[GA - PASSED] - Repeal "International Patent Agreement"

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

International Patent Agreement
Category: Repeal | GA #394
Proposed by: Heidgaudr | Onsite Topic
Replacement: None​

General Assembly Resolution #394 “International Patent Agreement” (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The General Assembly,

Recognizing that many member nations realize significant and tangible economic benefits through the recognition of patents;

Contending that economic benefit should not be the only measurement for deciding the legitimacy of patents;

Saddened that patents allow rightsholders to deny those most in need access to lifesaving inventions, such as medical treatments, due to external factors, such as being poor;

Believing the only solution is through the repeal of the target resolution;

Certain that member nations are able to capably handle the application and granting of patents according to their economic and ideological needs without the imposition of World Assembly legislation;

Hereby repeals General Assembly Resolution #394 "International Patent Agreement".
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This proposal repeals GAR#394 "International Patent Agreement" on the grounds that "economic benefit" should not be the only consideration in according patents, and complaints that the resolution allows patent rights-holders access to lifesaving inventions such as medical treatments, followed by a sovereignty argument that reverts recognising patents to WA member states based on "their economic and ideological needs".

We believe patents are a foundation to economic development and prosperity, as it rewards inventors for the risks they take - whether it's the solo inventors of the 18th century, extending through industrialization and to 21st century companies at the forefront of technology today, be it health sciences, aerospace, or artificial intelligence. International cooperation in patents is a necessity as it reduces the risk of counterfeiting and also gives large-scale research and development projects a better chance to recoup their investment through sales in multiple markets.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends Against the General Assembly proposal at vote, "Repeal "International Patent Agreement"".
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Kas: do you mind voting again? You beat me to me posting my own reply, I can then delete your last vote
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Against. Not keen on the statements made in the repeal. Principally on personal political grounds as I consider myself a conservative (small "c") in terms of economic policy - and I consider the use of patents to protect drug manufacturers to be an absolute necessity to encourage innovation.

I won't comment further as I think this is a matter of principles, and we can spend the rest of our lives defending them (and indeed most politicians and issues campaigners/community organizers do, in their real lives).
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For because of the coin flip
The gods commanded me to vote against, but because of the coin flip I shall disobey the gods and also vote for.

I consider the use of patents to protect drug manufacturers to be an absolute necessity to encourage innovation.
As opposed to, say, government subsidies (which increase producer revenue yet actually do increase accessibility, by the way)?
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The gods commanded me to vote against, but because of the coin flip I shall disobey the gods and also vote for.

As opposed to, say, government subsidies (which increase producer revenue yet actually do increase accessibility, by the way)?

I would suspect most NS participants are Americans and far more likely to vote Democratic, but 50.6% of Americans as a whole voted Republican, using Dave Wasserman's latest figures on Cook Political. So I am probably a minority in terms of views here, but I am not necessarily in a minority across the United States. I am at peace with that.
The gods commanded me to vote against, but because of the coin flip I shall disobey the gods and also vote for.

As opposed to, say, government subsidies (which increase producer revenue yet actually do increase accessibility, by the way)?

I oppose government intervention on most health care related matters (as you can check my voting records on most health care related votes here) so that would include subsidies.
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Against. Repealing an international patent agreement will yield short-term benefits of improved technology access but is incredibly corrosive to innovation incentives. An unnecessary and harmful repeal.
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Property rights over patents as should be respected.
It is the right of every creator of ideas technology and advancements to gain profit from it.
Not seems, it is a good thing.

I believe the government should not generally play a role in health care other than to promote innovation and competition. I have voted at least five times against anything to do with government providing free health care (I did a search just now) in this Forum, this would be at least the sixth.
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For or against? It matters not. I alone know what the citizens need and will do whatever keeps them healthy. If a wealthy nation hoarding tech is upset by this, then I don't want to appease them anyways.
I am against on the basis that there is no replacement being drafted. Though the repeal alleges that this is because nations are capable of handling this domestically, I doubt the correctness of this argument. The potentially international nature of patents and their implementations means that the GA is well-suited to providing a universal solution to possible issues.
Against. Prefer an incoming replacement to be in place for such an important resolution in ensuring the foundations of a patent system across the multiverse.
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