[Passed] Confirmation of Fregerson as Election Commissioner


Spammer in Chief
He/Him, They/Them
TNP Nation
The Delegate:
...I hereby appoint @Fregerson to a term as Election Commissioner.

@Fregerson has been appointed to serve as an Election Commissioner by Delegate @Hulldom. I hereby open the floor for debate and discussion on the nomination. I would welcome a statement in support of the nomination from the Delegate.

Should this reach a vote, I will put the following motion before the Regional Assembly:
The Regional Assembly, acting on the nomination of the Delegate, appoints Fregerson to the Election Commission.
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Fregerson has performed excellently in their prior service on the EC and their present tenure, both on it and in the Cabinet, continue to prove their record as a truly exemplary public servant. I hope the Assembly will join me in supporting them for a further term on the EC.

Edit: I can tell you from where I just edited that, that was literally autocorrect.
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Freg is a peepeeface, idk why this is even up for discussion tbh

Full support.