MoWAA May 2023 Closing Address


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Closing Address

Let me keep this short.

At the start of this term, I made 3 promises. The first was trying to up the activity of the ministry. While we worked with a largely reduced staffer base, we continued to have activity on the forumside voting threads, and have been promptly releasing our Information-for-Voters within the first 12 hours of something getting to vote. These were targets that we set out to achieve, and we can safely check the box to ensure that our WA ministry continues to remain active and on our toes on the queue of WA proposals.

The second goal was to have more co-operations across WALL, other regions, and to improve the WA Mentorship Program. On this end, I believe that while the outcome was less than ideal, we achieved lots of things. Our Heroes of Valhalla program expanded to include The East Pacific, and with the help of our friends, we passed a grand total of 7 commendations under the program. We laid the foundations by re-establishing the framework for a mentorship program, opening the door for more newcomers to come onboard the World Assembly. I believe the foundations that we laid would be beneficial for the next term and for the Ministry to improve its outreach and co-operations across regions.

The last goal is probably my only regret for the term. We had quite some plans to engage gameside on WA voting and to bring the forum voting system to them, but they were largely affected by the external events, as well as the RL commitments of myself resulting in being unable to support the tech stack required for the program. This would be something that I would continue to work on in my free time, and hopefully be able to produce something that the new Ministry Leadership can take up should they decide to do so.

Finally, let me take this time to thank @Hulldom for keeping his faith in me as a Minister of WA, as well as my deputies @Nutmeg The Squirrel @Chipoli @Magecastle @Simone_Republic @Greater Cesnica for their work as Deputies. I would like to also extend my congratulations to Chipoli for being re-appointed as Minister of WA Affairs.

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