Deuxraces Lore Library [Worldbuilding}

Greater Ale Permars

RolePlay Moderator

Formed after the Épéisteian dynasty’s conquest of the Elven nation of Tovon. This formed the Great Kingdom of Deuxraces, which rules over the two realms of men and elves.

The land of Nanterre was originally a land of divided dukedoms and principalities, which fought for hundreds of years until Armand Épéiste (Épéiste being a nickname, meaning Swordsman. Originated the Épéisteian Dynasty) conquered all of Nanterre. Armand was a devout man who elevated the Church of the Two Divines and its position in the Kingdom. Making sure his Knights and Nobles submitted to its code of Chivalry and abided by religious law.

Following him, his sons and grandsons took to expanding his realm, eventually leading to the reign of Alain d’Nanterre, who, alongside his son Leonard and ten faithful knights, led an invasion of the neighbouring elven lands of the Quimoira dynasty in the enchanted forest of Tovon, a family of High Elves which ruled over a domain of other elves and magical creatures. They were the High Elven Oracle’s stewards and were charged with her protection.

But Alain and Leonard led a large army into Tovon and, with assistance from the Church, utilised their magic and successfully captured the Elven Oracle, forcing their submission. The Elven High King of Tovon, Selanar Quimoira, was then compelled to convert himself and his household to the Church of the Two Divines, and his daughter Rina Quimoira was married off to Leonard d’Alarie so as to secure a political alliance and prevent further violence.

Alain lived for two more years, eventually succumbing to wounds he sustained during the war. Leonard went on to establish a new age of reinforced chivalry. Which prioritised stabilising the realm with the new addition of the Elves and other groups, leading to an age of prosperity for the lords of the newly formed Royaume des Deuxraces. But unchanged, the peasantry still stands as impoverished and downtrodden, with many of them being caught in the crossfire during inter-noble conflicts. And as Leonard began to age and his health deteriorated, the area abiding by Chivalric principles shrank. Much of the Chivalry which used to stand as the law now, only applied in and around the capital of Damecité.

The Great Kingdom of Deuxraces since the days of the original Kingdom of Nanterre has operated under the feudal model of Government with it being very decentralized and being organized among the different fiefs and lands of nobility spread across both Nanterre and Tovon.

Constable of the Realm:
The Constable of the realm acts as the monarch's right-hand man, administering the Monarch's justice wherever he goes and ruling in his stead when away. The Constable holds significant power within the demesne lands of the monarch and is the monarch's de facto head of government when the Monarch is not involved. He has the power to command armies, to issue decrees alongside the right to Knight men when the monarch is unavailable.

The Council of Ten:
The Council of Ten acts as an advisory body that the monarch may summon any time they perceive it necessary, they are made up of some of the most prestigious men of the realm both temporal and spiritual. (Although they do mix) The council when the Monarch is ill has the power to establish a regency if the previous monarch has not established proceedings for it. Alongside this they have some say in what laws are passed, as they vote to decide on whether or not the monarch may proceed with their actions.

Powers of the Monarch:
The Monarch has the power to enforce the laws of the Kingdom, alongside the chivalric practices demanded by the Church of the Two Divines. The monarch may put forward royal decrees and for the most part their word is law, but they must heed their noble's counsel as to prevent revolt and disputes over authority. Alongside this, the monarch is entitled to the levies and taxes provided by their nobles and may summon forces to form armies from their nobility. They also determine how much and how little they get with the nobles through contracted agreements. Alongside this come the other standard powers of a monarch, such as Knighting, calling festivals and feast days etc...

[More to be added]
The Church of the Two Divines

Church of the Two Divines believes in two Gods/Goddesses: Vérité, the Goddess of Order, and Vivant, the God of life, which presides over the world in holy matrimony.

The daughter of the two divines is Gloria, the Patron of Chivalry

The God Vivant, serves as the creator of all life. He represents all the things that life is both good and bad and stands as the patriarch of the Divine family. He is a chaotic God, though not mischievous. He represents fate and time, and all being. Alongside this he is tempered by his wife who keeps him in order.

The Goddess Vérité is the progenitor of all order which exists within the world. She tempers the wild nature of Vivant and keeps him stable and from completely destroying his creations. She provides peace and arbitrates disputes among the divines.

The Patron Gloria is the daughter of the two previous divines. She stands as the guardian and creator of Chivalry in its forms within Deuxraces and originally Nanterre. She provides the magic which the current Church uses and is what all knights in the Kingdom are anointed under. Alongside this, she has been known to manifest herself before humanity and grants powers and magics to those that are worthy. She is also the Lady of Courtly Love presiding over their laws and procedures and deciding the outcomes of those that pursue it.

Code of Knightly Chivalry:
1. Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches, and thou shalt observe all its directions.
2. Thou shalt defend the Church.
3. Thou shall not draw his sword against a fellow knight except in a tourney, trial by combat or battle.
4. Thou shalt love the country in which thou wast born.
5. Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy.
6. Thou shalt make war against the infidel without cessation and without mercy.
7. Thou shalt perform thy feudal duties scrupulously if they be not contrary to the laws of the Divine.
8. Thou shalt never lie, and shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word.
9. Thou shall always to display honour and courtesy
10. Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.

