- Pronouns
- He/Him

It is my honour and privilege to have been appointed to serve as your Minister of Foreign Affairs for the next four months. I am immensely fortunate to be able to take over the ministry after my predecessor and boss @Hulldom did such an outstanding job over the past eight months; I have seldom been fortunate enough to take over a ministry or region in a good state throughout my time in NationStates so my gratitude at not finding a steaming crater in the middle of the ministerial office cannot be understated.
Independence is the lifeblood that flows through the veins of the North Pacific's FA; but what does Independence mean? As complex and scary as that question may seem, to me it has a rather simple answer, Independence means to pursue what is best for your region. Independence is perhaps the only ideology on NationStates which does not ask its adherents to sacrifice their best interests at it's altar. Instead, Independence is a vector through which the North Pacific can continually pursue its own interests. To bastardise a quote from Michael Oakeshott, to be Independent is to prefer the familiar to the unknown, to prefer the tried to the untried, fact to mystery, the actual to the possible, the limited to the unbounded, the near to the distant, the sufficient to the superabundant, the convenient to the perfect, present laughter to utopian bliss. To be Independent is to ensure that in everything you do, your region is put first and foremost; and that is what I will do.
It is in this vein that I am announcing the reopening of on-site embassies with Lone Wolves United; although our interests may not always align, although we may not always agree, that does not mean we cannot have some sort of relationship. If our response to the slightest disagreement, to the faintest whiff that smells vaguely of a cleavage of opinion, is to slam the door in the face of regions that are willing to work with us, we will find ourselves hemmed into a corner of our own making. It is my hope that, over the coming months, we will pursue further relationships as TNP gets back out into the world.
Moving onto the organisation of the ministry, I am reappointing @Treekidistan and @Attempted Socialism as Deputy Ministers; I am sure they will assist ably with the task at hand. I will also be conducting a review into the way we train, allocate and utilise our ambassadors so as to ensure we are not wasting valuable manpower. The Foreign Affairs ministry will also more closely integrate its work with that of the Culture ministry; to ensure that our cultural capital is most effectively deployed to assist our Foreign Affairs goals, and vice versa. We will also collaborate more intensely on the production of NBS broadcasts.
Best wishes, and here is to the term ahead
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