[SC - missed quorum] The Great Jihad for National Sovereignty

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Wolf of the North
TNP Nation
Magecastle Embassy Building A5

The Great Jihad for National Sovereignty
Category: Declaration | Type: Declare
Proposed by: Mlakhavia | No Onsite Topic​

The Security Council, in the name of the sovereignty of nations and regions everywhere,

Understanding that, in many cultures, the term 'Jihad' is used to denote a righteous, and even religious, struggle, the type of which is ultimately under the scope and sovereignty of the individuals and collectives which have decided to bind themselves to it;

Resolute that the circumstances under which the world now finds itself are ones which very well may require a conviction akin to a religious one, and which, more than ever, require the application of what such cultures frequently term a 'Lesser Jihad', which describes the struggle within oneself, against one's inner demons;

Advocating that the leading figures of the powers-that-be must now come to terms with their inner demons, in the sense that they must reckon with themselves, and resolve that the right decision must be made for the betterment of worldwide society;

Praising Lone Wolves United, the Ijakan Navy, and the West Pacific Armed Forces for their recent actions taken to ensure the principles enshrined under the National Sovereigntist (herein 'NatSov') cause, through the enforced toppling of Delegates opposed to NatSov, marking a righteous and renewed military struggle against the grim tyranny of this chamber's estranged sister-body, the General Assembly;

Hereby patriotically declares the following:

  1. The tactic known as 'Quorum Raiding', whereby military forces are dispatched to regions so as to topple a Delegate that has approved a World Assembly Proposal, is an entirely legitimate military decision when it is applied defensively against the tyrannical whims of the General Assembly.
  2. NatSov is the right of all nations, and that the International Federalist (herein 'IntFed') cause is nothing more than a vile affair pushed by weak, unpatriotic liberal member-states who wish nothing more than to pursue a reckless, sovereignty-defying crusade against all that is right and good.
  3. All international councils, tribunals, committees, and bodies in general established by the General Assembly's IntFed puppet-masters are nothing more than shams full of liars, who only wish to oppress the true, patriotic, NatSov elements in the international arena.
  4. It is encouraged that all existing regional military contingents immediately dedicate themselves, via Jihad, to Quorum Raiding to such an extent that it becomes functionally impracticable for a General Assembly Proposal to ever again reach the voting floor.
  5. Thusly, that a Great Jihad should by all rights commence in favour of National Sovereignty, and against IntFed tyrant-delegates.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This is garbage. Why don't we just dissolve the World Assembly while we are at it, if everything we do is a "sham". It's a trolling, anti-GA rubbish declaration which is only here to celebrate the tactic of quorum-raiding and to undermine the efforts of every other player who does not play the way they do.
I am firmly and staunchly against.
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