Pallaith for Justice 6: Still Not Dead


Once again I ask for your vote for Justice. I have served, I will be of service.

We have a good team in place and we've had some significant judicial action recently. I wasn't able to do anything from this end during that activity, for obvious reasons, but I intend to make myself available should we run into business that I can deal with on the Court. Steady hands are important in times of crisis and controversy, and that's what I have to offer. As always, your questions or comments are welcome, and I will address them as they come.
Thoughts on this?
I don’t believe the motive he stated for why he did what he did, but the analysis is fair. The thing is, sometimes you have to rely on norms to avoid mischief and trouble, but it seems that convoluted legal gymnastics are the norm for TNP. If we can’t just try to be better, then we have to change the law. I don’t agree that it can’t be fixed. It can’t be tweaked, it can’t be fine tuned perhaps, it may require a much larger rewrite. But it can be resolved legally.