Seal Legality Act:Section 9.1, clause 5 will be amended as follows:
Section 9.1:5. Each seal of The North Pacific's government institutions may not be used except to represent the government institution that established it.
Section 9.1:5. The Coat of Arms of The North Pacific may not be used except to represent The North Pacific or an official regional entity.
Let's face it, clause 5 has no effective legal weight anymore. While I have advocated for keeping it in the past, under the argument that the Coat of Arms has no legal weight to represent TNP without TNP being able to defend and limit its use, TNP's legal institutions never do actually defend it. For this reason, I propose we limit clause 5 to something that TNP would be willing to defend: its government seals, which would make a strong case for Fraud if used maliciously. This would leave the Coat of Arms to be used freely by the citizenry, which represents how it's currently used in reality, while still allowing the government to affix official seals to its publications.