Roll Call January 2023


Hear ye, oh hear ye!

Please fill out the following and post in this thread. The roll call will be open for 72 hours at which point those who have not responded will be banished to the twilight zone removed from the ministry.
Current posting(s):
Which off-site platforms of the region you are posted to are you present on (e.g. Discord, forums etc.):
Preferred posting(s) going forward (NB this does not guarantee anything):
Name: Owenstacey
Current posting(s): None
Which off-site platforms of the region you are posted to are you present on (e.g. Discord, forums etc.):
Preferred posting(s) going forward (NB this does not guarantee anything):
Name: Comfed
Current posting(s): Greater Dienestad
Which off-site platforms of the region you are posted to are you present on (e.g. Discord, forums etc.): Discord (that’s all they have)
Preferred posting(s) going forward (NB this does not guarantee anything): anything (but would be happy to take more)
Last edited:
Name: Caius
Current posting(s): Lone Wolves United, Spritius
Which off-site platforms of the region you are posted to are you present on (e.g. Discord, forums etc.): LWU (Discord), Spritus (Forum, Discord)
Preferred posting(s) going forward (NB this does not guarantee anything): Anything
Name: Treekidistan
Current posting(s): Forest, Lazarus, The East Pacific, United Kingdom, Sky Haven, THTHI
Which off-site platforms of the region you are posted to are you present on (e.g. Discord, forums etc.): Discord of all the above said.
Preferred posting(s) going forward (NB this does not guarantee anything): No more extra postings other than getting replaced, would like to get a few removed.
Name: Spacenerdtopia
Current posting(s): None
Which off-site platforms of the region you are posted to are you present on (e.g. Discord, forums etc.): Not applicable
Preferred posting(s) going forward (NB this does not guarantee anything): Anything