Laws of courtly love:
1. Marriage is no real excuse for not loving.
2. He who is not jealous cannot love.
3. No one can be bound by a double love.
4. When made public, love rarely endures.

Disputes of love may be settled by a tribunal, which is made up of a council of noble ladies
or is decided via glorious combat
Where the winner slays their opponent for the hand of their love.
Trial by Combat is something that may be invoked at any time during the proceedings of the trial
And during combat, one may yield and concede their love. But this only means that they are to be blinded, their tongue removed, branded on the back of the hand with the letter A and they are to have their titles and fiefs stripped from them.

Laws on Adultery

In regards to explicit male adultery, the male is to be stripped of all their rank and titles and is to be hung or beheaded. In extreme circumstances, they are to be burned at the stake.

For female adultery, the woman is to be stripped naked, their head shaved and walked through the streets as an act of atonement for their sins. Alongside this, the woman is to be stripped of all rank and title and is to be cloistered for the rest of her life. In extreme conditions, they are to be burned at the stake.
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-Location: Located on the North Eastern side of Avon, bordering the Kingdom of Lumina to the south and the Kingdom of Wireenas to the south. Borders the Glittering Sea and the Argent Ocean.

-Map References: Located on the continent of Avon

-Area: 621,899 Pixels

Total: 621, 899 Km^2

Comparative: Ukraine, Central African Republic

-Climate: Quite temperate in the northern regions, colder towards the hinterlands and south.

-Terrain: Mostly flat plains or gently rolling hills in the north and west; the remainder is mountainous with intermittent characteristics of northern/western type areas.

-Natural Resources: Coal, iron ore, bauxite, zinc, silver, uranium, antimony, arsenic, potash, feldspar, fluorspar, gypsum, timber, arable land, fish

-Natural Hazards: Flooding; avalanches; midwinter windstorms; drought

-Geographical Notes: Things that don't fit into any other categories but are still notable

People and Society:

-Nationality: Deuxréalmer, Des deux royaumes

-Ethnicities: Human majority and High Elven, Wood Elven, Goblin, Gnomish, Pixie, Centaur Ect. minorities

-Languages: Common, Langue haute (High Tongue), High Elvish, Wood Elvish, Ect

-Religions: 58% CTD, 32% Followers of the Oracle 10% misc, The Church of the Two Divines (CTD) is the National Religion

-Population: 19,567,321

-Age structure:

0-20: 23%

20-50: 51%

50-65: 16%

65+: 10%

-Median age: 40.5

-Life expectancy: Depending on the race, immortal or 31.3 years

-Fertility: How many children, on average, per woman: 4-8 per woman


-Name: Royaume des deuxraces

-Government type: Feudal Monarchy

-Capital: Damecité

-Dependent areas: TBD

-National Holiday: TBD

-Citizenship: A person must be male or born into a citizen family, reside in the city for a certain number of years, be engaged in a respectable business, pay a substantial entry fee, and have other citizens vouch for his character.

-Suffrage: None

-Executive branch: The King and his appointed officers.

Head of state: Eleanor d'Nanterre, Reine des deuxraces

Head of government: Raymond d'Alentoise, Connétable du royaume

Elections: None

-Legislative branch: Le Conseil des Dix

Description: The council of ten is a Monarch appointed position separate from the officers of the crown that is made up of the essential lay and clerical nobility of the realm.

Elections: None

-Flag description: Red and White Quarted Flag with on the top left the symbol of the elven Oracle in gold, below that in the bottom left a gold deer representing the wood elves, and on the right two fleurs de lis also gold.

-National Symbols: The Fleur de Lis and a golden goblet

-National anthem: None


-Overview: Primarily Agrarian, some industries centred primarily in cities

-Agriculture: Barley and wheat are the most important crops in most regions; oats and rye were also grown, along with a variety of vegetables and fruits. Oxen and horses are used as draft animals. Sheep are raised for wool, and pigs are raised for meat.

-Industries: Crafts in metal, wood, leather, and glass expanded in such large towns as Damecité and Levantville, Cloth work—weaving, dyeing, fulling—prospered in regional centres such as Genedam, with specialities in fine cloths concentrated in Charlun and Dibonne.

-Labour force: 12,674,238 People


Military and Security:

-Service age: Minimum age of 16 for service, 21 for knighthood, Male only unless permitted, Men are called up by levy, and it is mandatory. Desertion is punished by death

Typical Makeup of a Lord of Deuxraces's army:

400 Knights
800 Squires
800 Men at Arms
400 Gros Valets
1600 Valets
800 Archers
300 Crossbowmen
+ Several hundred militia/commoners with shields & spears, crossbows, pole weapons or a pike.

-Military expenditures: N/A

-Disputes: TBD

-Illicit Drugs: Many…
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