[SC - Passed] Condemn Chingis

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

Condemn Chingis
Category: < Condemnation > | Target: Chingis
Proposed by: Westinor | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Fearful of those who rend asunder the world with neither malice nor spite, whose tools of destructions facilitate the deaths of thousands in fire and flame, and whose conquests are a testament to the perfection not only of the art of war, but the art of devastation,

Remembering The All the pretty colours sparkly shiny glamorous fascinating ✨ ooooh what's that? Now a mod too! Absolutely fabulous! of Chingis’ origins as a raider beginning in 2015, where they would bring unrestrained destruction to numerous communities before their rampage was stopped by powers above,

Recalling that along with Chingis’ return to the field of battle after their forced hiatus came their unabated lust for the wholesale wipeout of regions, working with Kyorgia to found the formerly Condemned region Canterlot in 2017, whose bullying towards small and growing regions under a disgusting guise of innocence and naivety were largely led by Chingis. At the same time, their engineers would begin to tinker with many dreadful innovations — the first being “Kimchi”, a targeting tool which facilitated the mass-invasion of regions and provided a taste of what was soon to come from the depths of Chingisian ingenuity,

Thunderstruck by the creation of Lily in 2018, founded by Chingis and their Canterlotian comrade Liliarchy, whose arrival to the plains of war would mark the beginnings of a new era for warfare.This was due in no small part to Chingis’ developed technology and raw skill, which pushed the tactical boundaries of combat to new heights and forced incredible operative improvement within defenderdom. The standards, technology, and operational capability of raiders and defenders alike are still shaped by Chingis' pioneering inventions today, including:

  • Koru, which elevated the ability of nations to manage and puppeteer their satellite states to a degree unheard of before — this allowed for the expansion of a single nation’s forces to match what could be mustered only by dozens of nations before, heightening the operational ability of some of the world’s finest to superhuman standards,
  • Buzzy Bee, which pushed the boundaries of crudely targeting innocent and vulnerable regions en-masse to supersonic speeds. This allowed the insanely proficient operatives of Lily to carry out record-breaking and jaw-dropping runs that regularly saw the burning of hundreds of regions in a single mission, and
  • their predecessors Ramen and 4square, some of the most effective mobilization and Regional Officer appointment tools of their time, and Miso, which further developed on Kimchi’s original region-targeting functions,

Lamenting the ruination sown by Chingis’ forces, who led some of the world’s finest operatives into the fray under the banner of Lily in operations whispered of in fear and wonder today, including:

  • Operation Supernova, a series of three attacks by Lily mechas unleashing cosmic starlight upon hundreds of regions in each onslaught. Lily and their allies would successfully blitz through 848 regions across three waves in a nearly unmatched multi-series effort that showcased in dazzling fashion what Lily would come to be,
  • Operation Stargazer, the renowned run of legend which saw eight operatives conquer 576 regions in one blistering swoop, bringing prismatic terror to every corner of this multiverse in a record-breaking display of might, and
  • July 8th, 2022, when 822 regions were raided in a single history-making operation, an exhibition of such awe-inspiring skill that left a scar across the face of Nationstates,

Aghast at Chingis’ nuclear warpath as a Horseman of the Apocalypse, initially joining the faction in 2019, and later helping to develop technology that enabled the superpowered Horsemen to more efficiently rain uranium hellfire and brimstone on their enemies. They would display shell-shocking leadership of the faction in 2020, leading a brutal battering of their rivals in the Potato Alliance — however, Chingis would taste the rare starch of defeat at the hands of the spuds in a historic comeback by the Potato Alliance,

Beleaguered by the tales of the Crabs of the Apocalypse, organized in many large parts by Chingis following the fall of the Horsemen in 2020, which rose into a faction that brought nuclear domination unlike anything ever seen before on this world. Leading the faction alongside Altmoras, Chingis would adapt the Horsemen to the introduction of Intel specialists and facilitated the management of larger satellite nation counts, bringing wanton destruction of unbelievable quantities in the systematic manner characteristic of Chingis’ style of warfare,

Believing that, though countless menaces to this world have risen throughout the eons to threaten this world and the warriors who defend it, few, if any, have matched the raw potency and unperturbed impact of Chingis, whose instruments and tactics to this day continue to imperil the fragile balance of this world,

Hereby Condemns Chingis.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This resolution aims to condemn Chingis for their raiding and N-day activities. The resolution begins by mentioning Chingis' activities in the disgraced raider organisation DEN, before citing their leadership in the tag-raider region Canterlot (which Chingis co-founded with Kyorgia). The resolution then notes Chingis' leadership in Lily (also co-founded by Chingis, this time with Liliarchy), especially noting their creation of a number of scripts to facilitate the tag raiding process; as well as their leadership of tag-raiding operations by the region. Finally, the resolution notes Chingis' leadership in the Horsemen and Crabs of the Apocalypse factions, in the 2019 and 2021 N-Days.

This is a very well-written resolution which presents a compelling case for condemning its nominee. Chingis has evidently engaged extensively with the raiding aspects of NationStates, as well as the annual N-Day events. Further, they have done so to an exceptional degree which deserves condemnation.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the at-vote SC resolution, Condemn Chingis.
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