Ephistiryl - Proxy Notice

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
@Ephistiryl has used a proxy service. I am posting this notification in compliance with the law mentioned below:

Section 1.10: Proxying
23. "Proxying" is defined as use of a proxy server to render a forum user anonymous or any practice which allows a member multiple accounts.
24. Forum administrators will inform the Government and Court of Proxying they observe.
@Ephistiryl has used a proxy service. I am posting this notification in compliance with the law mentioned below:

Section 1.10: Proxying
23. "Proxying" is defined as use of a proxy server to render a forum user anonymous or any practice which allows a member multiple accounts.
24. Forum administrators will inform the Government and Court of Proxying they observe.

Indeed, I have used a proxy service.

That's because I signed up to form while at a coffeehouse and I use a VPN to keep my privacy on public Wi-Fi.

However, I did not actually apply for citizenship while at the coffeehouse on a VPN.

Instead, I waited until I was home on a domestic IP address before doing so and have not used a proxy service since when accessing the forum.
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