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- Freg#0420

Repeal "Condemn Ever-Wandering Souls"
Category: Repeal | Target: SC #326
Proposed by: Quebecshire, Co-authored by: Writinglegend | Onsite Topic
Replacement: None
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Reiterating that condemnation by this august body is one of the highest forms of punitive recognition a nation can receive for villainy and subversion,
Acknowledging the prior passage of Condemn Ever-Wandering Souls (Souls), which sought to condemn the nominee for their many years as a figure in raiding,
Respecting that the writing of SC#326 is excellent and up to modern standards of quality, though nevertheless unconvinced that the nominee is deserving of recognition by the Security Council for their alleged misdeeds,
Recognizing that SC#236 mentions Souls’ involvement and leadership in numerous raiding organizations, though contending that their career in the multiverse is primarily viewed through their role in The Black Hawks specifically,
Questioning the relevance of the “Iterating” clause, as ensuring the destruction of The Black Riders and “denying [them] any chance at salvation” is not a condemnable act given The Black Riders’ reputation as a repulsive organization which has been forever removed from the plane of existence by divine intervention,
Asserting that Souls’ leadership of The Black Hawks was, on the whole, detrimental to raiderdom due to their advancement of the parasitic and self-defeating “Raider Unity” ideology. Under Souls’ leadership, the Council of Hawks exploited and attempted to vassalize other raider organizations, notably the iteration of HYDRA at the time, decidedly making Souls’ style of leadership damaging to raider objectives,
Recalling that Souls has played a major role in the political alienation of imperialist and Independent regions from supporting invaders, where regions such as The Land of Kings and Emperors and Balder, previously reliable supporters of invasions, were pushed away from raiderdom by Souls’ dogmatic and antagonistic demeanor, thereby adding significantly to the political crisis faced by raiderdom today,
Dissatisfied with the claim that Souls is condemnable in nature, as nations which are most deserving of the designation are those which operate with unmitigated brutality, whereas, in the rare instances where they have produced a viable scheme, Souls has often failed to follow through on their proclaimed nefarious intentions, especially when said intentions were brought to the public eye, such as:
- Hiding from the public eye almost completely in the aftermath of the “Red Phone” intelligence disclosures. Souls repeatedly asserted their interest in subverting and eventually destroying the South Pacific’s legitimate government in these declassified documents, but refused to expend their own effort and later retreated from answering for their boasts,
- A series of intelligence and subversion operations planned by another organization Souls holds commanding rank in, targeting multiple regions, most notably Balder, which were unsuccessful and abandoned due to poor planning and execution on all fronts, such incompetence and the subsequent public fallout further isolating raider regions in the public discourse,
Delighted that many founded regions were further protected against permanent damage and seizure as a result of Souls’ diplomatic folly. Due to the loss of support from many imperialist and Independent groups, liberating coalitions and their allies have found passing preventative liberations to be of relative ease with minimal controversy, in part thanks to diplomatic repulsion by raiders encouraging more moderate regions to support these measures,
Concluding that while the target resolution is well articulated, Souls lacked ability, efficiency and tactful calculation while leading The Black Hawks, ultimately undermining their own ill-intended goals, dismantling their suitability for condemnation,
Affirming that while Souls held several positions in raiding high command over several years, their contributions to raiderdom have undoubtedly been feeble and that of a cosmic liability, and therefore,
Hereby repeals SC 326 “Condemn Ever-Wandering Souls”.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
10 | 5 | 0 | 4 |