Commend Spiritus
Category: Commendation | Target: Spiritus
Proposed by: Felix Legion I, Co-authored by: Creeperopolis, Ostrovskiy | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Recalling that in 2012, the region Spiritus sprouted from the multiversal garden under the watchful guidance of groundskeeper nationThe Spirit, growing into a sizeable community that has endured for over a decade,
Grateful for the historic iteration of Spiritus’ defender military, the Spiritus Defense Force (SDF), which peaked in 2013–14 (with a later resurgence in 2015–17). This organization was dedicated to uprooting invader weeds from countless regions across hundreds of operations, famously:
- Saving at least 18 regions from occupation in May-June 2015 as a substantial or plurality military force in said operations, including long-time communities such as St Abbaddon and The Arab League,
- Contributing to the renowned liberation of Anne Frank in late 2014, when the region was assailed by fascist militants,
- Wiping away the remaining vandalistic seeds of The Black Riders some time after their implosion from existence. This effort was spearheaded by members Amhran and Blitze with foreign assistance from Ravania,
Congratulating Spiritus on their long-time diplomatic connections throughout the defender sphere, especially with the South Pacific, formalized by the implementation of the Lampshade Accords in 2015. This relationship has been the result of years of commitment to one another, such as the infamous 2013 Milograd coup d'état, during which the SDF fought for the Coalition, culminating in the restoration of the legitimate government,
Acclaiming Spiritus’ role in helping Osiris in 2013 during a period of upheaval in Osiris, when the region was subjected to a coup d'état by Gatesville Inc. (an organization previously condemned by this body). During this time, the SDF contributed extensive military support to the Kemetic Republic of Osiris and declared war on Gatesville for their transgressions,
Respecting the stoicism of Spiritus’ World Assembly Delegation, long represented by The Salaxalans (barring a brief hiatus in 2018-20), which has been a constant participant in the body, with stability and activity rivaling historic regions such as Texas, and eventually becoming an early member of the Partnership for Sovereignty bloc,
Praising the cultural prowess of the Spiritus community, being a key attribute of many inter-regional events, such as the Spirited Southern Rejects festival, a week-long event they co-hosted with fellow allies The South Pacific and The Rejected Realms in 2016 that included a plethora of games and social events for attendees to enjoy,
Adoring the annual cultural “Potato Pardon” tradition in Spiritus, overseen by The Salaxalans. Each year, two emotive potatoes are presented to the community of Spiritus, where they, along with other interested spectators, vote on which potato will be spared from a mashed or boiled demise,
Inspired by the community and alliance building, spearheaded by Spiritus via the Potato Alliance, an organization dedicated to mutual protection and aims during the regular nuclear apocalypses which have befallen the universe. Through The Quiescent Platypus and other Spiritus members’ persistence, it became an iconic fixture of the event for many years, notable for:
- Having humble beginnings as a Spiritus-oriented faction before plowing forth and rallying several like-minded regions from the defender sphere and corners of the world under the tater-banner, cultivating a fantastic atmosphere in the face of nuclear hellfire,
- Bursting into a second-place finish in the fifth nuclear apocalypse in a marvelous counterattack against the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, after being in hiding within the undergrowth of the very enemies that decimated them in the first wave,
- Facing off honorably against the insurmountable Crabs of the Apocalypse, being the only alliance to pierce their extensive defenses during the conflict,
- Finishing third in the seventh nuclear apocalypse, holding out against repetitive and intense nuclear hellfire as a result of the organization’s resolve and unmatched defensive skill amongst its leaders,
Recognizing the modern revival of the SDF, which, while not as large in size and activity as the historic iteration, has put its best efforts forward since 2022 in aiding siege and liberation efforts, amusingly with their spudly comrades in The Potato Union,
In awe at the far-reaching nature of the iconic potato-themed brand of Spiritus, resulting in the food being officially adopted by the World Assembly via On the Supremacy of the Potato,
Looking back at Spiritus’ enriched history and their contributions to almost every aspect of the multiverse in protecting innocent regions, cultural prowess, and sowing a firmly positive reputation and influence on a community level,
Hereby commends the Baked Potato (with Cheese and Sour Cream) of Spiritus.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
13 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
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