will also result in loss of eligibility to run for any office during this election. A list of those eligible to run is provided below.

To run, one must either accept a nomination or declare candidacy [u]in this thread[/u]. To withdraw from running, one must post a withdrawal of candidacy [u]in this thread[/u].

Acceptances of nominations, declarations of candidacy, and withdrawals of candidacy posted outside this thread will be discounted. Acceptance of a nomination is understood to also constitute declaration of candidacy even if no nomination has been made. Acceptances of nominations, declarations of candidacy, and withdrawals of candidacy must be posted during the candidacy declaration period to be valid. The candidacy declaration period is from (time=@@CANDIDACY_START_UNIX_TIME@@) (your forum time) to (time=@@CANDIDACY_END_UNIX_TIME@@) (your forum time). Voting will be approximately from (time=@@VOTING_START_UNIX_TIME@@) (your forum time) to (time=@@VOTING_END_UNIX_TIME@@) (your forum time).

This topic is intended for nominations, acceptances of nominations, declarations of candidacy, and withdrawals of candidacy; it may not be used for campaigning. Please keep in mind that lying about the election is election fraud, and that lying for any purpose is fraud.

[spoiler=Eligible to run*]@@LIST_OF_ELIGIBLE_CITIZENS@@[/spoiler]*Loss of Citizenship before the conclusion of this election will also result in loss of eligibility to run for any office during this election.

[u]Court Justice[/u]
[b]Declined Nomination:[/b][list=1][*]-[/list]
[b]Invalid Nominees:[/b][list=1][*]-[/list]

[i]Election Commissioners: @@SUPERVISOR_1@@ and @@SUPERVISOR_2@@[/i]

Judicial Election Voting

Any part of the post @@SURROUNDED_LIKE_THIS@@ needs to be replaced with real information, like the ballots, time stamps, etc.
1. Timestamps can be retrieved from https://www.epochconverter.com/
2. Important: There is a URL for personal messages to the The Voting Booth for private voting. The account may need to be changed, for instance to The Ballot Box or The Polling Place. Also, there are @@MONTH@@ and @@YEAR@@ variables hidden in the URL. Make sure to replace those.
3. There is also another URL for questions to The Voting Booth. Make sure to change that to The Ballot Box or The Polling Place as appropriate.
4. @@/CODE@@ needs to be replaced with [/code]. This is only because the template kept breaking when it reached the [/code] line and the forum thought it was the end of the template.

[center][big][b]Voting: @@MONTH@@ @@YEAR@@ Judicial Election[/b][/big]


Voting is now open in this Judicial Election. Voting will be from (time=@@VOTING_START_UNIX_TIME@@) (your forum time) to (time=@@VOTING_END_UNIX_TIME@@) (your forum time), and ballots submitted outside that time are invalid.

Everyone who is a Citizen at the time voting opens is eligible to vote. Loss of Citizenship before the close of voting also results in loss of eligibility to vote.

Public Voters must use the following voting form:




Voters may submit their ballots either publicly by a post in this thread, or through personal message to [url=https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/conversations/add?to=The%20Voting%20Booth&title=@@MONTH@@%20@YEAR@@%20Judicial%20Election%20Private%20Ballot]The Voting Booth[/url] with a [url=https://www.random.org/integers/?num=1&min=1&max=10000&col=1&base=10&format=html&rnd=new]random[/url] ballot ID number, using the below form. The ballot ID number will be posted together with your vote but with no reference to your identity so that you can verify that we posted your vote and any votes otherwise identical to yours, separately.

[spoiler=Private voting form]
[code][b]Ballot ID number:[/b] #



Ballots not submitted according to these guidelines are invalid. Ambiguous votes are invalid. If you wish to abstain, you must only mark line #1 with Abstain and omit all other lines except "Would you like to reopen nominations?", which must still be answered. Marking a preference in any ranked choice line other than #1 will cause your abstention to be ignored and your preferences to be counted.

[b][color=red]Election Commissioners are required by law to announce private votes in the voting thread, including the candidate(s) the vote was cast for, promptly after those votes are cast. To allow voters to verify their vote is individually counted, the Election Commission will also be including the ballot ID number. For this reason, voters are discouraged from announcing that they have voted privately, as the subsequent public declaration by the Election Commissioners can potentially reveal how they voted.[/color][/b]

Please do not post anything other than your ballot in this thread. If you have any questions please send them directly to [url=https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/conversations/add?to=The%20Voting%20Booth&title=Election%20Question]The Voting Booth[/url] or start a new thread. Additional and unnecessary comments will be removed.

[i]Election Commissioners: @@SUPERVISOR_1@@ and @@SUPERVISOR_2@@[/i]

Judicial Election Results

Special Election Candidacy Declarations

Special Election Voting

Special Election Results
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